You Need Reasons For Your Faith (w/Melissa Dougherty)
People in the past have often said “Just have faith.” Well that doesn’t really work especially in the age that we live in today. People want evidence and reasons behind why we believe what we believe. I talked with Melissa Dougherty about this topic as we try to help listeners make a case for Christianity and encourage them to know reasons and understand arguments for the existence of God, Jesus and the validity of the Bible.
Check out Melissa Dougherty:
Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@UCyKgD0DLtBN21gfThSalyUQ
Website: https://www.melissadougherty.co
For more information, read God’s Crime Scene: A Cold-Case Detective Examines the Evidence for a Divinely Created Universe (http://amzn.to/2kAroVD)
Cold Case Christianity: http://bit.ly/3KePwu5
READ: Cumulative Evidence and the Case for God’s Existence (Free Bible Insert)
Cumulative Evidence and the Case for God’s Existence (Downloadable Bible Insert)

Great video brother! Love you both! Also I have read Cold Case and Person of Interest. Great to see you online sharing also! 🙏🏽😇✝️👼🏿
I fell away from being a practicing Christian for many years, due to a number of factors, but I never did completely walk away from Christ and eventually he brought me back to the fold. Why? Exactly because before the pressures of life caused me to wander far from home, I had studied the evidence and I knew that fundamentally I could not deny what was true.
Your talking about the intellectual gate really hits home. I'm autistic so I often don't understand emotional responses, and so when I was a kid and first became a Christian, I buried myself in the evidence rather than the experience of it all. McDowell, Strobel, Lewis, Stedman and so many other authors, so many different lines of reasoning, I read everything I could get my hands on and put it deep inside (like Mr. Wallace I also have Mormon family members, and that fueled it too), and in the end that's what saved me from walking too far down the wrong path.
I used the word "smorgasbord" myself this week in a conversation with my pastor. We were talking about this whole craze of "deconstructing", and I mentioned how people who are "spiritual" today will see religions as some sort of a spiritual smorgasbord, where you can take a bit from Column A and a bit from Column B, and if you don't like this teaching or that teaching you can put it back on the shelf, or mix it with some of this other stuff… and there are kids in the Church that aren't grounded in the Faith, they don't "get" it as something you are but see it as something you feel, and then they just decide "well I'll believe this but I won't believe that, that doesn't taste good." And I said we needed to get away from this sort of mindset and teach our kids that Christianity was something entirely different from just a set of preferences.
Love Melissa!
As I am sure you are aware, people tend to follow the crowd. Evolution is today's crowd faith, although there is no real evidence for evolution scientifically beyond their own faith. "Evolution is a Fact" is this crowd concept these days. As you point out, with research one can find that the Bible and Creation is the Truth, the Only Truth and it is God.
Great conversation to listen in on .
Great video. I want to love The Lord with my heart and my head (and my soul). Sometimes my fellow Christians respond to my like of apologetics (via philosophy and history) with a kind of "Get this guy" or like an "mhm. Now that that's out of the way…" When I study the broad case for Christianity (inc. objections) it increases my love of Christ.
Your guest is fantastic! Thank you so much for giving us a better way to discuss our faith with non-believers.
Your book, "Missing Person" is so detailed! I can't wait to get through it so I can reread it.
Great stuff!