Happening Now with Pastor Jack and Eric Metaxas
Join us for a special Happening Now with Pastor Jack and Eric Metaxas where they discuss the state of the church in America and why is the church asleep and how can she be woken up.
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Q: what Bible version is on the screen?
Two great men BOLDLY sharing historical and Bibical facts to save America today! Thank you for this wonderful presentation. Good for you Pastor Jack to invite pastors to take a tour of the border to see circumstances with their own eyes. Thank you both for educating us. May God bless and protect both of you as you continue to spread your messages!
If you are a real pastor stick with teaching the words of god and stay out politics cuz like god said give the Caesar what is the Caesar and give God what is Gods think
Of course Democrats tithe!
They tithe other people's money!!
Thank you for recognizing what is happening in Canada. Most people I speak too feel things in the USA are so much worse. Our media is so controlled and people are in such denial.
I love Bonhoffer and have many of his books and studied him since the 90's. At this 107 mark in the talk, where does Jesus instruct us to "fight politically" in scripture? Didn't the disciples and the people think this was Jesus' mission was to fight the Romans, over through the government and He had to correct them? However, I do see this in the gospel where Jesus gives His authority to his disciples: He didn't tell them to pray over the ill, but to GO heal the sick, cast out demons, and raise the dead. Freely you have received, freely give. When are the current followers of Jesus going to follow this command?
Eric rarely calls out the Neo Nazis for their terrorism. He used a false narrative as the reason to get involved in politics because the majority of White Church goers agreed with Hitler's ideology and very few did anything to stop Hitler, therefore they WERE involved in politics and enabled Hitler's rise to power.
Furthermore the very first real Christians were being martyred by the cruel Roman empire and not one of them got involved in politics or spoke out against the Roman government. God ended Roman Rule but the Christians never led an Insurrection against them.
Even if you’re of the world, doesn’t mean the world is going to like you. Your odds are way better with Jesus.
LOVE ERIC METAXAS ❤ So glad you have him
Ministries and pastors who teach last DAYS or do prophesy updates say "elections have consequences" WHAT they ALL need to TELL citizens is that ONLY 1 party line who are THE DEMOCRAT are the one destroying this country.!! Then, we need to read WHAT each party believes in or stand for. I am saying this because many citizens are ignorant!! Many are Democrats or liberals their entire lives and ONLY thing they know are Democrats help ALL people, and I had some say to me republican are prejudice and help white and rich people, Ignorant citizens DONT know anything about policies or stances. Again, they vote DEMOCRATS, based on personality or HOW someone TALK or Sound, A friend( liberal all her life) told me , she liked how governor Cuomo talked during covid and she would vote for him if he was running, but when I sent her a video what they stood for. She texted back and said the video is a lie and her exact words " I'm voting Biden and Harris AND NOT THAT TRUMP!" They may not vote Biden again!! BUT THEY STILL WILL VOTE another Democrat in office!!Its a cycle as they DO NOT KNOW any better!!😢😢
So good!!!
Oh my Lord. Di you think they gave that seven year old a pain shot before they gutted him?
This message is so important for out times of today….too many churches are asleep!!
In the mean time while they are indoctrinating the children and teaching them trash they are dumbing the generation they won’t know how to do anything they will be easy to control when they are adults. They are going to walk right into their hands.
We will be like Canada if we continue keeping silent! God Help us stand and Trust you!
I'm not out in CA, what did the Dodgers do?
Awesome video
American christians love the world so much, they take their children to homosexual drag strip shows. So people can see how much they love the World,and hate the Word.
Quick! Lock your doors again, cowardly christians, someone sneezed.
The American christian church is a joke, a bad joke.
That 'neutrality' was the intent of many of our universities 40-50-60 years ago, but as Eric pointed out, they are now woke.
❤ i refuse to shop at Targets and go to a dodgers baseball game ever we need to stop buying from Targets calling all Christians ❤❤❤
Thank you, Pastor Jack and guest, for this very practical, insightful conversation! Wish we had 'more' of these vocalised pastoral voices in the UK churches!
God bless you, from the UK 🇬🇧❤️👋🏽
Max Metaxas in his statement saying aren’t we all gay and then dismissed it. That was a ??? In my mind that he may have snuck that dark spit that we God fearing must not dismiss.
