Books of 1-2 Chronicles Summary: A Complete Animated Overview
Watch our overview video on the books of 1-2 Chronicles, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. Chronicles retells the entire Old Testament story, highlighting the future hope of the messianic king and a restored temple.
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I’ve always read Kings as mans perspective of the history of Israel in regards of their kings, and Chronicles therefore as that same history from God’s perspective. Don’t know if that’s totally accurate, but it helps me put them both into importance in that sense. 🤷🏾♂️🤷🏾♂️🤷🏾♂️
Jack Circles
Lockman Stravenue
Magdalen Mountains
Schamberger Union
Brandi Roads
He Is and Always Be.. Almighty Lord 2024
Thank you 🙏🏼
It took me 2 days of watching this series, all 41 videos of this playlist – Old Covenant books or "Old Alliance". 📚
Torah + Tanakh + Ketuvim, this is so exciting! Spent 2 days of online studies watching every video, in detail, paying attention to this rich resource. 😃
TY for your works! This is cool and refreshing, now looking forward to watch the New Alliance or "Renewed Covenant" material soon! 📖
Glory to the God of Israel, Our Beloved Creator!
Amen! He is ALIVE and reigns from Above. HalleluYah!
Glory to the God of Israel, Our Beloved Creator! ❤❤🌠
Amen! He is ALIVE and reings from Above. HalleluYah!
EDIT: 10 and 11 of month 09 of '24. 2 days of online studies to watch all playlist/series on the channel about the Old/Original Alliance.
Really great – except "let him go up" is NOT an incomplete sentence. The Hebrew word means to "make aliyah, " a phrase in Hebrew meaning to make sacred pilgrimage by going to live in the Land of Israel. It is "up" because the rest of the world is considered spiritually lower than Zion. This, therefore, is a completed sentence and idea that then points toward being in the Land waiting for the coming Messiah.
Leannon Inlet
It’s important to remember to go back to your word. It’s nice to have these videos because they help expand my understanding. But nothing beats confirming it with the word of God.
Thank you.
The Messianic King to come would be like David? David had SOME positive, constructive characteristics, however those characteristics came from God. Is it safe to say that the Messianic King to come would be nothing like King David? ✡️
0:41 so I’m the Jewish Bible Chronicles is the last book in the Old Testament instead of Malachi?
Thank you for the easy to understand interpretation! God bless!
Thank you so much this help me understand what I was reading
There is an instance of David's flaw in 1st Chronicles 21. It's where David attempts to have a census taken, and God sent a plague. But it also shows David's speedy repentance.
Paid, Payd(ay?)
Whenever I read 1st and 2nd chronicles I hear the Game of Thrones theme. You could make an entire show about this with that budget and there'd be instances that make George R R Martin's writing seem tame compared to the crazy shenanigans the actual historical people in these books pulled to stay in power. What a show that would be, you got these crazy evil kings, and wars, and wicked women, and false prophets and religions and cults and people murdering their entire family to keep the throne, and people dying greuseome deaths and then usurpers killing entire families. Athaliah makes Cersei Lannister look like childsplay. WE NEED A BIG BUDGET SHOW like that with a proper ending. I think something like that would really enflame peoples interest in Bible history.
I am just curious, if the genealogies of Chronicles are as important as this video suggests, why do you guys put 10 Chapters of them in one days’ reading as to your read through the Bible in a year project? I mean wading through a single Chapter of such genealogies in a single day is hard, but 10 chapters? Just pull all my teeth without any numbing meds. I really want to believe that there is much important here and I have to admit that there is no way that God would waste this much scripture space if there wasn’t something terribly important here (but is it just the genealogy’ of Christ?). Reading 10 chapters of this in one day is nuts? This is what loses people who are attempting to read through the Bible in a year or are on some other such program. I so much respect what Bible Project has done, but please reevaluate what you are doing here.
Praise Jesus – Explained in 8 mins wow….God bless the people who worked on this….
These videos are great! They’re even better when you read along side it. Don’t let the commentaries replace reading the word. Love the Bible project 🖤
your the best bible project
Gloria a Dios
These are so so so helpful!! Thank you
Thank you!
Thank you so much for this video! I just finished reading 2nd Chronicles and your brief summation has been very helpful in my understanding of the writings. What a physical and spiritual journey!!! Come again soon Lord & King Jesus!!!🙏😊💖
God bless you!❤
4:06 How is the chronicler highlight that the messianic king would be a king like david In 1Chr 17? the latter portion is David thanking God
5:43 the sentence is not incomplete, it's just completed in another book: the book of Ezra (see chapter 1:2-3, and in the hebrew text, the last verse of II Chronicles36:23 is almost the same text as in Ezra 1:2-3), and it gives the perfect conclusion to the so called "unfinished statement" in chronicles: Thus says Koresh (Cyrus) king of Paras (Persia), The Lord God of heaven has given me all the kingdoms of the earth; and he has charged me to build him a house at Jerusalem, which is in Judah. Whoever is among you of all his people, let his God be with him, and let him go up to Jerusalem, which is in Judah, and build the house of the Lord God of Israel; (he is the God,) which is in Jerusalem. There is a little change in the very ending, but that doesn't change a lot.
wow this Bible Recap is full of valuable information and is so helpful. God bless yall.
Lol, ironically, I actually think Saul's persecution of David (or rather, how David handled it) actually shows just how strong and Godly he was. So that seems like a weird thing to leave out. Obviously, in retrospect, it's even weirder, considering how much Jesus, the Messiah, himself, was persecuted. Not to mention how much we, his children who've joined his kingdom, have been persecuted over the centuries. Seeing how David, and Jesus, handled their persecution is invaluable to us!
I am so blessed with all of your videos, i understand bible more by watching your videos. May the Lord bless you more and your ministry.
I love your videos. I noticed when I read Kings that it refers to Chronicles. So how is the book of Chronicles written AFTER the book of Kings?
phenomenal book summary as usual! keep up the good work team bible project🤩
I always watch these when I end one of the many books in the Bible and it really helps me realize a lot of stuff I missed in the book. Thank you❤️
Thank you Bible Project, your illustrations really helped us to have a great understanding of the messages in the bible 🥰 God bless your ministry 🙏🏻
I watch these before, while, and after I’m reading chapters to be sure I know what I’m reading.
Binge watched the whole Old Testament!
Look back in order to look ahead. The past as being a source of hope for the future.
A story in search of an ending
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