Busting the Big City Blues | Road Trip on a Budget | Episode 4
Washington spends with absolutely no return on American taxpayer dollars—it’s not sustainable and it’s dangerous.
Senator Rick Scott explains why we should see the debt ceiling as a big warning sign on our Road Trip on a Budget.
Catch the rest of our Road Trip on a Budget Series, here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBs6_t5NjudRgYWZ8Wvf9o287JEYfnRKw
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It's a bipartisan problem social security among other entitlements are part of the problem obey the constitution percent we can start to reduce debt.
Audit the Pentagon, that's where a LOT of the wasteful spending is!!
Hi Senator Scott, I really appreciated all you did here in Florida when you were governor and am so happy you are now a Florida Senator. These videos are excellent, no nonsense, only COMMON SENSE which is obviously lacking in leadership on both sides of the aisle. Thank you for all you are doing. Shalom!
Of course, Senator Rick Scott never mentions, does not say a word about, the exorbitant US spending on our military to enrich the defense contractors; that we have 800 plus military bases in foreign countries; that we spend more on the military than the next ten countries combined; that we exported jobs at the same time that we reduced domestic wages.
Reign in ridiculous military budget. Those washers were for the military. After 911 the money flew out and never stopped. No accountability, no checks or balances. Trump had 4 years ..why did you two not fix it??
Wow. What a neat joke.
You don't want useless government spending but support medicare and social security? Seriously?
Good start.