Alan Shlemon: Do Muslims and Christians Worship the Same God?
Alan Shlemon of Stand to Reason answers the question, “Do Muslims and Christians worship the same God?”
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Throughout religious texts and traditions, it is believed that God has communicated with humanity in various ways. These ways may include:
1. Direct Revelation: God directly speaking to individuals or prophets, such as in the burning bush to Moses in the Bible or out of the mouth of a donkey.
2. Scripture: God’s words and teachings conveyed through sacred texts like the Bible, Quran, or the Vedas.
3. Dreams and Visions: God communicating with people through dreams, as seen in the story of Joseph in the Bible.
4. Inspiration: The belief that God inspired and guided individuals to write or speak His messages ( WHICH CAN BE SCIENTIFICALLY VALIDATED through the works of Ivan Panin by a process of numerical analysis TO PROVE Authenticity of its AUTHOR – GOD.
5. Angels: God using angelic messengers to convey His messages to prophets, as perhaps could be the case with the Angel Gabriel and the Quran if what it stated in its original form was not contrary to the teachings of the Bible.
6. Miracles and Signs: God using extraordinary events or signs to communicate His presence or will.
The specific ways in which God has spoken to humanity varies between different religious traditions and interpretations.
Religion add complexity if it is not divinely inspired and it fosters a greater potential for corruption over time.
The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the father of Jesus and the Great “I AM” doesn’t require another identity besides the current “Father, Son and Holy Spirit” as these were the active intercessions or interactions necessary to redeem or restore fallen man.
The “flaming bush – talking donkey God” just doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue but accurately describes the God of Christianity that a studied Christian would know from stories.
GOD IS GOD ! or in His words..
1 John 4:8 (NIV):
“Whoever does not love, does not know God, because God is love.”
Every Title attributed to God through His interaction with man is to demonstrate this message and His plan for restoration to return a child to its father.
So a “Trinity God” is a THE SPIRIT GOD ( “he is spirit and must be worshiped in spirit” – John 4:24 ) Who loves with a father’s love ( THE FATHER ), demonstrated by a brother’s example ( THE SON ), given in the Spirit’s authority to adequately demonstrate Gods perfect love to others. ( THE HOLY SPIRIT )
In possession of Gods Holy Spirit, we Share His DOMINION over all creation and can exercise miracles through signs and wonders which demonstrate beyond any doubt for those who lack faith, but are still in need of redemption or saving.
First He was a FATHER God over His creation – Adam and Eve
Next, He demonstrated how we might submit to an ordained or calculated plan of restoration through His example, lived out successfully by the life of a Son of God – Jesus who was given the Title of Emmanuel by an angel prior to his birth which announces that in Him, “GOD IS WITH US”
We become sons and daughters of God once we have “BECOME CO-HEIRS WITH CHRIST” ( Rom 8:17 ) in the waters of baptism where we are “GRAFTED INTO THE VINE” ( John 15 1-5 ) and become part of Gods family by “ADOPTION” “So you are no longer a slave, but God’s child; and since YOU ARE HIS CHILD, GOD HAS MADE YOU ALSO AN HEIR”.( Gal4:4-7 ) once we “RISE TO WALK IN NEWNESS OF LIFE” ( Rom 6:4 ) no longer part of Adams sinful lineage, but now part of Christ’s glorious legacy.
Lastly the Gift of the HOLY SPIRIT is the empowering Authority over creation originally available to Adam and Eve simply by being sons and daughters of God.
We are given the HOLY SPIRIT to restore us to our previous condition being equipped by God for the miraculous, that we might demonstrate signs and wonders.
Restored Communication that we might know Gods will by hearing and knowing His voice, a condition lost when the cancer of “original sin of Adam” was still upon us prior to our Baptism in Christ by the Holy Spirit ( in contrast to a “John’s baptism”)
“All roads lead to God..” IF YOU CONTINUE TO FOCUS ON THE DESTINATION, God will direct your steps to His door, that you might feast at His table.
Do not rely on a religion as a means of salvation as stated in their doctrines past or present “apart from our church … there is no salvation“ ( Catholics of Jehovah witness, perhaps Mormons )
Belonging to a body of believers is OPTIMAL and NOT OPTIONAL for a strong ministry. Choose to identify as a Christian by your belonging to Christ and not by your participation in a religion.
Though experiment: 2 Christians sit in the same pew. One believes in God as 3 persons, the other believes in God as 3 essences. Do they believe in the same God even though they have a different understanding of functionality? By your reasoning: No.
So then no person could ever be sure they have the correct view of God, and God is therefore unknowable… which is completely antithetical to Christian doctrine.
Silly apologetic trying to avoid the obvious that Christians and Muslims worship the same monster.
Thank You! Simple and clean.
God is same, but they have different understanding of god.
If you research Allah and where it originated, it is a moon god that was worshiped by the tribe that Muhammad came from. Muhammad and his band of misfits went to the Medina and destroyed all 360 idols at the place of worship EXCEPT Allah the moon god and proclaimed it to be the only one true god. I can guarantee you that Muhammad was not visited by the angel Gabriel because why would Gabriel tell Muhammad a completely different story than the one in the Torah? Satan comes as an angel of light to deceive and I pray that our Muslim brothers and sisters do research on their faith and come to the Truth and the true Light.
