Critical Race Theory in the Military
What would our military be like if Marines were taught to assess their fellow marines’ trustworthiness or capability based on the color of their skin? This week, senior research fellow Dakota Wood talks about how woke policies like critical race theory would destroy the military.
Read more: https://www.heritage.org/progressivism/commentary/critical-race-theory-will-destroy-our-military
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LTC Matthew Lohmeier book: Irresistible Revolution: Marxism's Goal of Conquest & the Unmaking of the American Military
CRT seeks the total destruction of America. It uses shaming and the demoralization of citizens so that the citizens can not and will not fight for or intellectually defend America. CRT is not “just a harmless way of looking.” CRT perpetuates conflict.
CRT is intellectually grounded to the 1924 German “Institute for Social Research” also known as the Frankfurt School. “Critical Theory” and “Cultural Marxism” and Political Correctness and neo Marxism were developed there by Herbert Marcuse and others.
CRT operates within the Leftist Ideology. CRT, Intersectionality, BLM, Postmodern Neo Marxism, Totalitarianism are all intermixed and compatible with one another.
Critical Theory functions to make people “continually criticize”. See the history here of Critical Theory and Political Correctness
CRT is not critical thinking or objective thinking. . It rejects the use of reasoning and replaces reasoning with a story. It has a negative subjective bias used to fuel an obsessive criticism of America, institutions, whites and Christians; and it creates ever growing resentment as it moves on.
CRT rejects the results of the 1960s Civil Right Act. It injects new normative values into the culture of America.
(Socialism is a theft scheme)
Understand the role of social resentment here: https://youtu.be/9SUccB5xitg
CRT seeks to refight the past. This leads to demoralization and hatred of America. History never seems to let go. The STORY NEVER ARRIVES AT A HAPPY ENDING.
Example of obsessions with the past, or “CRT is just teaching history” discussion: https://youtu.be/dwgsbZ1MsAE
The past is used as a “nagging stick” over any white person. It is racism. This leads to a predictable reaction from the White Guy, namely impatience and conflict.
CRT rejects Martin Luther King Jr
Marxism seeks to create endless social conflict. It regards conflict as necessary to manage or improve the society in the same manner as Darwin’s Theory describes evolution and the “fittest survive”. Conflict is used to weed out the weakest. Marx honored evolution theory. CRT fuels this conflict with its call to racial obsession and Equity obsession and nagging on Whites (Asians).
CRT never solves or intends to solve racism, rather it perpetuates racism as a method to continue conflict. Marxists want forever conflict.
CRT supporters using deception:
The black man lies when he says schools do not teach CRT today at 05:22
It isnt what CRT is, a biased negative discussion filter, that is ultimately important, it is where it goes that matters. CRT has an underlying power consciousness. It requires obsessions to power structures and stereotypes. Thus, it sits adjacent to Intersectionality. Both CRT and Intersectionality positions WHITES (ASIANS) on the bottom power rung.
It seeks to take property away from Whites, then this is given it to a socialist state. The social state then keeps both whites and blacks equally poor forevermore. This is equity.
CRT is fueled by history which cannot be changed. CRT has a backward view that uses psychological obsessions and guilt with history to ignite today’s resentment. It traps people with stereotypes and labels that cannot be shrugged off. This labeling was also used in Maoist China in the 70s. As a result, the 5 million Chinese privileged landowners were executed by 15 year old “Red Guards.” to make China more “equitable” and Woke. Yes, the Chinese used the word “Woke”.
CRT creates these labels:
Privileged Whites (Asians)
Racist (anyone who uses logic, reasoning)
White Supremist
CRT points to the implementation of totalitarian socialism as the answer to racism. CRT says that capitalism is racist. So, by a process of student elimination, socialism and thought control with punishments and shaming becomes the only answer to “racist capitalism”.
CRT leads to:
Reduced Trust
Continuous tribal conflict
Shaming for sins not committed
Elimination of meritocracy or excellence
Elimination of reason, logic and objectivity
Calling objectivity racist
An all powerful 4th branch of Govt
Increase of authoritarianism
Imposing normative values
Demeans the Constitution
Use of “oppression matrix”
“White abolition” training
Fear of disagreeing, grades reduced
1st graders deconstructing their gender
Political Correctness
Race Obsession, Racism
Collective Guilt
Obsessive materialism/atheism
Demonizing Whites for being born
Pits students against one another
Anti Capitalism
Decrease of individualism
Decrease of hard work habits
A race to the bottom
Using a false history
Disregarding of world history
Destruction of all institutions.
