Critical Race Theory The Left’s Attack on Presidential Houses: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly The Heritage FoundationJuly 29, 2022 As the ideologies of identity politics and critical race theory march through America’s institutions, even the homes of George Washi... 117200
Critical Race Theory 5 Myths of Critical Race Theory (BUSTED) The Heritage FoundationFebruary 2, 2022 When parents and concerned Americans started calling out and pushing back against the rise of CRT, the political left frantically re... 2519000
Critical Race Theory The Media Won’t Honestly Cover Black Lives Matter, So I Did It | Mike Gonzalez on Fox News The Heritage FoundationOctober 16, 2021 Heritage’s Mike Gonzalez joined Fox News, Saturday, October 16, to talk about the latest on the Black Lives Matter organizatio... 3716800
Critical Race Theory Why Did Amazon Censor an ExposĂ© of Black Lives Matter? | Mike Gonzalez on OAN The Heritage FoundationSeptember 23, 2021 Heritage’s Mike Gonzalez joined OAN to talk about the release of his new book, “BLM: The Making of a New Marxist Revolut... 1221800
Critical Race Theory He Fought Back Against Amazon’s Anti-Conservative Bias & Won | Mike Gonzalez on Newsmax The Heritage FoundationSeptember 22, 2021 Heritage’s Mike Gonzalez joined Newsmax to talk about the release of his new book, “BLM: The Making of a New Marxist Rev... 1120500
Critical Race Theory When Power Overrules Law and Conscience Stand to ReasonSeptember 10, 2021 Greg discusses a recent case where a nurse was forced to participate in an abortion and the Justice Department declined to uphold fe... 610100
Critical Race Theory BLM’s Legacy Is Rising Crime, Political Violence | Mike Gonzalez on BLM The Heritage FoundationSeptember 7, 2021 Heritage’s Mike Gonzalez joined Newsmax, Monday, September 6, to talk about the release of his new book, “BLM: The Makin... 1318800
Critical Race Theory Teachers Unions Underestimated Parents Against Critical Race Theory: Sarah Perry The Heritage FoundationAugust 19, 2021 Sarah Perry joined One America News to discuss how teachers unions are going to court amidst efforts to remove critical race theory... 2522900
Critical Race Theory Guest Monique Duson Talks CRT and Justice | Stand to Reason Podcast Stand to ReasonAugust 14, 2021 Greg talks with Monique Duson of the Center for Biblical Unity about critical race theory and justice, they answer questions about t... 114200