Bible Prophecy – Happening Now with Don Stewart (July 2018)
Pastor Jack Hibbs and Don Stewart discuss end times, world events and Bible prophecy. Tune in as they examine the latest developments with Russia and Israel, and America’s role in the last days.
Be sure to watch the video all the way through for the live Q&A.
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There is no T in weaponry–
"weapontry" is not actually a word.
I love listening to these two guys I listen to this same taping so many times and I never get tired of it. God bless you gentlemen
Wow! Thank U, 4, Sharing. We must be living in the End TIMES. As in the days of Noah.
Look at pastor Gibbs growing his beard….love it…..and as far as My POTUS……..I SAY…..IF EVERYONE SAYS THAT A PERSON IS WRONG, THEN I SAY….THAT HE MUST BE DOING EVERYTHING RIGHT‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️… praise my almighty Lord of Hosts…YESHUA HA MESHIACH!
God bless ISREAL ‼️
I'm sorry but how can someone vote for a Democrat and profess to love Jesus! Hillary Clinton was for killing babies in the womb and out of the womb, that is reason enough not to have voted for her! She is wicked! Also, now we see what the Democrats are doing in NY, Colorado, Virginia, they passed laws to kill babies after they were born, leave them lying on the counter until the "mother" and "doctor" have a chance to discuss whether or not it is allowed to live!!!!!!! KILLING BABIES IS EVIL AND A HORRIFIC SIN! Jack, you said that all of the people that were at your service will not see the tribulation, you don't know their heart, how can you say that? No way that Jesus will allow anyone who knowingly votes for a politician that will vote for killing babies of any kind into his Kingdom! NO WAY! I would not vote for anyone who condones the murder of babies, it doesn't matter which party you are running under, do your homework, and there isn't any excuses for not knowing who and what the candidates stand for, all info is on the internet. Ignorance is not acceptable!
Do we have to be looking for Jesus to be raptured????
Have you considered Syrian leader for antichrist
Totally off topic: why is he making him just stand there? Let the man sit down.
What is the role of Drugs being pushed into our Country ?
CAPITALISM is going to fail in a big way!
And you can thank Hillary for China gaining on the USA. She sold us out in real time.
U & Don r on an attack on an Apostasy Report by a Joshua w/ a dove tatto on his neck. U r indicated as associating w/ prosperity heretics, who works for Brian, son in law of founder. I know Don Stewart is not this heretic label.
This is a simplistic view, you guys should look at the proxy wars backed by oil companies of the West. George Bush and Tony Blair ruined Iraq, Libya and wanted to do the same to Syria. US has been the invading army around the world. Russia basically helped to end the Syrian war. American christians should open your eyes, your own leaders , Clinton, Bush and Obama has been in bed with Saudi Arabia, US and Britain have been selling arms to the the Middle East for decades. Why do Christian leaders talk abouf Iran from a war mongering prospective, aren't we suppose to take the gospel to them with signs ans wonders? They are preaching for Israel and not preaching about the good news. Rapture doctrine -is this a false teaching?
Heads bowed and eyes closed?
Wish your church was in Maryland or DC! Love learning from you and your guests! God bless you!
im still in shock at the sight of Californians speaking God's truth and Gospel, so close to hollywierd, I assumed the whole state was lost to sin. I know, I know, stereotypes and all, but they do have a grain of truth to them usually. Im gonna keep watching and waiting for Jesus' return. You guys ARE making a differencia. So thank yall and keep it up, cuz yall really help
It has been a long time since I've watched any thing on prophecy and signs of the times. You can overdose on it and get so, so discouraged. I have learned there is a balance that better be kept. I really was starting to think, but correcting, that maybe not in our time. 20+ years of what ever I could devour on prophecy took its toll. I used to believe that when I was older I would see the rapture. Disappointing, it has not happened, but many more will have time to get right. My days are filled with good sermons and teachings. Also praying that I get back my love for prophecy, but not get out of spiritual balance. It can happen, I also stopped with books on every man's opinions on this subject.
Leading the lost to prayer at the end . what more could you ask??? 10/10. well done faithful servants Bible Prophecy – Happening Now with Don Stewart
20:47 There are some Christians (I know personally), who believe that Bashar al-Assad is a good guy (chemical weapons are a myth), and that Israel is the bad guy for their MOSSAD activity.
Now my usual response to this person is MOSSAD is most certainly being used for a whole lot of evil, but so was our own CIA. Just because certain powers at the wheel are evil, doesn't mean the rest of the country is evil.
