Here’s How Christianity and Mormonism Differ
Greg and Amy answer the question, “When ministering to a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, what’s the most important distinction I can make between Christianity and the Book of Mormon?”
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So what are our lives are supposed to look like then? Read the Bible, and then follow it in the Spirit, but with no specific requirements? No, organization, specific practices? What about baptism? How can we deny John 3:5 for the story of the thief on the cross? If the bible is infallible, then those two passages are contradictions.
For additional resources on how to discuss your faith with Mormons, see:
Verses for Your Conversations with Mormons
Discussing “17 Points of the True Church” with Mormons
How to Show Mormon Missionaries That the Bible Contradicts Their Gospel
Ground Rules for Talking to Mormons
The Mormons are children of the Burnt Over District in New England from the 1800s. Just as with Seventh Day Adventism, Christian Science and the JWs they spread around the world preaching a false derivation of the Gospel. Many created their own twisted versions of scripture while some wrote books that twist a certain version of the Bible.
From huckster acts and tent revivals to the theatrical stage and pulpits of their congregations they refined their approach. Always some new insight or revelation proved them true and their errors were Gods fault.
The diversity of mutated ideas is incredible with every group mimicking the others pattern. These devilish cults produced prophets or holy messengers who would reveal how all those past and present never had it right. Follow us or go to hell is still their rallying cry.
Did I mention Universal Public Friend of the Quakers? I'll let you look that one up.
This guy would get destroyed in a debate with anyone with half a brain… I guarantee you he would never defeat anybody because he wouldn’t last two seconds
Another verse that is problematic for Mormons is Isaiah 43:10 "…before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me". Mormons are taught and believe they will become gods.
Mormon teachings also believe all other faiths are seriously corrupt and evil, and the work of the devil. Which makes trying to convert Mormons especially difficult.
Mormons now rebranded their church to LDS of Jesus Christ in an attempt to align with Christians.
Mormons believe God was once a man. They teach that man become exalted Gods. Mormons do not believe in grace. Mormons believe in multiple levels of “heaven”. There are so many differences ..
Then, there is the whole story of Joseph Smith, his lies about finding the gold plates, his polygamous lifestyle.. with married women and his final demise in a shootout while jailed.
When the Mormons state they believe in the Bible, as long as it’s properly translated, they mean their version of the Bible, which was changed and translated by Joseph Smith, via the KJV, English This included, making changes to align with his beliefs and even adding chapters to Genesis, which prophesied the Book of Mormon🙄 and Smith.