How to TRAIN Youth: Test Students to Engage Interest
In this excerpt from a talk at @CottonwoodCreekChurch, Tim Barnett explains how we can motivate students by identifying the what they don’t understand.
Watch the full video here: https://youtu.be/yaCi6Of5awM
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Tim, why don't you simply have an actual Atheist (critical thinker)or Muslim, Hindu etc.. on to speak to the kids rather than misrepresenting yourself and lying about being an atheist ?
Would you not think that would be a better and more honest way of doing this ? 🙂
Tim, I'm just curious why Atheists are so much more comfortable asking questions to theists than the other way around.
Or just merely having a conversation about "belief systems".
Conclusion: A much stronger case could be made for atheism by bringing someone like PineCreek to a church to speak to people. Let them speak to someone who makes the BEST atheist arguments. If you're able to give a watered down version of atheism and people are trying to shield people from weak arguments, imagine what strong arguments would do…
"How many women were at the tomb?"
You could also add to many things like, what were the angels doing, how many angels were there, what did the women do after they left. Ask them if there can be one truth or multiple truths. So if one gospel claims one set of events and these contradict the events of another gospel, can both gospels be true. Maybe then ask them if these stories of women at the tomb were written by eye witnesses? If they were eye witnesses, who wrote it? The gospels would have to be written by the women. This then leads to "What is an eye witness". If it's just someone relaying a story, then we're all eye witnesses to events today if our friend tells us a story!
"How can you believe in a God. Look at the evil in the world."
I'm not sure I've ever heard someone give one of the two problems of evil this way. Well maybe I have. There are a lot of new atheists who don't understand the problem of evil well enough to present it as a syllogism. Maybe show them logic and walk them through a syllogism presenting the problem of evil.
Would you consider just INVITING an atheist to speak to them?
Hand stretched dough makes the best pizza base. Does error stretched logic make fine challenging thought? 🙂
"I have an atheist friend who wants to speak with you."
<gets up to speak and one kind shouts> "Hey, it's Mr. B!"
Where is the full version
God bless you!!