The Best Book to Read to Your Kids
What is the best book to read to your children? Which book most effectively conveys the values of love, compassion, hard work, justice, and virtue, and has the added benefit of endurance throughout history? Johnnie Moore, founder and CEO of The Kairos Company, explains the reasons why this longtime bestseller is the one every parent and child should read together.
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There’s a book you can read to your children that will make your job as a parent a lot easier.
This book will teach them lessons in character, how to distinguish right from wrong; about gratitude, respect and perseverance. And that’s in the opening chapters!
Parents have been reading this book to their children for a very long time. It’s one reason it’s a perpetual best-seller.
This book, of course, is the Bible, and you don’t have to be religious to read it. And your kids don’t have to be religious to enjoy it and get a whole lot out of it.
Decency, kindness, charity, selflessness and sacrifice — they’re all right there.
Consider the story of David and Goliath.
Nine feet tall, clad in armor, Goliath is the most fearsome warrior of his day. How could he not be? He’s nine feet tall, for goodness sake! Who wants to go against a giant like that?
No Israelite, that’s for sure… except for one. A skinny shepherd boy named David. This boy has three things going for him – courage, a sling shot and faith that God is with him. As he strides out onto the battlefield to face Goliath in single combat, he holds the future of the Israelite nation, not to mention his own life, in his hands.
Wrapped up in all of this tension and drama are valuable lessons that any child can profit from. David refuses to be intimidated by a bully. He’s willing to act; to show resolve even in the face of his own self-doubt. His actions paint a portrait of true heroism in the face of true danger. Isn’t that the kind of strength we want our children to emulate – to be able defend themselves and, later, their families, and their country?
Or how about the story of the brothers, Cain and Abel? Abel, the shepherd, looks at his lot and he’s filled with gratitude for his blessings. He offers as a gift to God the very best of his flock. Cain, the farmer, is selfish, unsatisfied with what he has, and he offers only a paltry gift of grain. When God favors Abel’s present, Cain allows jealousy to overwhelm him. God speaks to Cain and tells him, ‘I know you’re feeling angry, but you can overcome those feelings and master them.’
Cain doesn’t listen, doesn’t control his jealousy—and kills Abel. When God asks Cain: “Where is Abel your brother?” Cain lies and says, “I do not know,” and then: “Am I my brother’s keeper?”
“Yes” should have been Cain’s answer to his own question.
We are responsible for ourselves and we have an obligation to others. We all have emotions and passions. But God has given us the tools to master those emotions. And master them we must if we are live a productive and ethical life.
Most important of all, life is a gift from God. We have no right to take it away from the innocent. Murder is evil. All these lessons are contained in this one story.
The stories of David and Goliath and Cain and Abel are only two examples of the many invaluable lessons the Bible offers to children. Think of a lesson and there’s a Bible story to teach it: about family dynamics, friendship, forgiveness, leadership, humility; about what is important and what is not.
The Bible also teaches children—more effectively than any book ever—that they are not the center of the universe. They are accountable to their parents and to God. Children who internalize this lesson are much more likely to be kinder and more mindful of how they behave than those who do not. The Bible discourages narcissism.
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/video/the-best-book-to-read-to-your-kids

I’m not reading the bible
I'd read my kids the Quran and explain how Christianity isn't a peaceful religion actually
Why do so many Christian leaders look like they've had one too many facials?
Sure! Kids love fairy tales! Check out The Way of The Mister and how he sums it up. It's the perfect book to poison your kids with. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xbac29T6C8
Great video, but I would have enjoyed it more if the guy didn't look like the joker.
Why does he talk that way
I completely agree with Mr. Moore. Fo real, read your Bibles folks if you want to become atheists:
Before clicking this I was thinking, 90% the Bible and 10% Atlas Shrugged.
Demon haunted universe: science as a candle in the dark
By Carl Sagan
Can't believe there was a period in my life when I was unironically subscribed to this channel.
So the point on a 9 foot guy being hard to kill in a fight is total bull, this is total talk about by people who do not understand sword art. So all hight gave you in a sword fight is reach advantage which sounds amazing but it really isn't any one who knows sword art would go for the hands or wrist of him then go for the killing blow. Reach only become a problem when it's a dagger vsing a long sword since there around 20 inches of steel or iron difference which means they also have 20 inches to defend with.
"Make your job as a parent a lot easier."
Note: This will not make you better at parenting. But it helps to tell your children there's an all powerful man in the sky who will punish you for bad behavior. The thousands they'll pay later in life for therapy to overcome the consequences of this idea is a small concession in the face of… needing to explain moral concepts to them.
The bible is full of incest, slavery, genocide, and a wrathful incompetent god.
It would still be a good thing to teach kids about this so we have fewer followers.
I hate to think of a child without the knowledge of how to properly own and beat slaves.
Yeah … read the bible to your kids. Don't edit it. Don't interpret it. Don't insert anything and don't leave anything out. Don't gloss over the genocide, incest, rape and slavery. More atheists incoming.
I grew up having the Bible read to me. As a kid I found many of the stories to be horrifying and contradictory. When even I would bring up my concerns and questions to a leader or my parents, they would shut me down and scold me. They didn't have answers because there was no justification or explanation for many of the bibles short comings and horrors. When you ask a questions to someone who blindly follows, they will always become defensive.
Oh yeah … right and wrong in the first chapters. In the chapters in whitch the only character that is telling the truth (the snake) is depicted as the bad guy.
Bad written book with many bad lessons and unscientific crap.
Accountable only to an imoral, bloodthirsty, unjust A**hole like the Christian god? One of rhe worse lessons you can give children.
