An Evangelistic Note on My Door | Stand to Reason Podcast
Greg talks about our need to keep the culture from changing us, answers a question about whether there are topics we should not talk to our kids about when they’re young, and then discusses an evangelistic note he received on his door.
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What a great ending, I believe Corrie Ten Boom also used to have neighbours over for Bible study and hospitality, Dr. Sam Chan also reckons that we ought to do nore hospitality too.
John10:29ASV"My Father, who hath given them unto me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father's hand." Note please that the God and Father of Jesus (JEHOVAH) is greater than all others ,not many/most others. Thus JEHOVAH'S union with his Son/Servant is not a union of equals.
As I started listening( not watching) to this episode I knew immediately who left the note! I was Aiken to a little kid bursting out the right answer over and over until you confirmed what I already knew to be true. How did I know? Because I've received 2 of those letters in my mailbox. I told my daughter I was tempted to use the address given to mail them a bible. A real one.
I've received a few mailers from the jw's, but none had a personal note. I've mailed them back a tract😏
A great analysis of modern culture and totalitarianism, by the way.
Do you know that people are now generally saying that trans people can get pregnant and still be called 'men'? The problem here is that if someone doesn't have a Y chromosome but two XXs, can't produce sperm, but can get pregnant, yet is being called a man, then the word 'man' actually no longer has any meaning… What would a 'man' be in that case? Thus the world spirals into linguistic nonsense. Even biologists, who should know better, are abandoning the biological distinction between men and women in favour of this meaningless inclusive language. It would be farcical if it weren't so 'soft totalitarian'. We are living in Orwellian newspeak times.
I received similar letter a few weeks ago. I'm in London, UK.
I received something similar. A hand-written letter from a neighbor (not computer generated!) from a JW inviting me to a Bible study in their home.
Thankfully, we do have a Christian couple in our neighborhood who did this also many years. We met for four years and it was such a sweet time of fellowship! COVID hit, people have moved, but it’s time to start this up again.
We can’t let our neighbors be led astray by false doctrine while in search of fellowship.
We appreciate you and your staff. Bless you