‘You Are a Target’: Exposing How the Government Is Weaponized Against YOU | Glenn TV | Ep 270
Today, April 19, 2023, marks exactly 30 years since the Branch Davidian compound erupted in a massive fireball, ending the 51-day standoff. In the end, four federal agents were killed, 20 wounded, and around 75 Branch Davidians, including 25 children, were dead. A new Netflix documentary, “Waco: American Apocalypse,” gives an in-depth and fair telling of the event. Some of the footage Netflix gave “Glenn TV” includes chilling interviews with some of the Branch Davidian cult survivors, their family members, and FBI agents who wrestled with the question: Did federal law enforcement agencies do everything they could to save as many lives as possible, or did some of their tactics help lead to the horrific massacre? Glenn argues that Waco is one of the biggest examples of what a reckless and weaponized government is capable of. You would think we would have learned some lessons in the aftermath and reined in agency powers, but the federal bureaucracy has only expanded EXPONENTIALLY to now target peaceful Catholics and pro-life Christians. Former FBI agent and whistleblower Steve Friend tells Glenn federal law enforcement officials are rewarded for actions that don’t just accomplish the mission, but create a big splash, as we saw with Waco and January 6 protesters. Glenn asks: Can the FBI be reformed? “I don’t think it can,” says Steve. “It’s beyond any sort of redemption.” Glenn also reveals that while constitutional abuses occur under the ATF and FBI, there are HUNDREDS of under-the-radar agencies like the Department of Energy, OSHA, and the Department of Agriculture weaponizing their power against U.S. citizens every day. But not all hope is lost. Remember the Biden administration’s Disinformation Governance Board? We ended that in just three weeks. Together, we are not powerless.
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I took an oath to me it wasn't a bunch of words that I repeated just to get a job. It was a commitment with no expiration, a sense of duty to this country it's citizens, our documents, and the architects that drew out those document's. I'm not a terrorist, I mean no harm but I am committed to my oath. Don't start nothing and there won't be nothing.
The government has learned lessons from their over reach and adapted itself to take more, it's been planned for along time. But the government only has the authority we give them. We need to our get our heads in the game, quit feeling sorry for ourselves. We are the same America that saved this world twice. We are born from the farmers, store owners and laborers who had a lot less but sent the British back home defeated. We put God back in the drivers seat. It doesn't have to include violence but it has to be done. We have to do it, no one elected will they have to much money to lose. If we don't we will lose every thing.
They are still doing it
They wanted McVeigh because he was a CIA black ops person as I understand it by Cody snodgress choosing the light. Not exactly sure the connection between coresh and McVeigh
The Constitution was a scam they should have been tarden feathered upon the return to their home states… Just saying.
Abolish the ATF
Glen how can you say here’s what you can do if after 30 years it’s only gotten worse. Your words
Remember the movie SHOOTER? Before justice was carried out by Bobby Lee Swaggert, the senator and his cohort LAUGHING at the talk of CHECKS AND BALANCES!!!!
That movie tells you everything you need to know about how ugly things are and that was 20
Years ago…..
We the people will NEVER get the answer because the government will destroy anyone who gets to close to the truth.
The Sniper who murdered Weavers wife at Ruby Ridge was also the Sniper at Waco who was shooting women and children fleeing the burning building….and also involced in the Oaklahoma bombing event….weird eh….
PS Koresh didnt break a single law.
Fun fact – DELTA force was deployed to waco and ordered to kill everyone there, which is against the "law" … guess where the proof of that illegal deployment was housed…. The Oaklahoma city building that was blown up. What a coincidence.
Believe this if you believe nothing else. When the government says that they're not doing something they should absolutely not be doing at all, that they most certainly are doing it.
Also, they didn't just murder weavers wife but his son and their friend as well.
This is what happens when party systems mixed with commercialisation takes hold and is the tool the government uses in order to further impower itself to having no limits.
What people do not understand is that the founders were hardcore libertarians which is where the constitution came from to begin with.
Thanks to all this new garbage in play due to the idiots of the past from the 60's to the 90's allowing this and now this generation is going to be forced to go to war with the very government those past generations allowed to inflate to this overpowered horse shit nonsense that it is now.
Our government is out of control due to all of those past generations, thanks a lot to all of them and the current democrats that voted for this…
Almost nothing the media told us about the Waco raid at the time was true.
