HILLARY OR THE FBI: Who Needs a Barr Investigation First?
Who takes priority for an investigation from Attorney General Bill Barr: Hillary Clinton, or the Justice Department and FBI? Glenn and The Hill’s John Solomon discuss. Comment below with your vote!
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It’s astonishing to me that the Democrats seem to be above the law. So the question is, if Republicans investigations (which seem to be powerless) lead to no arrests, why bother. Republicans will do well if they unite in fighting the swamp mafia instead of fighting Trump.
Yes & then you think how far back does this corruption go with any past court cases that was based on any Fake News from the left winged DemonRats.?!
Comey is mocking the Justice System…somebody fell asleep at the Barr!! Democrats are laughing! Nobody can call ANY of the DOJ or FBI clean! If you work for them…you’re a criminal! The whole mess is dirty until it’s cleaned!
Are we not so tired of all these Obama Administration employees acting as if they are untouchable! What is our justice department so afraid of, I understand they need all this to be a good solid case with no mis-steps but why is it taking so freaking long?
Oldest case first
Is there a time frame. FBI
#FBI & DOJ #Must be #FLUSHED out of Criminals….No Law in Washington DC…Must be Arrested by Citizens, no law…..1776 must happen against the DNC !!!
Investigate them all CIA FBI and the Clinton’s
Why pick on or the other they need to investigate all Hillary, Obama, FBI, CIA and NSA. ALL need to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. If Bar does not it proves he is a puppet of the swamp. NO Change Bar has not indited Comey so he is working for the swamp.
The American people need to rise and take out all of them.
All but the most naive have lost trust in both the FBI and DOJ. Just look at the number of people fired for serious malfeasance who's only accountability was they were fired or resigned and in too many cases were allowed to keep their generous government retirements. Trust can be restored, but I doubt the DOJ will want to inflict the degree of pain and embarrassment on itself to accomplish that goal.
We have the IG FISA abuse report coming up, the long promised declassification of FISA and spying related documents, and the Huber and Durham investigations.
If nothing comes of them, then I would have to say our justice system is permanently broken with a two or three tier system. One for the elite and politically powerful, one for the average person, and one for the people who cannot afford the lawyers and court cost to achieve justice. There may be one other tier: criminals seem to have more rights than the victims and too often the pain and suffering of the victims is far greater than the penalty of the criminal.
she's a private citizen and FBI is being controlled by them. WTF clean house.
What a JOKE the “new America’s” so-called “justice system” is… only the poor and average citizens are punished for crimes. The magnitude of crimes committed by those in our extremely corrupt government are off the charts, with TONS of SOLID EVIDENCE, yet not ONE ARREST STILL🗳💵🐀🐀🐀🐀🤑
HILLARY! HILLARY ! HILLARY! If the rest of them get off at least the BEAST will have been caught and punished.
The FBI investigates Hillary like the lioness investigates the lion.
Yes, I got the genders listed the way I intended.
Aloha. Wm. Barr is reportedly the deep state's long time 'fixer'. C.I.A. lawyer. He's doing what he does; cover-up for insiders / SES. Did his former law firm make the sweetheart deal for Jeffrey Epstein a few years back? He's clearly not to be trusted.
Don't investigate anymore. Let's all just break the laws. They dont have to follow them. Why should we? So far Barr hasnt done a damn thing except let them all go. Another swamp monster.
Both but Hillary needs To go first.She say the day Pres. Trump won she Would hang and take 3/4s of Congress down with her. I can't wait!!!
does not matter we are done
Bill Barr, is he really going to fix things, or kick the can down the road ?
Hello Glenn from Miami. Not just one giant storm coming.
Comey going down !!!
Just the opening act.
Seems like the Federal Butt Inspectors are good at looking at other peoples crap but when it comes to their own they are above the smell..Honesty is in short supply.
Don’t matter Barr ain’t gonna prosecute no matter what- total waste of time and money! Only citizens are accountable for crimes
It appears that it is time for the FBI to disbanded and their duties should be given to the U. S. Marshal's Service and the Military Criminal Investigations branches.
Bill Barr is the guy but he cannot do it alone!
What about the idea that people make political moves because they're threatened, there's a insider group, a power hungry group, well they're probably not hungry bc they are full of power and they dictate all policy whether it be the left or the right they don't care which is in power because they control everything. When exposure becomes imminent people die all around them……