To this reply, the excuse is always, "I know the Bible better than you! Your Trump is one of them! He's MOSSAD!"
There's just not enough patience I can be given that is capable of tolerating such intellectual belligerence.
Remember God is in control.
Don Stewart, I watched you and your friend speaking on prophecy today. With all due respect, how do you know for-sure the secret rapture is a doctrine scripturally, where in the Bible does it say this and can you please confirm this for me Biblically?
As a Christian, I couldn't help questioning your take on the secret rapture, the 7-year tribulation, the re-building of the temple in Israel, the antichrist, finally your logic on the Roman Empire politically. If I were to take a guess after watching this clip as to your belief on God's ten commandments, more than likely you would answer we are not under the law but grace, and is what mainstream Christendom follows.
If one teaches just that, the Lord has shown me you will never understand the book of Revelation otherwise. In the book of Isaiah 8: 20, It says "To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no LIGHT in them. Understood, 50% is one part and 50% is the other, both need to be observed period. Would you like to be half right or 100% on the mark? This is what I'm saying. The Jew's keep the Law of Moses, but they don't believe that Jesus is the Messiah. The Christians believe Jesus Is the Messiah but they don't believe in God's law, both have it 50% right one has the Law the other has Jesus, but Isaiah says the true LIGHT will be understood upon both God's law and His testimony, otherwise it simply says do not listen to anyone as there is no "Light" in them. This verse in the book of Isaiah confirms Jesus did not nail the commandments to the cross as so many think. Saying Jesus did away with His law is totally unacceptable moreover; creating a contradiction and is why people become atheists, God is not the author of confusion?? John 14: 15, 21 Jesus says "IF YOU LOVE ME KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS"
I understand the proper interpretation of this verse to be: A) To the law = (the 10 commandments) and B) to the testimony = ( the spirit of prophecy) Revelation 19: 10. So obviously they go together like a hand in a glove; just like Daniel is the 27th book, and is the foundation to the proper interpretation of and to the book of Revelation, also the 27th book, in addition, 7 hundred years apart.
Therefore to teach saying we're not under God's "law" anymore, but the other half in the verse that says the "testimony" is, well, (Isaiah 8: 20), essentially what your doing is picking and choosing with only 50% capacity. Therefore to understand the book of Revelation without the original 10 commandments given to Moses, this most essential component that unlocks this book, however, would therefore completely be misinterpreted forcing it to make sense from peoples own point of views. One can't deny there are many who have their own interpretations and is why there are 3200 Christian denominations within Protestantism all with their set of doctrines. The book of Ephesians 4: 4, 5, 6 makes it perfectly clear that God has one true church, in fact, Revelation 12: 17 confirms that the ones the devil is after are they "who keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ"
Like a key that opens a door and starts your car is what the commandments do for the book of Revelation. Its hard enough this book is the most difficult to put together needing special attention like a puzzle takes time, mainly patience. Revelation 14: 12 reads "Here is the PATIENCE of the saints; here are they who keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus" Moreover Revelation regardless takes faith and patience, but to try and comprehend this book without the 10 commandments makes it that much harder. Jesus said "let your LIGHT so shine before men" this means having the law and the testimony, therefore, one can not dispute this fact in Isaiah 8: 20 otherwise God has instructed us if they don't speak according to His word regarding His law and His testimony, there is no LIGHT in them and not to listen to them. This doesn't mean your not a loving Christian God wants us to speak true doctrine for our benefit especially in this last generation.
The enemy has corrupted sound doctrine concerning the 10 commandments, not to mention other doctrines not even Scriptural. This, however, does not mean God has shunned any who seek to know and love Jesus and His Holy Bible. There are yet beautiful Christians in all denominations around the world, furthermore, when truth and new light is seen we should seek Him in meditation and prayer concerning how to please Him not just settle with what your pastor or teacher has to say. After all, God is calling people out of all churches and to them who hear His voice the true Shepherd will call many to His voice.
May the God of love and life bless you
In Jesus beautiful name Amen.
These two indeed are chosen by the one to be alert and warn the rest of us! All cred to 'em.
I wish jack read the true word of God instead of a polluted version.. sad….
I just “found” these men this past week! Wow!! Awesome video!! Thank you so much!!
Thank you both for your wonderful teaching. God bless
Israel's cybersecurity.
