Expect Widespread Fraud If Government Moves To Universal Mail-In Ballot System: Hans von Spakovsky
Hans von Spakovsky joined The Tipping Point on One America News to outline how using a mail-in ballot system would threaten America’s election integrity and Americans’ belief in the electoral process.
Read more about this topic here: https://www.heritage.org/election-int…
You can find Heritage’s voter fraud database here: https://www.heritage.org/voterfraud
Hans von Spakovsky is an authority on a wide range of issues – including civil rights, civil justice, the First Amendment, immigration, the rule of law and government reform — as a senior legal fellow in The Heritage Foundation’s Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies.
Check out his work here: https://www.heritage.org/staff/hans-v…
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Prophetic words
I have just received two balots here in New Jersey. Both with the same name exept for a few small differences. One of them has a postage stamp and a code on the bottom and a sticker and the other has none of those things and sais us postage paid. I called the state and they said to “rip it up and call with quistions after the election is over”. Oh yea which one am I supposed to rip up there.
This lie that there is no fraud is sickening. those reporters and commentators should be prosecuted.
BALLOT FRAUD EVIDENCE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FDGsXptbF0
. I’m seriously asking this question.
. If you care about our elections, please respond!
For what good purpose should who you vote for be held in secrecy? In order to maintain legitimacy in our elections voters should be given a receipt of their vote with a unique identifier and if the total results are posted publicly and electronically providing the voters identifier and who they voted for is the only way we can know for certain that our elections are not compromised. Those ballots not counted should also be public information and held for accountability.
Are you for or against this?
Do you think this is possible?
If this can be done for the Nov. 3, 2020 election would you support it even if imposing this could cause a delay in the election? Providing your reasoning could be very helpful. thank you
I don't trust mail in voting. I will be early voting in person as always.
the dems are taking the gloves off in this election. honestly, i am getting scared because the Trump Administration has yet to address the mail-in ballot fraud issue
Ballots get mailed October 5th!! See links below👇👇
You MAY take your Ballot to a voting Center or to a ballot drop box. You do NOT have to return via mail. You may also gather completed ballots from your friends and family that are unable to return ballots in person, and turn them in for them.
🇺🇸You may also surrender your "unmarked" mail in ballot at your polling location for a polling place ballot and VOTE IN PERSON ! If you decide to Vote in Person at a local Vote center- BRING YOUR MAIL BALLOT WITH YOU!
THE MAIN THING is to make sure ALL conservative votes get counted!
Here are important links
Your voter registration must be postmarked or submitted electronically no later than: October 19, 2020
Register to vote /Check your registration status: https://registertovote.ca.gov/
(If you have had any DMV transaction you SHOULD verify your voter registration- many were messed up be sure to VERIFY YOUR MAILING ADDRESS)
Become a POLL Worker: https://www.sos.ca.gov/elections/poll-worker-information/
Voter Information Guide: https://vig.cdn.sos.ca.gov/2020/general/pdf/complete-vig.pdf
Early Voting and Vote by Mail Drop off locations (Election information should be available here two to four weeks before election – check back here a little closer to election day) : https://caearlyvoting.sos.ca.gov/
Contact YOUR County Elections office for IN-Person Voting Centers & Ballot Drop off locations in your county: https://www.sos.ca.gov/elections/voting-resources/county-elections-offices/
Ballot Status
To find out if your vote-by-mail ballot was received by your county elections official or if your provisional ballot was counted, please click on the appropriate link below or call the phone number listed for the county elections office. For further information about the elections services provided in your county, visit our County Elections offices page.
Where's My Ballot?
Tracking your vote-by-mail ballot—when it is mailed, received, and counted—has never been easier. The California Secretary of State is now offering Where’s My Ballot?—a new way for voters to track and receive notifications on the status of their vote-by-mail ballot. Powered by BallotTrax, Where’s My Ballot? lets voters know where their ballot is, and its status, every step of the way.
Sign-up at WheresMyBallot.sos.ca.gov to receive automatic email, SMS (text), or voice call notifications about your ballot.
The USPS at my USPS PO Box got so bad after years of numerous mail delivery fraud and errors, my mail was not being sorted correctly in a timely manner as specified by the USPS federal codes, returned to sender without any delivery or delivery notice, being illegally withheld at the wrong USPS mail facility, tampered with, lost in a corner of the mailroom hidden in a mail bin where it is not supposed to be or stolen and other errors that I had to call to local police just to be able to pick up my delivered packages too large to fit in my rented USPS PO box and had to report it to the uspsoig gov and had to change my mailing address to a private carrier mailing address. As a concerned registered voter for more than 30 years, taxpayer and mailboxholder who pays more than $100 a year to help facilitate the mail delivery service, many Americans and I are concerned with the problem USPS mail delivery service for many reasons. Some mail-in ballots that were mailed were illegally intercepted by criminals who voted without the knowledge and consent of the registered voter who claimed they never received the mail in vote ballot. 20 – 30 years ago many voters voted in person at their local polling station, including myself, but in recent years many people have started voting by mail ballot because it is more convenient, easier and less time consuming, especially now during the recent months of the contagious pandemic. This is the only way a percentage of voters will vote or prefer to vote, especially if they are very busy, forget or have a disability or medical condition. The USPS recently stopped delivering some of my mail, including mail from my county elections that handle mail-in ballots, address changes with new voter registration cards and most mail concerning local, state and national voting and elections. For instance, last month, I called my local county elections office to request a change of address with a new voter registration card to keep in my wallet and to receive mail-in ballots. The black woman asked me to repeat the new address over the phone three times to mail me the application to apply for the change and told me she would send it to me after their website would not allow me to request it online twice that included my driver's license number and social security number be input to make the request online and was twice. I never received anything from them. So, now, I must vote in person for the Republican Primary in August. Vote Republican. Vote early. Vote as soon as possible. Choose a day and precinct location to vote that is most convenient for you. Don't wait until the last day that will be more busy with possibly longer lines in case you forget or can't vote on that day.
