Climate Myths DEBUNKED: Real Reason Elites Want You Terrified of Global Warming | Glenn TV | Ep 291
Wealthy climate crusaders like John Kerry and Joe Biden love to hop from one climate change doomsday conference to another on private jets that emit more carbon than any one of us could spew in our entire lifetime. Why is their hypocrisy so blatant? Glenn argues one reason is that climate change has become a powerful political weapon. Look no farther than jet-setter Hillary Clinton, who recently blamed her political enemies for hot summer temperatures in a tweet: “Hot enough for you? Thank a MAGA Republican. Or better yet, vote them out of office.” Hypocrisy and instilling fear are just the way their game of control works. Glenn explores the shady history of climate hysteria, which, unlike climate change, ACTUALLY grows more severe by the day. These are the people who have repeatedly insisted that mass extinction would be a good thing. They’ve figured out how to use “climate change” to provoke fear. Before that, it was global warming. Before that, it was acid rain. Or the new ice age. Or the ozone layer. Beware the false climate prophets who use doom to reshape your world.
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I love the different voices you do. You're not spooky. Looking.
The false prophets of climate change should be more concerned with their destiny with eternity (hell), a place where climate change will be their reality Genesis 8:22 While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.
Block the sun so much for solar panels what the hey?
False Climare Prophet's…like Isaiah 24…the Chapter and the current Science match..right after the War of Jacobs Trouble….thats 4 year's from Now….Why are You disarming the hope of the righteous…We the People….. tell Me….the Science is on my side Glenn… Signed Linda Ruth Dennison…!!!
The climate and another “pandemic” is their only hope of deceiving the population into loss of freedom and being locked down for “one world rule”! Sorry! We’re onto you liars!
What news promoter’s will say for a pay check.
No shame. 😂
I say bring on climate change bring it on it's not going to matter Jesus is coming back none of that matters 🙏🕊️🐑😇
can i get a transcript of this ?
The goal is control with fear, hunger, and poverty. It’s a lie, a hoax, and just plain evil.
Amazing with all the coming flooding that elites still keep buying beachfront properties and insurance companies still insure them! Hmmmm… Whoda thunk it!?!?
Do you know what the antidote for anxiety for cimate change is? Read the Psalter daily, you will cure all your climate change anxiety and then some.
Climate changes from the beginning of creation. That is what the cimate does.
So spot on it’s painful. Climate-protection hypocrisy at its best.
Dr. Evil can KMA
They want to take our vehicles from us to limit our movements and e vehicles wont take off and they know that, smoke screen.
Climate "science" is pure garbage.
I'm in my 50s. In the 1970s, it was going to be a new ice age. In the 80s, it was the ozone layer was going away and the sun would kill us all. In the 90s, it was acid rain was going to kill all crops and we'd all die. 2000 was global warming, then they tried global weirding for like a minute, now it's catastrophic man made global climate change. Uh huh. And am I the only guy to notice that the dipsticks who advocate population reduction never volunteer to go first?
I wonder who will save the climate experts and elites when the masses come for them with pitchforks and torches.
And what is the cooking and heating source at the White House…….gas!
The earth is three fourths water. Water and science. 39 degrees is water at heavy
No one knows what the earth.temp is
God bless you man. Yo when you good too sleep tonite please remember you have beaten howard stern. Meanwhile stern has just turned himself unto or into a useless moron. You have become more punk rock more witty and more honest too god a real “real one”.! And a messenger of truth and of great wisdom&information keeping hope alive being a beacon of light this is awsome Mr.beck just great show these legacy media goons and goblins and there overlords are goin too be surprised how much we are onto them and or not goin too bow down or convert too the stupidity and ignorant wannabe and play God mk ultra monarchy programming. Amen my dude.!
I find it amazing how people paying more money will have any affect on the climate… we send money to fund WARS all over the globe and how does that work for the climate??
Money making proposition.
Climate change is a weapon in the solar system that is able to target the destination to remove or change humans existence. Demand no funds for climate change war weapons.
Back in the early 70's, I wrote a story for an elementary school assignment. It was about a journey, but upon returning home, I was pleased to see, my parents had installed an outdoor clean air machine. 😂
In my story, it was going to soon be commonplace for individuals to own outdoor air filtration systems as we now have home computers, air conditioning, and cars.
They had me convinced back then.
Seeing city smog back then, I'm glad we have pollution controls in place, but the climate rants have grown tiresome. I no longer get fooled by their alarmist tactics.
Now THAT'S freedom.🎉
This is great Glen. Love the humor. Thank you & your staff for putting this together.
Name me a weather that we didn't have a thousand years ago . Earthquakes were higher magnitude years ago .
President dingus can't make change for a dollar .
Gore is not a physicist. So what does he know? He's an idiot!
The real reason is CONTROL!!! The Elites want to control the whole middle class and more in the entire Earth!!
Hate to bust your bubble Glen, but treated sewage runoff is in some water supplies..
Those that get surface water..
But on the bright side, a plan is being thought of to pump the treated water into ground water, to replenish the water table..
As an example.
The area near Fresno California, the elevation has dropped due to farmers sucking up the liquid Gold.
Pumping treated sewage water into the aquifer is Genius, doing something that takes nature to do hundreds of thousands of years..
Andcyet people still cant figure out why their water taste like crap.
I'm in the UK, we just saw the coldest, wettest July in History. It was great, my lawn has never been greener.