Brexit: Why Britain Left the European Union | 5 Minute Video
Is the European Union good for Europe? Or would Europeans be better off without it? Nigel Farage, a leader of the United Kingdom’s Brexit movement, shares his view.
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If one big government is bad, imagine how much worse two big governments would be. But that’s what people living in Europe have had to deal with: their own nation’s bloated government and the super-national government of Europe, now known as the European Union. Bureaucracy times two! How’s that for a horror show?
Well, actually, you’ve no idea. It’s worse than you think. Believe me—I know, because for seventeen years, I’ve represented South East England as a member of the European Parliament, the EU’s legislative body. I was also leader of the UK Independence Party, or UKIP, where I lead Britain’s efforts to leave the European Union. To their everlasting credit, that’s just what happened on June the 23rd, 2016: The United Kingdom left the European Union. The world knows it as “Brexit.”
Brexit is a statement of national sovereignty. Don’t misunderstand me: I like nations. I like borders. I like the people that live within those borders making their own laws. But I don’t like it when faceless bureaucrats make laws for nations they don’t even live in.
But that’s what they do in the European Union.
Imagine a Belgian telling a Brit how much he can charge his customers—or the reverse. The EU bureaucrats do this in a myriad of different ways, all day, every day. It is a conspiracy of the elites.
Who are those elites? Well, they’re a bunch of self-important, overpaid, social engineers with useless college degrees who have never done a proper day’s work in their lives and have no connection with ordinary, decent people. I’ll take the good sense of an Italian farmer or a French baker over the arid intellectualism of an EU bureaucrat any day.
And I say these things not as an anti-European; I love Europe! It’s a fantastic, exciting, great continent: different peoples, languages, and cultures. But these peoples, with their languages and cultures, have effectively been hijacked by a giant, ever-expanding bureaucracy: the European Union.
People will say, “but isn’t there a parliament, a European parliament, that represents the people of Europe?” Well, yes, but this body has got no real power; it can’t make its own laws. Rather, the power resides with the European Commission. They’re unelected and they can’t be removed, and that’s how absurd the whole thing is.
The European Parliament meets in Brussels. At least, that’s what I thought when I was elected there. But once a month, do you know what happens? They load the contents of our offices and papers into big, plastic trunks, and they put those trunks on lorries, and they drive them nearly 400 miles down Europe’s motorways to a French city called Strasbourg where, for four days, the contents of our offices, and our papers, are put into a new office, and the parliament then sits there. Twelve times a year this back-and-forth happens, and this from an organization who say they want to reduce their level of carbon footprint! This, from an organization whose accounts have not been given a clean bill of health by the auditors for the last twenty years!
This…a parliament? It’s more like a traveling circus.
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/brexit-why-britain-left-european-union

Robert Reich basically
I bet Farage is against Scottish independence
boohoo bad people "not done a hard days work" blah blah.. who voted them in? ah okk
Britain's economy has weakened since Brexit. Making the EU more efficient is the real target.
Farage and Johnson lied. They are not honest enough to recognise it.
Post-colonialism explains almost everything about British politics.
Because of this ass…le and his manipulations Britain is in awful mess from which they will never recover. England out of europe is finished.
well how has that been working out for you
Michael Heseltine is a remainer because he says he wants to reform it from within. Cameron and May tried that without success.
the real reason for brexit:
I like how this brit is french bashing the EU 🇫🇷🇪🇺 😂😂
Is the EU a french conspiracy??
How to start a pub fight in European countries
Talk about brexit. you wont be dissapointed
if you want to get the point across you need to ditch this slimy Bas~ard!! i immediately wanted to ditch not to mention he stole from the eu anyway
"The process to join the EU is better for your country than actually being in it"
– A quote I just made in support of this video
1:39 I mean, it isn't nice to insult them but you're right.
Hind sight is 20/20
Left becase it is a scam and rip off.
Half of this video is fake news
As much as I HATE the EU, the UK was better off in the EU. I've seen it myself.
when the eu was new it was only about free movement of products tax free. why can't this change back
The UN is doing the same thing.
Well this video aged like fine milk. Still cant believe some people were stupid enough to think this was a good idea lmao. We all told you what would happen and now yall are crying about how shit sucks cus we were right.
I think im going to read some well sourced history books on the EU and british history. There must be some kind of answer there as to why the UK is such a stubborn mule.
I just didn't like unelected people having power over me tell me who to like,or what to eat I want my freedom, so brexit is good.all now is get rid of our weak uk government
This video becomes every year funnier
thank god they left, if this is how they see the european union this was a blessing in disguise
Nigel is a hero to europe
WOW! i finally found a video that explains things clearly to me.
Interestingly enough Nigel's children have German passports. So that evil bureaucracy can't be that bad can it 🤔 it couldn't possibly be that he's an evil conman could it 🤔
So satisfying to look at how badly has this aged.