☑️ Democrats and their allies in the bias Fake News media say voter fraud doesn’t happen. Well, in Paterson, New Jersey, it shows that voter fraud can happen here; and what the 2020 election could look like if this mail-in voting scheme pushed by Democrats over “COVID aka Chinese coronavirus“ is fully enacted. Folks, we’re heading for a train wreck. The US Postal Service warned at least 40 states that not all of their ballots could be counted in time for the 2020 election in time to call the election.
Back in June, it was reported that nearly 20 percent of the ballots in the Paterson New Jersey elections were done via mail-in voting were invalidated over fraud. And yes, it’s so bad that even a hard-core Democratic state like New Jersey was forced to charge people for this crime. Last week, the election itself was tossed out by a judge over the rampant fraud that took place. Democrats seem to be the party trying to steal an election 🗳 by voter fraud.
I think the democrats have been doing mail in ballots fraud for decades. I mean…how can a dead dog received a mail in ballot?
Decadent demonc rats party wanted the mail in ballot to scam the election. What people can send kids to school, go to grocery, ride even cramp airline and cannot go out to vote?
Like joe?
No logical person would dangerously experiment with our election process a few months before a national election. They want to make a sham of Pres Trump's re-election because he is no longer the clown they thought he would be. Also, the Dems know that more brainwashed people are now Democrats and that these people will stay away from the poles. Since many of them are too asleep to request a mail-in ballot, it is to the Dem's advantage to universally give out ballots. Republicans, most of whom are not asleep and/or hypnotically protesting, will go to the poles; or will have the foresight to get mail-in ballots because they anticipate having to cover their face in order to enter a polling place. No longer are the Democrats the smart people and the Republicans the simpletons. It is the other way around, except the Dems are not just stupid like Bush admirers, but under a demonic delusion.
The only reason the Dems won the house in 2018 is because of voter fraud. No doubt about it.
BULLSHIT show us the convictions of fraud in states that have been using them for years!
2016-2018 more than 16,000,000 mail in ballots went missing. Explain that?
Really? http://VoteByMail.us
Explain again ivanka's patent on these electronic voting machines that will be used instead of mail-in ballots, when mail-in would keep us who are vulnerable away from this virus in the polling places?
If I can go to the store with hundreds in the store…why can't I go to vote? Seriously, where is the problem??
The former Mayor of San Diego later became a talk radio host. Pretty credible; I heard about “Operation Fast and Furious” on his show months before I saw ir reported elsewhere. He was working on a political campaign and noticed that about 20 mail-in ballots had the same address. Curious, he decided to take a drive past that address. It was a laundromat.
Anyone in Michigan can vote absentee now. I guess w-hitler will corrupt her way to queen again
The leftist motivation for mail-in ballots is the same for why they want illegal immigration to be "legal," it affords a near mindless, lazy blanket entitlement vote.
I would propose that, except for our military, that only the votes those voting in person and with proper ID be counted, period. If people don't care enough about voting to get to the polls and vote …why should they get to vote at all?
Voter fraud SHOULD carry a charge of TREASON! …. including automatic loss of American citizenship and barring from ALL government monies and jobs.
When a party has to resort to fraud, it's on the way out. That's the good news.
Dang she is pretty. Guess I need to watch it again to see what the story is about.
Expect a Revolution and mass citizens arrests for Treason if mailing is allowed. No more overthrow of We the People's will no llegals voting and no Soros voting machines ect. Way overdue either they give us our country back or we will take it by force.. It's ours by Right and if needs be by might.
No mail in voting, way to cheat.
When 144% of the eligible voters in LA county are registered to vote an over 100% in San Francisco voted in the last election is it any wonder the Democrats want mail in ballots. Add http://www. educationviews.org/la-county-admits-number-registered-voters-144-resident-citizens-voting-age/
How can we stop cheaters? If DemocRats can not handle the outcome, they should not be participating, in a Contest!
We should all receive receipts, reflecting our choice, in case of a Recall, as well!
The Democratic party NEEDS voter fraud in order to get their candidates into office.
If Barr and Durham don't step up the plan then they join the criminals who they are supposedly investigating