First time Ive paid attention to real prophecy talk in years. Youtube is full off kooks as mentioned and most churches dont preach it. So thanks to these two guys. By the way, I cant help it but if we are this close to WW3 and make no mistake if Israel is invaded thats EXACTLY what it will be, then where is the rapture? Shouldn't they be gone already? Personally Im not goin, I dont believe it. Its a fairytale for gullible fakes. BUT, you rapture people when the SHTF and you are still here I want with all my heart to see your faces and laugh. In fact Im laughing at you right now, oh and by the way most of you will be doing the 'backstroke' in the Lake of fire for False teaching, believing false teachers and deception anyhow so even if there was a rapture you'd miss it anyhow. Weird how that works. Anyway, I laugh at you poor saps, fake Christians. Just sayin. Even so come Lord Jesus. These things must needs be.
No, matter what. Wither JESUS is close or not, which my spirit happens to feel, that it is near. People, we have to be prepared at anytime, because we could just end up dying before our time and still not be prepared to meet our judge. Our jobs to stay clean….love, love, love , love one another as Jesus loves us.
Israel must stand alone, that God will receive the glory for rescuing them from their enemies. 😀
Who is real Israel. (YouTube)
Hi pastor Jack,
I don't know if you read any of the comments, but isn't the Antichrist supposed to be a Syrian?
He's wrong about Paul, Paul was given The New Covenant, Peter had to agree to that. I don't why he don't use Paul no more than what he does? This brings to mind Isa. 28:9-13. Don't get me wrong , I'm learning A LOT.
Regarding the democrat party, I used to be a democrat. Its not their socialist, marxist or fascist agendas, it is plainly and simply (and politically incorrect to actually acknowledge) the fact that they are luciferian-pedovore-elitist-monsters.
They are Satan's foot soldiers. I do not say this metaphorically or allegorically. This literal in every sense of the word.
And this is not JUST democrats. Many republicans, as well, have fallen into the trap of the lawless one.
As have many entities, agencies and individuals across all strata of government, law enforcement, civilian, corporate, military… federal, state, county, and local authorities.
So if you want to be truly "bold", then speak ALL of the truth, not just what is "palatable" for the audience.
We are witness to the unfolding of what is truly the most heinous, evil atrocities of humans since the Garden of Eden.
The scope and magnitude of this luciferian child and human abduction, trafficking, torture, rape, sodomy, drinking of blood, eating of human flesh…
This is what President Donald Trump, with the help and protection of God Almighty, is up against and taking down, piece by miserable piece.
It is a global machination of epic and truly vile proportion. From the Vatican, to the White House to your local public school districts, to the office of Child Protective Services and more.
Religion, government, business all working together for decades if not centuries or longer to perpetuate their unholy agendas and protect each other.
The Bible foretold, among other things, that mothers will eat their own children… there are many unspeakable things that the prophets likely could not even conceive of at the times they were written (and those were some difficult, brutal times!).
Yet they recorded these things faithfully, so that we, today, 2000+ years later, can, for those with "eyes to see" and "ears to hear", know, yet again, how true and glorious is the Lord, our God. If only, unfortunately for some, by virtue of the truly Satanic realities unfolding before our very eyes.
Hey Pastor, they deleted your interview w/Amir?????
If you believe in the Bible, pastor Jack, there is no way you can believe in Trump or think he is a force for good – you talk about improvements in the economy to support your belief in Trump. The economy is pure evil. Money is pure evil. It is the root of all evil. So what do any "improvements" there have to do with whether one should support Trump or not? Not to mention the fact that it is no longer possible to say our economy is doing well because the money they print is backed by nothing and there is no way America can ever get out of debt. The truth is that the U.S. has put it's faith in the economy and money. There is no such thing as patriotism in the world of Christianity. It's about people. And people are people no matter where you go. It's about individuals. People who spend their time defending their country are just engaging in another form of worship. You think God sees countries and borders? I guarantee you He only see individuals. Trump is a warrior for Satan. His God is money. The majority of people who voted for him are in the same boat. Money is King. MY money MY retirement, MY 401K, MY fence, MY stuff, MY rights, screw the poor and the downtrodden, they should go get a job, get their own STUFF, stop getting in the way of my self-realization. The Bible says to give everything away to the poor. Not "horde as much money as you can", "pledge allegiance to the almighty dollar". You seem like a decent guy, but it's disgusting to see what lengths believers will go to to defend someone who refers to the poor and those who are not "ambitious" as LOSERS. We SHOULD be giving our money away to those who are needy in all sorts of different ways. Trump is part of the plan all right, part of the plan to bring America to its knees and further her destruction. Who CARES about the economy? A thriving economy is not a sign that someone is doing God's work, the very notion is ludicrous. We all take part in a system on a daily basis which is rotten to its very core. And we will most certainly pay for that.