What Radical Islam and the Woke Have In Common
You’d think that Islamist extremists and leftist radicals would have nothing in common. But noted human rights activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali has good reason to believe this is no longer the case. She explains in this eye-opening video.
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There were many American heroes on 9/11, but the greatest were the passengers and crew of Flight 93. Not only did they avert what al Qaeda planned—a direct hit on the White House—but they also embodied Patrick Henry’s credo “Give me liberty or give me death!”
Do those words still have a meaning in America today?
For two decades, I have spoken out against those strands of Islam that gave rise to al Qaeda.
In this fight for freedom, I have faced many death threats. Yet I have always consoled myself that, in the U.S., freedom of conscience and expression were paramount values. It was partly for this reason that I moved here and became a citizen in 2013.
It never occurred to me that free speech would come under threat in my newly adopted country.
In 2014 I was invited to receive an honorary degree at Brandeis University and then ungraciously disinvited. Even when I first encountered what has come to be known as “cancel culture,” I didn’t fret too much. I was inclined to dismiss the alliance of campus leftists and Islamists as a lunatic fringe.
They’re not the fringe anymore.
Many on the Left — academia, the media, and now even the corporate world — have inculcated in a generation of students an ideology that has much more in common with the intolerant doctrines of a religious cult than with the secular political thought I studied at Holland’s Leiden University.
In the debates after 9/11, many people sought materialist explanations for the attacks: the jihadis lacked educational and employment opportunities; they were angry at American foreign policy in the Middle East, and so on.
I argued that none of these could explain the motivations of the plotters and hijackers, all of whom, in any case, came from middle-class and upper-class homes. Their goal was religious and political: to denounce Arab governments as corrupt and their Western allies as infidels, and ultimately to overthrow the existing order in the Middle East and establish a caliphate.
American policy makers preferred the materialist explanations, as they implied actions to solve the problem: invasion, regime change, democratization. It was unpopular to suggest that the terrorists might have unshakable convictions having nothing to do with material considerations.
Two decades later, we see a similar dynamic, only this time it is within America’s borders.
Naive observers explain the Black Lives Matter protests and riots of 2020 in terms of blacks’ material disadvantages. These are real, as are the (far worse) socio-economic problems of the Arab world. But they hide the leaders’ real motivations.
Their ideology goes by many names: social justice, critical race theory, and intersectionality are just a few.
For simplicity, I call it all Wokeism.
I am not about to equate Wokeism and Islamism. Islamism is a militant strain of an ancient faith. Its believers have a coherent sense of what Allah wants them to achieve on earth to earn rewards in the afterlife.
Wokeism is just another version of Marxism; it scorns religion and the idea of an afterlife.
Wokeism divides society into myriad identities, whereas Islamists’ division is simpler: believers and unbelievers.
There are many other differences. But consider the resemblances.
The adherents of each pursue ideological purity, certain of their own rectitude.
Neither Islamists nor the Woke will engage in debate; both prefer indoctrination of the submissive and damnation of those who resist.
The two ideologies have distinctive rituals: Islamists shout “Allahu Akbar” and “Death to America”; the Woke shout “Black lives matter” and “I can’t breathe.”
Islamists pray to Mecca; the Woke take the knee.
Both like burning the American flag.
Both take offense at every opportunity and demand not just apologies but concessions.
Islamism inveighs against “blasphemy”; Wokeism wants to outlaw “hate speech.”
Islamists use the word “Islamophobia” to silence critics; the Woke do the same with “racism.”
For the complete script as well as FACTS & SOURCES, visit https://www.prageru.com/video/what-radical-islam-and-the-woke-have-in-common

Remember, too, that there are people who embody both Wokeism and Islamism (Ilhan Omar is perhaps the best example).
Dear American Conservatives, I want to point some things out here if you'd let me.
So they take a national tragedy. call out the people who did it (because you hate them) and then compare their ideology to ''wokeism'' becuase PeepeeU here wants you to hate the wokes aswell. then they end the video with flight 93 claiming that they had that american spirit, and if you want to have that too you also have to hate the Communist Gay Satanic Wokeist pedo Trans Mob.
easy votes for the republicans.
As a leftist and somebody who takes interest in leftist ideoligies I would like to tell you that ''wokeism'' is not an ideoligy in itself. ''woke'' is just a term to describe those who want to end bigotry. ''wokeism'' is a term made up by conservatives to throw around so they can get in on popular rage. have you ever heard somebody say ''I am a wokeist''? Con's made the word up to make it look like its some dangerous ideoligy that wants to seize power or something. wich is not, if you still believe so tell me who thier/our leader is.
I also want to point out that she says that both ideoligies promote violence, first of all; ''wokeists'' only act violent upon those who want to take other peoples liberties away wich is a violent act in itself if not physical, psychological. And second your militairy dropped 337.000 bombs in the last twenty years, an avarage of 46 strikes every day. Isn't it hypocritical to call these ''ideoligies'' out for being violent while seconds later the speaker asks people to die for their country, customs, culture and history? Isn't it a way more significant problem that teens are depressed because people tell them they have mental illnesses they don't have than that somepeople don't look at the 4th of July like its something to celebrate?
truth is, you are busy worrying about BLM protests that happened 3 years ago while this week in florida Fascists flew swastika flags next to Ron Desantis campaign flags while doing the N@zi salute.
I don't mean any harm to yall and I respect your opinion, it is just that I see nothing but conservative propaganda and instigation against those who want to change the world for the better.
peace, love, and anarchy <3
I can't get how laughable some of these comparisons are; The both have shared phrases/gestures that they do like chanting (something you guys do) or kneeling(?), they both have an ideology (something you guys have). Almost all of the criticisms of Islam in this video can be levied at Christianity, and Prageru is a Christian organization.
Didnt the girl in this video essentially admit to lying about her entire story
Ayaan lets go
As a Muslim, I have never cringed so much from watching a woman who was never even born in mecca.
Everything has in common with one another
clearly a brainwashed presenter, who is disgustingly changing facts and putting words in people's mouths and imagining different realities.. nothing unexpected from such a person..
Extremist Islam and extremist Christianity are the same thing, you should be friends!
Allahu Akbar , Allah is the greatest , read the book (Holy Quran )and find your creator and find the creator the heaven and the earth
Easy. They both hate western civilisation
I think in the future Islam and woke will have a war. And I'm sure who will win.
I don't think this is all true, seems like a crazy persons conjecture
We need a strong anti-communist movement in the US. That movement must be built on strong moral values of its own, lest it degenerate into something just as unsavory as the gay communists it opposes.
Both Muhammadans and woke atheist socialists are part of the anti-God left. Of course they have the same goals using the same tactics only with different words to deceive and conceal their true intent. They will unite against Christians just as the Nazis and communists allied at the beginning of World War II, and they, too, will eventually go at each other’s throats.
What's scary is Radical Islam in comparison to wokeism actually makes a lot more sense when you consider their ideological groups are either believers or non believers whereas wokeism is divided into so many groups it's hard to understand what they really want anymore
Amen, sister!…✌
Ironically YOU my friend are closer to radical Islam because you’re just as radical about your judeo christian values that you’d throw people off buildings if you could get away with it you’d turn America into a theocracy if you could get aways with it
As a mainstream Muslim this needs to be broadcast daily in all areas