The government system had turned on my daughter so badly that my daughter had lost hope because she couldn’t believe how all the people who were supposed to be set up to help her had actually turned against her and were helping the terrorists and traffickers who were beating her up, raping her, destroying her vehicle and coming to her home to break even her windows if she refused to submit to them. And the police did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING but help the terrorists.
Yes, when the government becomes a government for the government instead of a government fir the people by the people WE ARE IN SERIOUS TROUBLE JUST LIKE TRUMP WAS TRYING TO TELL THIS NATION.
You know what Glenn. I'm so damn sick of hearing, "That's not who we are" B.S. that I could scream. I guess that is who we are because it happens all the time. It's not who "WE" want to be but it's who "THEY" want to be. Therefore we have to get rid of "THEY" if we want a sane Country!
this is the day i was released from chains and cages.. my first enslavement of 2023..
it is & was torture..
as was every other enslavement endured..
🗽📜🇺🇸 live freedom..
welcome home to the brave..
Glenn you forgot to mention theyve stolen the elections……we are running out of peaceful options to correct this.
As predicted in the declaration of independence we need another revolution. Corruption is rampant its our responsibility to correct or abolish it.
Glenn Beck has a scary track record of being right/correct when it comes to his predictions
No sir I have to correct you this is secret stuff not many know but Timothy McVeigh was a cia operative the children were sacrificed as our government has and always will Satan is running our world America is collapsing Timothy McVeigh was not killed supposedly the story government files say he faked the injection and was released back in civilization with a new name and face his sister got a free name change and moved for free this information was from a FBI cia file I can't find it anymore also Waco there were 4 black ops that helicoptered in and started the fire and they killed koresh and the other guy and couple of men one guy from Waco will not tell this anymore but he said he saw them shoot and kill koresh and start the fire I wish I would have taken pictures to show the files
it's beyond out of hand, we've lost control altogether and I dunno if there is a peaceful way out.
It was three weeks that they said they shut down the governance control board, or whatever it was called. They didn't shut down anything, they just told us they'd did, Have they ever told us the truth?
It kinda sounds like somebody fell asleep along the way…😅 Joe said before he was elected, "There might not be a republican party anymore." We are giving our constitution to the W.H.O. Tuesday. This country was a miracle for God's people and that's it! The Church has left the building and the Holy Spirit is about to leave this earth! Get IN Christ and you don't have to worry about this, He is coming for His Bride, something I'm not gonna miss! 😅
God gave us the sign when Biden took office on 1-20-2021, a palindrome to show us His hand is over Israel now, America has done its job and pointed Israel to their Messiah. Now, they just have to call on Him. That's how His Story ends, I read the book.
Im glad Joseph Smith had that vision to build a church for latter day saints, the world will need them when we leave. God knows what He's doing, we don't, but He does.
No good guv'mt, folks. So sad for America. I Saw a bumper sticker that read, I weep for America!
Of course, the government hates free people . Only free people can remove lifetime deep State operatives. False Flag attacks on the horizon. Be aware!
1.1 million subscribers but only 73k views in 13 days? Something wrong is going on. This is a very important video, IMO. Every American should view it.
Trump ALSO used ATF to write gun laws!
You overthrow them by force…just like those guys with powdered wigs, knickers and buckles on their shoes did. First you get off your knees and grow a spine.
How many of you are aware that the FBI conspired with Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols to blow up the Murrah building in Oklahoma City?
How many are aware that the FBI murdered the witness to it all then murdered two witnesses to that murder?
ALL proven in court in Trentadue V U.S. and Trentadue V Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Down with the machine
This info is useless in our current situation! Way bigger problems on our doorstep! WATCH: Dane Wiginton re: GeoEngineeeing and the real reason Climate Change is existential! Then WATCH: Author Tim Cohen's video on THE ANTICHRIST AND A CUP OF TEA. Cohen proves with Scripture that KING CHARLES is the Anti-Christ of The book of Revelation.
We ade not hidding we don t care if we are a target. We know when we will die it is comforting to know this as we have died before. So not to worry if you love our lord anyway.
Yes Waco. All theatrical he thought he could breath fire so he set up flame throwers it backfired and they burnt the place down. That was not our governments fault. They just didn't know what he was talking about. But you see this is where he was wrong. No mark of the beast, no threat to the nation then. And there must be two witnesses. But we can, the mark of the beast is here and their are two of us. The end.