Joe Biden Is To Blame for This Border Crisis | Ken Cuccinelli on Fox Business
Heritage Visiting Fellow Ken Cuccinelli joined Fox Business, Thursday, April 1, to talk about the border crisis, how the Biden administration was warned about the border crisis they would create if they abandoned Trump’s immigration policies, and why we need to secure our borders.
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The border states should close the borders. Biden is telling them to not follow the laws of the United States of America. Take our country back from the government in DC. They don't have to live with the results of their stupidity. We the American taxpayers do
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Leurs états de santé
respectifs les empêchent
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près l'un de l'autre.
他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木)來調味食物煮的時候 1617550869
Where's all the righteous liberals now?
Pigs running the farm
Democrats are whores for the global elite #elections are rigged
USA equals a #bananarepublic
Joe BIDEN supports Smugglers and illegal Drugs! Good job you IDIOT!!!
Chins joe and harris don't don't care. No do they care what anyone thinks. When Americans wake up and protest what they are doing then somethong will happen.
I believe that Nancy Pelosi and Schumer and Duckwood are all involved and I think they're pulling the strings and Harris is helping them blinds just sitting there letting it go by and he expects the American people to accept it and bend over when we've been bending over for a long time and it's not right and I don't know who in their right mind would have voted for him and less they did not listen to his speeches he clearly said search The Border search The Border we need to have these people heard these people need to be heard and he said what his plans were and people voted for him anyway this is beyond a crisis this is like a a Mount Saint Helen eruption and they all have blood on their hands they're so greedy there so doggone greedy you can't trust anything and the infrastructure Bill oh my gosh that's that's a joke to I don't know who's drinking the Kool-Aid but they need to start buckling down and paying attention to what you guys are saying and I'm set them all in a room together and I'd let him watch it and I'd let him watch when they had to bring the baby out of the water and the man out of the water and didn't woman drown to not to mention the two little babies they threw over a wall who could sleep at night do they have no conscience whatsoever
Thank you for mentioning Baris polls! They have the most accurate polling bar none. I tweeted my disapproval at the GOP and chairwoman–it's unbelievable that any conservative could support this nonsense.
Beijing 🇨🇳Biden is a treacherous, treasonous,traitor to the USA 🇺🇸!
Firing squad/GITMO……..seriously.
How is Joe Biden to be blamed for the border problems???? He is dead…. Blame the psychopath behind the latex mask impersonating Biden. Don’t believe me????? Then prove me wrong if you can!
Yes total revenge by JOBAMA against all border states. So apparent. Vile. We've got a SUPER SPREADER from Mexico!
So is Biden aiding and abetting the cartels in their acts against America? Biden is working for the UNITED NATIONS SOROS GROUPS to do this.
That sob is determined to ruin Texas
Democrats ..Where's the Money Coming from ??.to help this Illegal immigration Crimes that Criminal Biden doing..we Americans cough up your $$$$$$$$$$.
We all know BIDENS responsible. He’s a criminal and a traitor!
Look at what Old Joe is doing 👎👎👎💀💀💀🤢👁️👁️