WWII Pilot: What Hollywood Left Out from ‘Masters of the Air’ TV Series | Glenn TV | Ep 346
There’s a lesson or two (or 20) today’s younger generations could learn from the men and women who served in World War II. “America’s Greatest Generation” suited up, stared evil in the face, and they did what needed to be done to protect freedom … often with zero complaints. “Saving Private Ryan” was the first depiction to come close to what WWII veterans truly experienced and then “Band of Brothers” and “The Pacific” did the same. But until recently, there wasn’t a similar production showcasing the heroes who spent much of the war in the sky. Finally, “Masters of the Air” is doing just that. One of the pilots who helped inspire the series, John “Lucky” Luckadoo, joins Glenn in-studio to share real-life war experiences with the Air Force’s “Bloody Hundredth” bomber unit that Hollywood will never be able to fully capture — like how pilots could barely breathe while flying the B-17 planes and the one aspect of war he chose never to focus on: “I worked my tail off,” he says, rather than fixating on the reality that he may never make it home. Plus, “Lucky” gives a brutally honest answer on how he dealt with the psychological pressure of World War II, and he shares one part of the story of the “Bloody Hundredth” that Hollywood chose to leave out …
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Goodness! This lovely gentleman hero is amazing! I could listen to him for hours/days.
Lucky's dad was a wise man
How humbling to hear what these men experienced and the problems of the day are small in comparison. God bless you.
Did pilots and co pilots take turns?
This man is nothing short of amazing!
We as humans have never learned. Because evil is in the hearts of man but with Jesus and only with him! Can we defeat evil from with in!
Thank you, Lucky! I’m glad to hear your story. You are an encouragement to all. You are a top gun!
I love stories like this. They have sacraficed much for us
Best interview ever!!! 🙏🫡🇺🇸
My father was in WWII- I'm just glad he didn't live to see what they're teaching kids aboud "gender fluid"& "Marxism's better than democracy/the Republic,& Capitalism". Our gov. has mostly been taken over by wef-minded idiots, Hell-bent on a Totalitarian NWO🔥 We the people must be as brave as this man willing to lose our lives to keep our Freedom & America intact. Teach your kids@ home, the school system is an unfit/ unsafe,& immoral place.
Here is something to think about, we are as far away from World War II as the Civil War was to World War II.
I miss this generation.
102 years old and speak better then Biden 😂
What an extraordinary gentleman ❤We say the same thing here in the UK, they were Britain's GREATEST generation. It's BECAUSE of them that we are FREE today. Schools need to teach children just how remarkable they were. Thank you for your service Mr. Luckadoo. We must NEVER forget their gift to us ❤❤❤
I can't give him a thumbs up. War is necessary. Evil. Awful. Painful. Compromise if it's anti freedom doesn't help anything. I salute his service however. I need to buy more food
It wasnt so long ago i had to ride a bike through sleet and snow 5 miles to get to my aprenticeship by 7:30 i say oh poor babies 😢😢😢😢it aint nothing by many standards but i did it 😮
My uncle Sargent Edward Murphy, left waist gunner died on a Schweinfurt mission only the copiolet lived. I was born in 1956
So I never met him except once
While at my Grandparents house
His parents, it was my bedtime I
Looked up at his photo on the wall
And wondered if his spirit ever comes around and at that split second I found out that there was a
Full Moon that night as the roll up
(Cream colored) Blackout curtain went spinning up without anything
Touching it and the brilliant moon light flooded the room. It scared the
Hell out of me!
A special thanks to all WW2 vets
10% JB is working to make the economy harder and harder. The lefties are showing him how.
How can it be that Rosevelt could not get into World War Two without his support of the American 14:33 14:49 public? Have you heard of the American government refusing their constitution to protect diplomatic immunity for democratic elections in Ukrainians or conflict zone in need?! Slk
One of the other reasons the U.S. bombed during the daylight while the Brits would only conduct bombing operations at night — apart from our industrial ability to churn out war material — was SPECIFICALLY to try to exhaust the Luftwaffe. If the Brits bombed at night and the U.S. bombed by day in a combined team effort, the Luftwaffe would attrit faster and eventually collapse. Indeed, by late 1944, the Luftwaffe was a shell of its former self.
Lovely bloke but deluded on the economy.
The nuclear scientist thought they might burn up the entire atmosphere if they set it off. They were absolutely relieved after White Sands. I had Oppenheimer for a college professor late in life and he had some amazing stories about Las Alamos and White Sands. It was wonderful to hear history from people who made it!