I've been here in this for over 40 years it doesn't look like it's working out it's only been gotten worse it's true that the wicked will not glorify God and the land of uprightness and but now it's finished look to Israel before the end the two witnesses then look up fix your eyes on Jesus the author and perfecter of your Faith.
I hope you will help the world church as it applies to us all to God’s praise and glory.
Thank you for clearing the fog and telling it how it is.
Anyone know where the quoted text from Roosevelt can be found? In a book, speech? Thank you!
God bless you, Jack and Eric! God bless every pastor and member who supports this message and follows through with standing for truth at any cost.
When Bonhoeffer came out I read in two days. A testament to Metaxas writing. Then 'Atheism is Dead' again I flew through, I will buy his next books because he is a great writer. As much as I agree with most everything he says , I do take issue with one thing. It's a big one or I would let it go.
In "Atheism is Dead" he shows evidence why all the Bible is true except, the first chapter. Some how he has bought into billions of years, to not create but evolve earth plants and animal to man.
IF the beginning, ' an evening and morning= a day' is false, how can I believe anything else?
He needs to visit the Ark which I'll never have the money too. But I have followed Ken Ham for I guess 30plus yrs.
Still it didn't take Ham to tell me God knew me and the plans he made for me before he created 'SPOKE' the world into existence. My soul was created outside of space & time therefore is eternal. He created the universe for man "me" because he made us in His image to be His Children.
If God is All powerful (which He Is) why can't we believe He can create instantly what ever He desires. Our bodies are temporary housing while we through this vapor of time deciding whom we will believe & follow.
Said enough but not nearly all. Please Metaxas reconsider this position. There is more evidence for creation than anything else. Do you not know the 100yr plan to destroy America was started with Darwinism leading to the Scopes trial, putting doubt in the minds of children (all) as too whether or not God created them special. For a short time we are lower than the angels but one day we will judge them, thus Satan's rebellion.
Bottom line WE are CREATED in n the IMAGE of GOD.
Thank you for considering
You are still a beyond a great writer with a command of the English language I wish I had.
Let’s share this message
Random thoughts on this message: Don't think for a minute that the historic usage of the phrase "separation of church and state" wasn't deliberate. If you're not going to take a position on slavery, or anything else because it's too controversial, that famous philosopher, Geddy Lee had a word for you. "If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice." I'm paraphrasing Voddie Baucham here. The culture, the world, society, etc. are trying to force us Christians to obey the 11th commandment: Thou Shalt Be Nice. Are we going to obey the commands of the culture, or the commands of God? It's one or the other. it can't be both, or neither, because if it's neither, see Geddy Lee's quote.
Eric is NOT Born again….he is R.C.
This is so good and needed. We have to stand and live out our faith in every sphere! It feels like a small thing but I stopped shopping these extreme wok businesses “targeting” our children yet as so many of us have boycotted these businesses it is making a difference and sending a msg! We cannot give up or stop halfway. Let’s each do all we can as led by the Holy Spirit and His word.
I just came back from a trip to Israel with my Pastor and some church members … My first trip out of the states… I was excited and looking forward to being in the land our Lord walked and did many miracles! Died and resurrected from the dead. I’m not young and over weight and over packed … many brought it to my attention and my husband shamed me in front of the whole plain as he carried some of my pillows… many of the sites up in the mountains were too difficult for me to climb with a few others… we sat at the bottom of that hill while the devotional was being held up in the high hill…also bathroom stops were frowned upon… “Cant you hold it”? Rushing us all through the tour… my other concern was getting injured … all medical care has to be paid upfront then the medical insurance you bought reimburses you once back in the states…
My peace has left me since my return back…very discouraged. Please tell me your thoughts …
No atheists are very selfish people. They never think about anything to do with God, that’s the problem – – – but they don’t have trouble sleeping at night no, I am a Christian and I have insomnia all the time the difference is, I know that God is taking care of me and every respect whether it’s positive or negative and I know that this long, battle with good and evil ends with God winning, with Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, winning and taking all of us who believe in him home.
He loves himself they both do
Women needs to stay silent and not preach all these two are doing is promoting his book for money
Jack thinks he’s all that but he’s not he is so basic a preacher for new converts
The fact this even needs to be said shows the pathetic state of the church in America and how it has failed, it’s unbelievable 🙄. Common sense tells us to stand up against evil with righteous indignation. Pray AND ACT.