Bible Prophecy – Happening Now with Jan Markell (January 2019)
Pastor Jack Hibbs, and Jan Markell of Olive Tree Ministries examine God’s prophetic Word concerning Antichrist’s origin, the destruction of Damascus, and Israel’s relationship with the United States.
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I love that little LADY 😊💜🙏💥
The Arc of the covenant is in Heaven, It's written in the old testament
Amen! Thank you Lord!
love the show
This time together with Jan and Pastor Jack brings together things I have studied but could not grasp until I watched this. Mere words are not sufficient to express my appreciation for the things you are teaching. May our God bless the speakers and bless all who listen or watch this teaching.
Jack Hibbs sound just like Billy Crone… Textbook Billy Crone …Don’t watch the video and just listen to the Audio… It’s a compliment because I love both of them 🙏
Jan is a useless pre tribber.
4 years NOW FAILED secret raptures etc, and counting.
Hard to admit youre lying yet you claim youre of God?
21:14 What Jan says is completely opposite of what is discussed in 2 Thes 2:1-4.
I came out of an organization where you KNEW never to question any of the leadership –
You should be very concerned about these people. Read Matthew 7:21-23. It's like worrying about Ken Ham's Ark or Chuck Smith and his long winded sermons on the age of the earth. NONE of this is about doing God's will. Why is this not called "Behold Jesus"? "Heaven and earth will disappear" Why is it that the Lord spoke about the Centurion "Where have I found such faith?" or why was it that Ruth, from Moab, a group banned from the assembly of Israel (Deut 23: 3-6) became David's great grandmother? What does Isaiah 56 really mean? What does Exodus 19:6-8 really mean? Israel is NOT a place! It's about Matthew 7:21 and NOT about prophecy!
Nope. Trump was not the Savior everyone thought. Cant watch this praise of such a narcissistic, adulterous man who lies out both side his mouth. !! I know it was 4 years ago, but sheesh people open your eyes!!!!!!
Jan is NOT a woman, but a deceiving Baphomet loving transgender. Wake up Christians!!
Did anyone notice his last name the one that they're referring to might be the beast? I looked up the definition of his last name and it says a mark.
I am listening to this and this was before COVID my world and how things have changed so fast since this video was made. It is unbelievable!!!
Just found this message and it is still a word for now. Am so blessed to hear these messages in a time of need.
Please read the scriptures, the AC is an Assyrian
Thanx Jan 😀 I always listen to u Saturday AM, 99.9FM, Fresno,CA. U introduced me to Pastor Jack last year at ur Prophesy Conference. I've listened to him every single day since then. I've done his Isaiah series twice, both 1 & 2 Peter, 2 Corinthians. THANK YOU!!!
"Occupy till I come"…"The time is short….make good use of it!"
Glory Honor and Power be into the Name of Jesus!
I am so happy you had Jan speaking to us on Prophecy and now I have a way to get her updates. Ty 💞🀄
A pastor must please god God & preach the gospel & true Amen
Carrion eaters will inhabit Damascus after it is destroyed.
Catholics believe that they are born again when they are baptized as babies. I ask them to show in their bible where they baptize babies. Pray for your catholic loved ones pray for their salvation. Ex catholic, I walked away from catholicism 37 years ago.