Congress Must Do Its Part on the Budget
The president’s annual budget proposal should serve as a road map to Congress for how the executive and legislative branches can work together to increase individual freedom and economic prosperity for all Americans.
Out-of-control federal spending is a threat to that freedom and prosperity.
Learn more:
Trump’s Budget Would Balance, Congress Can’t Say the Same
Trump Budget Cuts Size of Federal Government, but Bolder Reforms Needed
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A balanced budget every year is a good idea. Now……what are we going to do about the 20 TRILLION in debt? As long as politicians can continue spending more that we generate in taxes, the problem will never be solved.
Trump is simply bringing us closer to bankruptcy with these budget deficits. If we truly want our liberty back, we must have term limits in Congress and a balanced budget.
More tax cuts to millionaires though right? We’re in more debt now than ever. Trump is spending more than we ever have annually…you can’t increase spending and decrease taxes if you want to balance the budget.
Absolutely! Taking power away from Washington DC is imperative. #DrainTheSwamp
All we hear about is budgets, but Congress hasn't been able to balance their check book in 50 years! Our federal government is so over bloated and waaaaay to big. If we shrink the size of the D.C. morons that literally do NOTHING, then we will be able to lower taxes and get a handle on our spending. We gotta stop paying these assholes so much! Term limits are a necessity. No more pensions for congress at all, ever! It should be like it was when we started this country. "You want to be a public servant "? "Good, go serve in D.C. for a couple years and when it's over, go back to your regular job. Why cant it be like that? Why are we letting pedophiles like Creepy, Sleepy Joe Biden be in government his entire career? The swamp shouldnt be a career. We should NEVER allow carrer politicians. If we want the swamp drained, WE HAVE TO DRAIN IT! Our President cant do it all on his own. The job of Congress and the Senate should be to work themselves out of a job. I mean seriously, we could shut the feds down for months, nothing would change.