Illegal Immigration: It’s About Power | 5 Minute Video
Historically, Democrats supported strong borders because they knew American workers could never compete with illegal immigrants. Now, they regularly support “open borders.” So why the drastic change? Tucker Carlson, host of Tucker Carlson Tonight, explains.
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I recently watched a group of protestors, most of them young, denouncing President Donald Trump’s immigration policies. They were waving Mexican flags and shouting: “¡Si, se puede!”—”Yes, we can!”
This is now the rallying cry of the open-borders left, but it wasn’t always. In fact, I wondered if a single person at the protest knew where it came from.
The slogan first became famous fifty years ago, thanks to Cesar Chavez. He was the founder of the United Farm Workers union. When Chavez said “Si, se puede,” he meant something very different: “Yes, we can… seal the borders.”
Cesar Chavez hated illegal immigration.
He was Hispanic, obviously, and definitely on the left, but he fought to keep illegal Mexican immigrants out of this country. He understood that peasants from Latin America will always work for less than Americans will. That’s why employers prefer them. Chavez knew that. “As long as we have a poor country bordering California,” he once explained, “it’s going to be very difficult to win strikes.”
In 1969, Chavez led a march down the center of California to protest the hiring of illegal immigrant produce pickers. Marching alongside him was Democratic Senator Walter Mondale, and the Rev. Ralph Abernathy, the longtime aide to Martin Luther King.
Ten years later, Chavez dispatched armed union members into the desert to assault Mexican nationals who were trying to sneak across the border. Chavez’s men beat immigrants with chains and whips made of barbed wire. Illegal aliens who dared to work as scabs had their houses fire-bombed and their cars burned.
Chavez wasn’t embarrassed about any of this. He bragged about it.
No matter. Chavez remains a progressive hero. President Obama declared his birthday a commemorative federal holiday. It’s an official day off in half a dozen states. There’s a college named after him, and dozens of public schools.
Cesar Chavez’s life is a reminder of how much the left has changed—and how quickly.
Until recently, most Democrats agreed with Chavez. They opposed unchecked immigration because they knew it hurt American workers. And they were right.
One study by a Harvard economist examined the effects of the mass migration of Cuban refugees to this country in 1980—the so-called Mariel boatlift. He found that American workers in Miami with a high school education saw their wages fall by more than thirty percent after the refugees arrived. If you believe in supply and demand, this is not surprising.
After the fall of Saigon in 1975, Democratic Governor Jerry Brown opposed letting Vietnamese refugees into California on the grounds that the state already had enough poor people. As he put it at the time, “There is something a little strange about saying, ‘Let’s bring in 500,000 more people’ when we can’t take care of the one million Californians out of work.”
First term Senator Joe Biden of Delaware agreed; he introduced federal legislation to curb the arrival of the Vietnamese.
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/illegal-immigration-its-about-power

But then who is really behind the democrats or who is pulling their strings ??
Illegal immigration is half the problem. The other half is legal immigration. Multi generation Americans are totally getting screwed.
Just visit any university and any tech company and look around.
Too bad Tucker is no longer at fox
Well. The first time I saw this video was 5 years ago and I completely agreed with everything he said and now 5 years later he couldn’t have said it any better what’s happening now
So now Tyson chicken is laying off US workers and hiring the illegals, while TSA is giving away seats on flights to Illegals, housing authorities are displacing citizens and giving (yes giving) housing to illegals. Yes they are buying votes
Check what’s happening in “ Sanctuary States and Cities “ and tell how great “ Open Borders “ are. That’s the point here. It’s only going to get worse until we keep fighting against it! Trump 2024! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
This video aged very, VERY well
Rethuglicans need illegal immigration more than Dems. It is thier boogeyman to whip up their bases. Every reasonable plan put out to enact comprehensive immigration reform they stymied. For the past three years they have offered nothing but investigations, allegations, and stagnation rather than legislation. PS: Once immigrants become successful, they become Rethuglicans. That's why Florida got red.
And normal Americans that's been here still vote Democrat literally given their freaking freedom away slowly but surely because they're stupid and Democrats know that you are stupid
It was 22 million illegals when this was made in 2018. There have been at least 10 million invaded in the last 3 years.
It was only a matter of time until “tinfoil hat wearing Tucker” would come here on this giant pile of dead dirt
Their is legit no reason to not have wide open borders.
Please stop spreading misinformation. While Cesar Chavez was concerned that immigrant farmers could hurt local farmers, he was in no way actively advocating against immigration. His organisations for helping farmers actually helped both immigrants and non-immigrants.
This doesn't age well with Tucky being fired off of Fox because his lies about the 2020 election cost them almost a Billion$$$$$.
So this isn't right wing propaganda, right?
PragerU: "Illigal immigration is bad for American workers".
Karl Marx: "Did you copy my homework?"
Sure would like to see a vid explaining the impact of remittances from migrants.
I think there's another side to it:
Republicans also like this "problem that can't be solved" because it, too, allows them to harvest votes. Each election cycle you hear, "Illegal immigration! We must stop it!" and, when Republicans get power, they do nothing. The problem, itself, is what they want. By having the problem and stating it so urgently they get people to show up at the polls and vote (a way of harvesting votes). Then, suddenly, when they're in power they do nothing.
This is the same as the ADA (Obamacare). 60 times they put a bill before Obama to have the ADA repealed and 60 times Obama vetoed it. All they needed was all three branches and they could finally do it. "Vote Republican!!" They got that. Trump said, "Get that bill on my desk on day one and I'll sign it!"… Then…. Nothing… Suddenly they couldn't get the bill onto the President's desk. Why?
1) they LIKE the power that it brings them as much as the Democrats.
2) they like that they can use it to harvest votes even though that have absolutely zero intention of doing anything with it… You'll show up again, next election day, for "the most important election in America's history…" and, if the Republicans win, you'll get Democrat policies that you didn't want.
This is like Feminism winning. They pretty much have what they wanted all along. The problem is that they can never say, "We got it! Everything is good! Women are equal!!" – NO, they have to keep the churn going because there's an industry built around angry women complaining about rights/equality that they already have. If they said, "We won! We got what we came for!" people would say, "Yay!" and then just go home. You can't raise money or harvest votes on "Yay, we won!". You can only harvest votes and raise money on, "Make sure you're perpetually angry!!"
… and that's how it goes.
JULY 2023 – cost of illegal immigration : $ 150.7 BILLION