47:13 Eisenhower was amazing, but he also hired the Dulles brothers who allowed a lot of what they did with the CIA, in Iran and Guatemala, to undermine the piece he was trying to create. Look up Steven Kinzer, OVERTHROW. Eisenhower had to have known what was going on. He also allowed that last you to flight to go over Soviet Russia and undermine those potential peace talks.
42:00 when you asked him about fighting Hitler's Nazism and he identified the palpable evil, you did not follow up with some subsequent question about to what degree he saw any future problems, either during the war or after, from Stalinist RussiSoviet Union. … (44:00 though he did refer to the Berlin Airlift.)
And it would have been interesting to ask him how he had related to veterans of the Pacific War.
As to the precipice upon which we stand with regards to another gyreat Depression, I can only imagine it's difficult to have taken this man's time up, but you also did not ask him about the threat of 35 trillion dollars in debt.
I sailed in the Merchant Marine with men who had been repeatedly torpedoed. Obviously I exhibited no valor in my shorts see going years.
Twelve O'Clock High? (Gregory Peck) …. Realistic? Hard to watch
The Best Years Of Our Lives? Dana Andrews? Realistic?
Any proximity to Jimmy Stewart and any note of his aging in that famous duel picture, "before and after?"
Halfway through, and while I I realize Hollywood is not real life, but I wonder why you didn't ask.
I think he meant "Berlin Air Lift" not Berlin air raids.
A late friend of mine was a B-17 bombardier in a group that shared the same base as the "Bloody 100th". (Thorpe Abbotts) He told me that the reason the 100th was singled out for special treatment by the Luftwaffe was because one of their B-17 crews had faked surrender and with their wheels down had shot up a German air base. I don't know if that story is true. He said that there was an underground hospital at Thrope Abbotts that was full of 100th group members and that a lot of them were just plain crazy. RIP James R. Blett.
What an Amazing Outlook on Life / World Events…God Bless OUR Veteran's and Never Forget How We Got There…And Being Invaded From Within…Such a Wise Man…Thank You – For Your Service… I Salute You…Sir…Gods Speed…
One of my mentors was a B-17 pilot who was shot down over France twice.
9 to 5 was hard for me during my career too. I was always finding my self getting to work at 7AM an leaving at 8PM.
9 to 5 was hard for me during my career too. I was always finding my self getting to work at 7AM an leaving at 8PM.
Glenn Beck gets a serious lesson in reality starting about the 40:00 mark.
It's funny to watch Glenn Beck trying to bait "Lucky" Luckadoo in trying to bait him into voicing his opinions against the Greatest Generation. To his credit, John does not take the bait and explains to Glenn towards the end to the video that they all did what they were called to do, defend the Constitution. Stand up to the those who were trying to tear this country apart. Thank God for Men like John Luckadoo. Hopefully today's people will realize what John's generation did to endure to save our country for what it is, a democratic republic, and NOT an autocratic country as some hope it might become. Screw them. We are Americans and stand for our Founding Fathers' beliefs. We are not an autocratic society. We believe in power to the people.
Most of them were farm boys, familiar with death because of farm animals.
Excellent interview.
I love watching these heroes of the greatest generation.
Thank you Glenn for hosting "Lucky's" most excellent interview. Much respect to this dear man for his gallant service to his country, in the sky over Germany in WW2.
In 1940 the average battle life of an RAF fighter pilot was 6 weeks. They worked 18 hour shifts, flew between 3 and 12 sorties per day and were often outnumbered 25 to 1. Few survived. Between 1941 and 1943, NO British bomber crews survived their tours. Joining the airforce was a death sentence. My uncle Peter died October 1940, he was a good pilot and had lasted 8 weeks. My father flew bombers from 1943 and ended up a squadron leader (acting). He was then sent to fly Dakotas against Japan 'for a rest'. (On his last trip to Germany his tail gunner was hit by cannon fire from an Me109 and the remains were hosed out from the rear cockpit.) I have a photo of him and 4 crew sitting above a large hole in the side of the plane, the mid-upper gunner was wounded as they corkscrewed away. Flying is dangerous when other people are trying to kill you.
Check out Len Deighton's 'Fighter' and also 'Bomber'.
Unfortunately you cannot compromise with a Hitler .
All World War Two veterans are rolling over in their graves. This was an excellent interview with one of our " HEROS' who saved the world. Thank you sir.
With pride and heartache, we who served, salute the fallen, our greatest of friends. We fight for their honor to the very end.