Make America Healthy Again: The Chemicals Poisoning Your Food EXPOSED! | Ep 386
You don’t have to be a “crunchy granola” liberal to notice American health is in major decline. There are 129 million Americans — one-third of the country — who have at least one major chronic disease; 42% of Americans have two or more chronic conditions, 12% of Americans have at least five. Per the CDC, this began around two decades ago and is a “trend that is expected to continue.” RFK Jr. has been one of the loudest voices sounding the alarm. After he joined the Trump campaign to help kick-start a “Make America Healthy Again” movement, Glenn’s researchers began to dig into some of his claims about Big Food and Big Pharma. And the corruption they found was shocking. It is absolutely insane how many chemicals have been baked into our FDA-approved foods over the past 20-plus years. We are rotting to death. How did this happen? It all leads back to Big Tobacco … and money. Lots of it. Glenn interviews Calley and Casey Means, the brother and sister who went viral after appearing on Joe Rogan’s show and testifying in front of the U.S. Senate. They’re on a mission to expose the corrupt players at the top levels of government and industry who are overseeing what Casey, a Stanford-trained medical doctor, describes as a “genocidal health collapse.” Calley, a former Big Food and Big Pharma insider, says exposing the causes behind our chronic disease epidemic is not a left-vs.-right issue: “It’s Americans vs. the uniparty.” This election is about more than lower taxes, reduced spending, and immigration. It’s about the lives of our children and the soul of our country. RFK Jr. and Trump are right; it is way past time to Make America Healthy Again.
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Mob cartel in the shape of Idaho 😂
THANK YOU GLENN!! Thank you for bringing this to people’s attention. I have 8 grandchildren and this is a big concern for our family.
I am so tired of corruption in our government, that I really wonder how bad it could be if we had no government at all.
So interesting!! Thank you
Glenn, thankyou for having the courage and integrity to report as you do.
You yell about sugar you better start yelling about all the salt that's in the food it is destroying people's kidneys please look at Cannes and all the food and look how much salt that's in it
Look into the problems associated with the mitochondria issues and the food ingredients that seem to be the origin of the Mitochondria issues. Seed oils, high fructose syrup, and many GMO food ingredients.
Way to go tell it like it is Glen humans are so blind , i pray their eyes will be opened ❤ VOTE
——> been “exposed”
…. You o b f u s c a t e d 🎉
Now you have no CHOICE = cheers mate
Where are Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein when we need more reporters like them?? Media needs to become a beacon of truth again!! Thanks for showing the way, Glenn.
Only eat green food. Soylent green is safe.
INDUSTRIAL CAPTURE! MACHINERY THAT ONLY DEBT COULD BUY. TOO MANY ACRES IN ONE CROP MEANT PESTS GET OUT OF CONTROL + Pesticides! Soil gets depleted from lack of diversity! No Problem, we've got petroleum fertilizers!!!! PLEASE TRUMP, God gave me the earth to take care of…WHY MUST I ASK GOVERNMWENT TO GIVE ME BACK THE LAND TO FARM?????????
I started a carnivore/keto diet this year and lost 50 lbs in 6 months. Fortunately Im married but it sucks to be a single dude, half the women in America are obese and woke. My advice is get a hot wife from a different country and bring her here lol.
What happened to self-contol!! Dont eat it! Choose healthier choices. Maybe a sweet now and then. We live in a fallen world,but you can choose to make better choices
Please put Casey in total control and in charge of the CDC, FDA, CDC etc. ur oldest son struggles with Autism which is well documented began 1-3 days after the MMR vaccine in 1995
Trump 2024 !!! Everyone I know is voting Trump !!!
Just buy the honey nut Cheerios instead. They come pre-sweetened
It's the smell of fruit loops that get me
Carnivore from Dec of 2022, 75 (35 yr diabetic, 20 yrs on insulin and metformin) off all meds, 207 lbs t0 133 lbs! thx Dr. Sean O'Mara You should try it Glenn!
