AJ+ Is Al Jazeera | 5 Minute Video
There’s a social media site whose glitzy videos populate your newsfeed. Its content overflows with typical leftist tropes. No, it’s not CNN or MSNBC. You should know what it is and the nefarious people backing it. Raheem Kassam, author of No Go Zones, explains why, when you come across these videos, you should swipe left.
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They are turning social media against us. Using it to influence our elections. Spreading propaganda. Disguising it as news. Pretty scary stuff.
I’m not talking about Russia. That’s amateur hour. The media organization I’m talking about operates right here, in the USA. Out in the open. Legally.
It has a large staff of on-air personalities, reporters, cameramen and editors. It operates out of state-of-the art studios in Washington DC, London, Rio, and half a dozen other major cities. It produces videos, news reports, and documentaries. It has tens of millions of social media followers. Their content is viewed and shared by countless young people across the western world. In short, they’re targeting us.
CNN, right? Wrong.
Fox News? Wrong again.
The answer is… AJ+.
If you’ve spent time on social media, you’ve seen their stuff, I promise you. This is isn’t the work of a scrappy start-up in Silicon Valley. AJ+ is bankrolled by the government of Qatar.
Never heard of Qatar? Most people haven’t.
It’s a tiny Persian Gulf state with lots of oil money; billions of dollars they’re not afraid to spend on causes they believe in—causes like the terror group Hamas, which runs the Gaza Strip.
Without billions from Qatar and its ally, Iran, Hamas would blow away in the next desert sandstorm. But Hamas is only part of Qatar’s terror portfolio. The Qatar government bankrolls the Muslim Brotherhood, Al-Qaeda in Yemen and Syria, radical extremists in Libya, and Hezbollah in Lebanon—in other words, a rogues gallery of murderous Islamist terror groups.
Qatar’s propaganda arm is the Arab news service Al Jazeera—which it owns lock, stock and America-hating, Israel-hating, barrels. Al Jazeera made a splashy attempt to break into the US media market in 2013. They bought a cable franchise for $400 million dollars from former Vice President Al Gore. They signed up some major American TV journalists and opened up shop in New York and Washington. But the effort failed. Americans just couldn’t cozy up to the idea that a news network that they had rightly associated with Osama bin Laden could be trusted.
But Al Jazeera didn’t disappear. They just re-branded into the much nicer sounding “AJPlus” and they concentrated their efforts on the internet and a market that didn’t have a bin Laden fixation—or much connection to 9/11 at all: young people. And they’ve been amazingly successful.
Their productions are well-produced, slick and left. In fact, they are so left that they make videos railing against leftist white women for being insufficiently sympathetic to leftist women of color, especially women of color who are gay or transgendered.
It’s hard to ignore the irony that a media operation fully funded by a country that oppresses women and gays makes this kind of content for an American audience.
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/video/aj-is-al-jazeera

god damn this is such blatant fear-mongering
Yes, Al Jazeera and AJ+ always lying and spreading propaganda about India too. Al Jazeera and AJ+ are Islamists and hate the West and India so they spread leftism in the West and India, while promoting conservatism in the Islamic world.
Enfin ils ont raisons
Israël commit a génocide
Israel banned them. The US should do the same, it’s not journalism
the jews run the media. y’all just salty there’s finally one that ain’t owned by them
The propaganda wing of an extremist state
AJ+ is trash and doesn't use any facts to back there reports up. They convince young people to follow them through their slick editing and catchy marketing.
I used to hate pragerU and used to love AJ+ but in the last 2years something about AJ+ was starting to feel repetitive and I felt like a certain agenda was being pushed on me. I couldn't put my finger on it but as a way to get a different perspective I started watching news from all over the world and stopped watching AJ+ but I didn't know they were the same as Al Jazeera. I still don't agree with a lot of stuff from PragerU but watching this channel again reminds me that even a broken clock is right twice a day. Great video!! I totally agree with everything said in this video!
They need to be banned from America
what an irony it is to call one of the only true news channels, "propaganda channel"
I used to watch early Al Jezeera many years ago. The content was average, then they slowly started to turn. Now a days, I stay away. I’d rather watch monkey videos.
Aj would make goeppels proud
Al Jazeera is by far my favourite news/ media outlet. Unlike fox and CNN it is true and fair journalism. I absolutely love that they stand up for Palestine which the west is afraid to do because of what happened in WW2. I am grateful for al Jazeera. From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free. Boycott, sanction, divest Israel. Make Palestine Israel again .
What’s wrong with Al Jazeera?
Bruh it literally says AJ like man its obvious
AJ+ is basically an anti-Israel, anti-Semitism, anti-America, pro-sharia, pro-terrorism (jihadist) network.
Remember that pragerU is jew Israeli propoganda
So we just not gonna mention how Qatar invited the US to build Al-Udeid airbase which is the biggest military base for America in the Middle East and where most of the war on terror has been fought from, and the fact that Qatar was one of the first Arab countries to open trade relations with Israel?
You must listen to only our propaganda goy
Water is wet