2020 is 1984 & ‘Big Brother’ is watching: A message from the ‘Woke Party’
Is it 1984 or 2020? Either way, Big Brother IS watching. Glenn gives an important message from the “Woke Party,” demanding that YOU — faithful citizen — do everything possible to cancel the free-thinkers.
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So much work has gone into the visuals on this. Loving the authenticity of the Victory/Woke 1984/2020 emblem, the colours and everything else! Very amusing…. with a scary undercurrent. Good work Glen and all involved 🙂
Glenn, I love you, but I called it years ago that you were beginning to turn into Matthias from The Omega Man.
And now, you do this.
This so freaky because this is happening in our country
Without people, the machine can not run its power. Without us, they are nothing.
just watch https://youtu.be/dIv1jw66Cks?t=112
it's spot on
as is glenn
The fact that a form of this could soon be on your TV wherever you are in America.
Then, the world.
Wow, spot on
This is brilliant. A real wake up…
1984 was a work of fiction not an instruction manual.
Is this a CNNMSNBCNBCABCSBS clip? Sure sounds like it.
My new motto is NOT ONE STEP BACK
I will not surrender the freedom of this country to anyone.
Election 2020:
Gadianton Robbers vs King Noah's Priests
Woke can't think of.. own names… stole the woke from wake, waken, wake-up…
Just listening to this with my eyes closed sounds like something from Nazi Germany 😰
Would the Woke Party really allow a white male to speak (for it)?
Love this!!!
Has Anyone read the Turner Dairies? Seems to be the sign of the times.
…….and you lied about wayfair!!!! cant trust anyone i guess
So the war has begun
What big brother I was adopted … doesn't this all sound familar 1984, outdated communist manifesto twilight zone, remember you are obsolete star trek " patterns of force" and every James Bond mvie ever made. This is the blue print they have no imagination.
War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength.
If you could hack that onto every video screen in the world, you could really mess up a lot of heads! And stir up a lot of trouble! An Orson Wells "War Of The Worlds" kind of thing! I wonder how long before it actually happens?
You must conform
You must not reason
We are the Borgelita
Our goal is complete chaos
Fear is our greatest tool
Proof of its effectiveness is total submission
Sleep well my little lambs
Now we own you! Fade back to [1984].
A good one ; Glen. 👍
This also reminds me of Star Trek, Borg Resistance Is Futile NOT
"We has met the enemy and him is us."
Pogo (Walt Kelly)
It will be funny if that's not what's going on Now unfortunately some people are so easy to be Brainwashed ignorance is a choice. Thank you. Glenn Beck 💜🙏😪🇺🇸
Winston here from the Ministry of Truth (CNN). Rest assured that we are vigorously researching our archives and modifying them to fit your narratives and confirmation bias. Oceania shall be victorious. Oh! We have also increase production of chocolate.
Hi big brother!!! No i am docile for the woke party… the same as the great awaken? My thoughts are in congusion lol destroyer of words!!! No words discurtive hmmm Curation is like creation of limited vocabulary and the destruction of words and ideas of individuals
God help us