Do You Have Good Arguments? Save Them for Later
Apologetics Tip #3: If you could move the conversation with your non-Christian friends in any direction, what would you talk about? Alan Shlemon of Stand to Reason offers insight.
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What is the gospel? It is that TAUGHT by Christ, not the teaching of salvation, which is complicated. On top of that, Christ WILL NOT return until HIS gospel is preached to the whole world..Mathew 24:14
Mt. 3:2, 4:17, 13:19
Mk. 1 :14-15
The teaching of salvation is NOT the gospel.
It's also important to realize that our actions & attitudes are far more effective than any verbal presentation.
• Gospel before Apologetics
• Practcal Godliness before Preaching
“To a man with a hammer, every problem is a nail.” We need to use the right tool for the problem at hand.
Apologetics is one tool of evangelism. It’s properly used to answer objections and remove barriers. But the goal is always to further the gospel itself.
On the other hand, apologetics also strengthens those who already believe. It answers doubts due to arguments the world attacks us with every day. And it preps us for evangelism, as well as teaching us how to think logically.