Negative, demoralized thinking
Support of Cancel Culture
Godless lifestyle
A reduction in empathy
State Communism not (religious) charity
Elimination of the middle class
Classroom Surveys that allow CRT managers to track Christians, Whites, Asians for future rejection, discrimination, punishment.
Large scale land redistribution
CRT creates activists that mirror the Red Guards of China during the Cultural Revolution.
CRT seeks to “resolve problems” by the total destruction of all institutions in the USA.
CRT subverts family unity.
CRT finds racism in mathematics!
CRT supports limiting high achievers from college admissions at Elite schools.
CRT supports racist stereotyping, victimizing Intersectionality Ideology
CRT is a supporting leg of socialist revolution. It resembles Maoism while operating in the school or institution.
CRT causes good teachers to resign
CRT declares overtly and covertly it is the only ideology relevant and useful to work with racial issues. It is aligned with Maoist Political Correctness disciplines.
The values CRT attacks
CRT establishes an authoritarian link between the Federal Govt/State and all student learning in the classroom. It is a power grab.
CRT is Thought Control which limits individual Critical Thinking by reducing diversity of opinion.
CRT is ethnocommunism
CRT is the Democrat Party selling racism to the Black men.
LEFTISM encourages “snitching” on anyone who does not follow the Leftist CRT party line.
CRT is Maoist Political Correctness which was used in the 70s in China with one change. That change was the replacement of landowners to the present demonizing of Whites and Asians in the USA.
Teacher to CRT:
Hot speaker to school board
CRT is associated to Leftist Antifa activist training
$ Millions to support CRT
CRT recent history – hard work is “white”
Speaker Loudin County – Lack of Transparency, anti parent sentiments
– silencing – intimidation by Leftists
Ty Smith, father
School Boards fight against parents
Crtitical Race Theory is deceptively renamed:
Equity Education
Anti Racism training
Ethnic Studies
Racial Ethics
CRT premises or beliefs. A Christian angle.
SPEECH: “Saying these words will get you canceled” Ted Cruz
As much as I’m against this I have to say that no one pays attention anyway. Half of the Marines are hiding in the barracks while their boots sign their names on the roster. Marines that show up are fighting the urge to fall asleep with caffeine and nicotine. Any safety stand down, or meeting for PowerPoint is taken as a complete joke and nobody listens or cares.
It’s very sad to watch this nation destroy itself.
So CRT teaches white kids that they are better than black kids. OK, I can work with that.
not their job – this Milley guy. and the other moron, the head of Defense, both need to go.
Critical Race Theory is nothing but Racism.
The accepted rejection might be based in/on the concept Protection for endurance and longevity. Every kingdom of the past sechs Jahrtausend has gone through its period of letzter Zeitraum sind nicht Anders.
Sadishon by savershon in espionage by undermining the constitution trust.
Espionage by color revolution warfare of culture warfare in military cohesion to mission point of upholding the constitutional defense by communist ideology of criidecal race theory warfare. Ie asometric Unconventional warfare of espionage to mission point action an mission point cohesion to mission readyniss . Ie treason.
He's speculating – how could anybody think this might be a good idea? He suggests it's the people at the top – civilian authority – who are more academic than practical. I would take it a step further. It looks like sabotage to me. Just like Biden's "immigration policy". Just like all his other policies. Utterly destroy the country so they can "*Build Back Better" (*tm). It's time we faced the facts. An illegitimate cabal has overthrown the US government.
Create problems and degrade performance. Who would want that? Our enemies, of course. This must be coming from Russia, China, or global communists.
Any one in military who is neokom has no business in America in military. PERIOD
We saw this right after Trump was elected. Remember when a woman bragged online that she didn't stop to help a stranded motorist bc they had a Trump sticker on their car?
My son is interested in the military. Not sure what to tell him.
Has zero place in the military! When one comes under attack no one looks to save one because of skin color or race this BS needs to stop.
What a bunch of crock. This country is being destroyed from within.
Stop the communist propaganda un our military.