Can Atheists Ground the Claim That Abortion Is Wrong?
If a pro-life atheist doesn’t believe in a Moral Law Giver, can their view be consistent? Alan Shlemon of Stand to Reason discusses.
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“If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple.” Luke 14:26
You asked for a standard? The standard as well being
I can, well being ,,there you go
Thats called Sociopathy, if your choices in life about being good or bad are based on a belief in god and you need that to understand morality, Im sorry but you are basically a sociopath, Im not saying theres anything wrong with believing but your meant to make good choices wether god is real or not, I mean your religion doesnt say to be bad if you find out god isnt real, you should be doing good for good not for some type of reward or acceptance from god, be good for you and everyone else around you
Dear Stands to Reason,
I am a Christian, so I acknowledge many authorities that direct my life, with the supreme authority being God, as He speaks in his Scriptures. This makes very reasonable sense, that the creator of the universe, and the one that created me and all other humans, should recognize God the creator, as the final, supreme authority However……………
If ……. I were an atheist, what authority would be logical and reasonable to recognize ? Since I am aware that I can reason, I could reasonably deduct that logic and science are the most reliable authorities for an atheist. This seems to be the conclusion of many thoughtful atheists today (I personally suspect that "thoughtful atheists" are the minority of the atheistic population, but there are some I would consider to be so)
As a thoughtful atheist, I can ponder the wonders of nature and understand the value of life, recognizing life as a unique phenomenon, because I cannot duplicate life. I can see that life should be preserved unless there is substantial reason to extinguish a life. I can clearly see that humanity is the apex of life forms and should have priority to be preserved. So I would reason not to take a human life without sufficient reason.
The unborn are undoubtedly living, individual, human beings also, and their life should not be extinguished without sufficient reason. As an atheist, I would have to consider what would be sufficient reason. If I have logically developed a philosophy of valuing life, particularly, human life, then there would be few legitimate reasons, that would be sufficient cause, to take an unborn human life. This principle is based on logic and science.
Using logical deductions and science as the primary authorities, an atheist can create objective principles of a created morality by which to live by. I acknowledge that this atheist is using tools (logic & science) that was given by God to arrive at his reasoned conclusions, so ultimately he cannot arrive at these conclusions without "God in the background". However, he could arrive at the conclusion that abortion is wrong without directly appealing to God, as an authority, including God as a moral authority.
I think this is a possible, reasonable way an atheist can objectively ground the claim that abortion is wrong
Be Well,
I have seen more dissension among Christians themselves, then I have ever seen between Christians and other people of other beliefs.
So within that argument itself, not all Christians are in agreement upon such issues as abortion.
If you read the book THE YEAR OF LIVING BIBLICALLY by AJ Jacobs, you will discover that there are sects of Christians out there who are pro-choice.
This information alone is enough to challenge the argument made by the speaker in this video