The whole Book should be forbidden … or sold at the "satire-", "fetish-", splatter/horror-", "adventure-" or "fairytale-" counter of a book store. But only rated "R" …
Beginning with Genesis you have god setting up humanity to suffer forever by (supposedly) creating us without the knowledge of right and wrong, then getting permanently peeved cursing us for all time because they didn't have the functional knowledge to understand that eating the fruit would be wrong, THEN supporting (more than once in the book) incest. JUST to name a couple of problems there.
Not gonna lie, for a long time i thought that prager u was awesome comedy chanel.
And honestly i think it still is, just not the way it was intended
Keep your Bible the hell away from my kids, thank you very much.
So Johnnie should I read the bible story of how to get your slaves from the heathen around you and then the one about how to beat your slaves as long as they don't die, or how you can bequeath your slaves to your children as they are your property. Or the story about beating your children if they misbehave. Or putting to death the homosexuals for being VLC related by god to be homosexual. Or my favourite one about how god killed everyone because his creation, that he knew would not listen to him and that he created them be evil knowing full well they would be evil, had to then correct his mistake by drowning everything. God loves so much that he has to kill everyone for his stuff up.
What about the keeping of virgin girls as spoils of war so they can be your sex slaves.
There are great lessons in the bible but also quite horrid and disgusting passages that are immoral and it is disingenuous for you to gloss over these. Are you afraid of these passages which are the words of god and if they are the word of god it shows that your god is immoral. Noah's story alone shows your god to be immoral. Thou shalt not kill dies obviously not apply to your god.
"Decency, kindness, charity, selflessness and sacrifice — they’re all right there."
Christ you have got to be kidding. The selflessness and charity present are an allergic reaction to the horrors of the Torah and prophets.
Killing newborns and babes in the womb implies that genetics is the prime determiner of a man's nature, making the Bible and all who support it as moral as completely and irremediable racist.
How is sacrificing your children moral?
Why would an immortal God enjoy the odor of burning flesh?
How can an immortal being with more power than anything other in the universe be jealous? Jealousy is wanting what you can't have or fearing loss of what you do, both rooted in mortality.
Your claim of the Bible as a source of virtue is as false as most of the Bible itself.
You forgot about Elhanan. He also killed the Goliath.
The Bible says the Goliath died multiple times. Weird.
It's a great book for learning how to treat your slaves and where to buy your slaves.
Nope. The bible is utter garbage, it is immoral, bad history and barbaric.
🤦 This is a joke, right?
Have you guys actually read the Bible and not just heard the cherry picked verses and sugar-coated explanations of pastors, priests, and teachers?
It has horrific lessons and portrays the willfull and deliberate suffering and death of little children that were innocent of the sins they were being punished for as good and righteous actions.
It's disgusting and even contrary to the same freaking book!
"The Best Book to Read to Your Kids"
The Lord Of the Rings? Surely it would not be a book with a genocidal slavery supporting god as the GOOD GUY? Really? The villain as something to be worshipped because if you don't it will torture you forever?
You will suck up to any monster won't you? The best about the the god of the Bible is that it never did anything because its imaginary, there was no genocidal world wide flood. Prager Not a U roots for the fictional villain again.
Imagine if idiots like this were actually able to read.
If the bible was to be made into a word perfect adaption film, it would be rated 18 with lots of trigger warnings. Definitely not a wholesome book.
Ok, here's a trick question for Christians: would you allow me to read a story of my choice, word by word from the bible, to your child?
Yeah, stone your kids to death if they disobey you, and do the same to your wife if she turns out not to be a virgin on your wedding night; murder old people if they pick up sticks on Saturday; buy other humans as slaves as long as they come from out of town; rape anyone you like as long as you're prepared to forcibly marry the victim afterwards. Let's all teach our kids the moral lessons from the good book!
You're really recommending this book of moral depravity, savagery, intolerance and ludicrous ignorance as being something edifying for kids? Thank goodness this nonsense is dying out, with only the US and the Middle East still up to their ears in this stuff.
debunked your conclusions : https://youtu.be/Uww1wn9MW1U
Yes, please let your kids read the buybull, cover to cover. No better way than to show what a stupid book it is.
David & Goliath? Look it up, was killed with a slingshot like you told, was killed by sword BY David again and later by yet another dude AGAIN!
The fact that you can make this argument, alone, is enough to tell me that you are incredibly selective with the passages and interpretation of your Bible, because there is a lot of shit in that book which isn't even close to good education material for children.
And what does Genesis and Exodus teach kids:
1. Criminals will get a pass as long as you stroke his ego, everyone else lives are worthless.
2. Greed, egoistic, sadistic and elitist traits are good for himself and his favourites, bad for everyone else.
3. Caste system is good. Anyone who are not part of specific caste are worthless.
4. You are worthless if you have a defect.
5. Your life is worthless if you do not suck up to him.
I don't think I know of a single person in the Bible, Jesus included, that is a better person than Luke Skywalker in the original trilogy.
Nah, Im having a better time reading the Elephant and Piggy books to my daughter. Don't need the bible.
This guy sounds like a eunuch.
15 635 likes for this nonsense?
"The best book to read to your kids" Is the bible and you are correct. The more you read the bible to your children, the more their atheism is engrained. But, you can enjoy the knowledge that beating up your children for being disobedient, is fine. Good for you.
How is the first story about morals when God told Adam and Eve not to do something when they lack the ability to make moral decisions? Shouldn't the all knowing God have foreseen this outcome? This is more about a story of blind obedience toward a authority figure.
I'm going to show this video to my 12 year old daughter, who has a podcast with me where I read the bible to her, and watch the look of horror show up on her face as this guy says you can get things like "gratitude" and "respect" from the bible.
Certainly, those things are there in some places…but you have to sift through a lot of shit to get to those nuggets of corn.
The only problem with the Bible is that we really never read the Word. We are too busy on social media & Netflix; myself especially!