Glenn Beck Reads The Declaration of Independence
With the Fourth of July right around the corner, Glenn reads one of our country’s most important documents, The Declaration of Independence, on-air in full!
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Let’s go!!!!! Rebuild from the ground up❤
Our government is currently doing this. They're using it for their checklist to take the united states!!!
Timeless….Can be applied today and 100 yrs before
Well done !
Am I the only one who realized he wasn’t reading THE Declaration of Indepence? No where does it say Christian king, and the declaration talks about the merciless Indian savages which was never said in this one. If I am not mistaken, he read the unedited declaration , thus making it not the one signed, because Jefferson wanted to talk about slaves but took it out because of the southern states.
the declaration of independence isn't being followed by everyone because there is so much evil and corruption and immorality going on. If it was, then there would be no factory farming or chemical dumping or any immoral things relevant to people. Animals don't have a home to go to, many of them, because in the suburbs most of the land is owned by people so you find them on people's properties or on the street living with fears and anxieties and stresses, but not in nature where they belong, where they can rest, where they can eat happily. Animals and people are important, and obviously the earth too. People need plenty of fresh air, and plenty of nature, and plenty of unpolluted water and plenty of morality, where people truly care and have a sincere genuine respect for each other having moral values.
In the first 3:00 minutes I think most Americans have forgotten these words,I would say it's time to change the gate keepers.Happy Independence day.
I love that man
I come back every yr and play this loud out in my yard on the 4th
If not us who if not now when last nights Tucker Carlson that shook the House of Cards lol and Blaze TV's own Crimes or Coverup? Our own Gov't and CCP just tried to Genoside the Humans of Earth, but Obama was behind it and his race card must have a no limit account because he tried to kill people of color too all of you and your grandma and your kids
Is this the copy the ex president stole and hid under the socks in his storage unit?
Thank you Sir
When will it become a crime to read, aloud, the Constitution?
The US is no longer a bastion of freedom.
Just another criminal country to hurt its occupants.
Any questions?
That was beautiful. 👏👏👏
Thank you.🙏🏻
Mr. Beck . The DOI went out with the articles of confederation by the authoring of the constitution and you know it . And the constitution went out via the civil war . Time to face the truth and start telling the truth.
This is the most beautiful document ever written. Thank you Glen for this beautiful reading.
I'm not ashamed to say it brings me to tears every time I read it.
Thank you for reading our "United States of America Declaration of Independence".
To hear the story of why and how the Declaration of Independence happened and the effects it has had on America and the world, go to Peter Fenzel, Episode 11: The Declaration of Independence on YouTube – No distortions. Pure History! You will love it !!!!
What's happening to our Beloved Republic. The Love of The People have grown cold. 😔😔
Brings tears to my eyes every time.
People need to read the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution and why we fought for liberty from Britain/England
Makes me tear up Everytime !!
From the UK. Here here! Beautiful done. . Love & peace always. .
Some dangerous parallels between that king and our current politicians
Hate to be a downer here. How many here have asked there selves this question? Why is this not being taught in our schools anymore? I think if this was still being taught in school along with other things in our history. We would not be seeing and hearing what we are today. The truth will prevail.
I want to be like Darla in spankys gang and just hang out with dudes.
Great reading
This was great I love when you do stuff like this. Somebody's got to teach us Americans what it means to be an American. Most of us forgot the Declaration of Independence. I said Lee and one of them. I remember now why I fell in love with it. And may God bless the United States of America and have a wonderful president Donald J Trump.
At this point,the video has been viewed almost 10,000 times. Has YouTube been messing with the number of likes for this video? I cannot believe that I am the first viewer to give the video a like. Inquiring minds want to know.
Every politician should be force to say this from memory like I had to stand in front of class and read from memory the Gettysburg Address in grammar school, be forced to take random drug tests like they force us to do in many jobs,and allowed to be a politician in America not for getting rich but to do it to better the country, And finally to have term limits of a max of 8 years for all from state to federal
Well done Beck
Nice Glenn, except for mispronouncing 'usurpations'. You inserted a 't' after the 'p' in all three instances. You also made several inadvertent word changes.