+Vitor Chaves de Souza You made a comment that it won't let me reply directly to that is not correct. You said Allah means god. No. Illah means god, Allah is a contraction of Al, meaning the, and Illah meaning god; therefore, Allah means "the god". This is an important distinction that fits this video. "The God" is a position. El & Illa are words meaning god in general and CAN apply to people and angels according to usage in their language. YHWH is a NAME as opposed to EL a title. This is why Arabic speaking christians use Allah for god but mean someone completely different than who muslims mean.
Christians believe three Gods, Jesus his father and his mother, where Muslims Believe in One God which is ALLAH
Here is my question.
If Muslims believe that Jesus was a prophet to God and Muslims believe that there is only one god, then is the god of christianity the same as the god of islam?
Jews don't believe Jesus is the messiah or the son of god, but the god of judaism is considered the same god as christianity. Couldn't islam be considered downstream to judaism?
Definition: "Muslim" is an Arabic word meaning "one who submits to God"
Say (O Muslims), "We have believed in Allah, and whatever has been sent down to us, and whatever was sent down to Ibrahim, and Ismail, and Ishaq and Yaaqub (Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac and Jacob, respectively) and the Grandsons, (i.e., the Tribes) and whatever was brought down to Musa and Isa, (Moses and Jesus, respectively) and whatever was brought to the Prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and to Him we are Muslims."
A peaceful message to all haters of Islam!
PLEASE VISIT: IslamHaters.Skyrock.com
[Qur'an 29:46]
And do not argue with the People of the Scripture (Jews and Christians) except in a way that is best (with good words and in good manner), except for those who commit injustice among them, and say, "We believe in that which has been revealed to us and revealed to you. And our God and your God is one; and we are Muslims [in submission] to Him."
Who was Jesus praying to when he was sent down to mankind? Himself?
God bless Greg Koukl and STR. Joh 10:10
In other word their God is a nameless God.
And he confounds the persons because it is easy with the complexity of the trinity to come up with all kinds of arguments. But sometimes they contradict and that is where the solution lies.
Shlemon also confounds the entities. This happens alot with Trinitarians. Yahweh is the Father! The Bible clearly says Yahweh is ONE not THREE. IF the Trinty's name is Yahweh, then the Trinity if obviously FALSE!
Another problem: The Father has a name Yahweh. The Son has a name Jesus. But Holy Ghost has no name and the Triad has no Name. Interesting huh?
Well Unitarian Christians champion the same Unitarian God spoken of at Deut 6:4: Yahweh your God is ONE Yahweh. Jesus repeated this statement in the Gospels. You need to make it clear that apostate INFIDEL Christians don't share the same God.
It is just a strategy to make it seem the Unitarians are the wierd ones. When it is OBVIOUS to everyone that it is the Trinitarians that who teach a new doctrine! THis is misleading and dishonest!
This is the most laughable strategy of Trinitarians! They try to say that Muslims and Christians such as Jehovah's Witnesses, Christadelphian and all worship a different God because their God is Unitarian (one person). What they never say is that the Jews agree with these groups and reject Trinity. What Shlemon says above applied also to Jews. Do Jews worship Jesus? Do Jews view their God as 3 persons in one God? NO! And every Jew would say NO! ITS REALLY the TRINITARIANS that were differerent
These persons love and fulfill each other infinitely according to what God has revealed to us. They did not need to create humanity, but they did and therefore he is the only God that deserves being loved because he is the fountain of love. All other deities following their own theology are either alone from the beginning and remain alone or create other deities. It follows logically that without a relationship they cannot have possibly had the ability to love before the existence of humans.
I have one question for any theist out there wondering what the difference between all of these deities is. What do you need for love to exist? I would posit the notion, that a relationship is parament for such an idea to subsist. With a mono-begetter of the macrocosm, that same being would of course be bereft of the characteristic of lovingness prior to the creation of other moral agents because there is no one to love. Christianity is unique in having three persons before humans.
Not true, Jews do not worship the God of Christians, your god is triune, their god is one, Jews didn't only reject Jesus as the Messiah but they also reject him as divine, the nature of God in the OT is similar the nature of Allah in the Qur'an, God of the OT does not beget children, he is NOT a man, he forgive people sins without a mediator, all these attributes are in the Quran as well..Christianity is false because it teach a different gospel
Very good explaination, careful and thought out. Thanks. 🙂
Jews and Christians do worship the same God, the Jews just don't accept that God came to earth in the person of Jesus Christ as the Messiah. They still wait for the Messiah but pray to the same God for Him to come.
Jews and Christians because they base their understanding of God from what is known as the Old Testament and not the Koran, worship a different God than the Muslims. The two books describe God differently. Since the word of God must be true only one can be the true God.
Do Muslims and Christians worship the same God? NO
Do Jews and Christians worship the same God? NO
Do Muslims and Jews worship the same God? YES ..how do I know that ? Ask any rabbi why Jews are NOT allowed to pray in Churches, but it's ok for them to Pray in Mosques, I can look at Jews and say they are strictly monotheists but I can't say same thing about the man-worshipers (Christians)
Not true, It says " Sh'ma Yis'ra'eil Adonai Eloheinu Adonai ECHAD " Echad means One in Hebrew and Wached in Arabic means one also not Alone, I speak Arabic fluently
The Shema, as said by some rabbis and Jewish profs, is probably better translated as "God Alone" not "God is One."
It's funny he didn't include Jews in his title ? like Do Jews, Muslims and Christians worship the same God ? is it because they also CONDEMN the doctrine of the Trinity, and believe that God is ONE n Unitarian not a triune god ?
we believe that jesus is a prophet of god but i still respect your opinion
i say yes