All of those products- they aren't food- also contain sugar and carbs that convert instantly to sugar in the body. While those other added chemicals are bad, sugar is the major cause of health issues.
stay away from sugar and carbs.
nowadays there's plenty of information on choice of eating healthy .
if you are not – blame yourself .
But I love tartrazine!!
Glad I don’t eat jello. Going to have to start cutting out a lot of foods. Fast food to start. Definitely have to lessen how often I go to those joints. No wonder I’m fat. Beer doesn’t help either
Glenn, my son has epilepsy and the medication he takes has red food coloring. I have been trying to get his meds without it. Not possible. Hello??? Conspiracy here
Our federal government cares nothing of the constitution and those who do.
Thank you Glenn
Thanks for this amazing video. I knew the basics but had no idea to the depth of how they are killing America and our people. Please continue informing us of what is taking place.
Also, check out Dr. Berg, Dr Mercola and Doc Wallach! They educate in plain English laymans terms.
Sorry Glenn, it said Mind your business on the first copper coin and it was Benjamin Franklin who came up with that.
Thank You Glenn!
I majored in nutrition before switching majors, but the fact is that doctors are not required to take even one nutrition course in medical school. Its an optional course; most dont bother. Thanks to Glenn and RFK for finally bringing this to the forefront. Whenever I mention it, people call me a "health nut" and say"Well, we have to die from SOMETHING!" Its not the dying that concerns me; its the quality of life 30 years prior.
I learned years ago about our food and immunizations. When my daughter was diagnosed with autism she is gluten-free can’t drink milk. I watch everything she eats.
Glenn, there were also reports of Moderna and Pfizer contracts with countries regarding payments and defense given the pharmacy companies great control if the country defaults on payment or use. An investigation on that would be interesting. Reported in a respected India news outlet
Glen, both parties are involved in all the destruction. nothing has changed, it will continue to get worse. evil at its core. only putting our faith in god, he is not sleeping. when god says 'it's over', it will be over!
A couple of years ago I started having stomach issues. I took a good look at my food and what I was eating. I found that many foods have cancer causing ingredients. I started changing my diet at that time, little by little. The more I looked at the ingredients on packaging the more I realized how bad that product was for me. Three month ago I was diagnosed with uterine cancer and diabetes. Was the food I was eating the cause of my cancer? Had I ruined my health by eating those foods? It was a good question. We need to change the standard American diet. We need more phytonutrients in our diet, these foods naturally have things in them that help us fight disease. Of coarse now we have to worry about pesticides and GMO in those too. I have a garden, I grow heirloom seeds but I still have to buy from the grocery store for things. If it comes in a package, if it is ready made, stay away from it. I know that is hard for many. Parents who both work, older people with little energy, I know it is so easy to grab a box or stop for fast food. We need to make our health a priority!
That is 5lbs of sugar not 10
I raise chickens for eggs 4 dozen to five dozen per week and I raise Meat rabbits mainly for their dropping for use in my garden I cold compost then the compost goes into my 8 foot long 4 foot wide 24” deep bottom flow through worm beds I produce about 600kG of worm castings per year my only inputs to my raised beds and in ground beds is worm castings and rabbit droppings
I built 42” high 36” wide raised beds around my property line instead of fence and I removed the lawn in front yard and put in raised beds I grow enough fully organic non GMO no pesticide no fungicide no chemical Hugleculture soil system and it produces enough vegetable for my Extended family fresh salad all summer and then potatoes sweet potatoes turnip carrots peas beans squash tomatoes peppers onions garlic for the winter I hunt elk moose deer and fish every opportunity my groceries bill is $200+- per
Month for TP and other products I don’t make or grow
I learned about the link between Big Tobacco & Big Sugar when I was 16, working in the mailroom of one of Minnesota's biggest health insurance provider's mental health branch, when Phillip Morris bought Kraft.
Don’t eat that crap
Thumb down on this video. DO NOT PUSH FOR MORE GOV REGULATIONSSSSSSSSSSSS. What we need is get the gov out of our way. What businesses need is to get gov out of their business. More regulation just mean more business get kill. The free market get kill.
NO MORE REGULATIONS. Remove all the alphabet soup agencies.
Your health is YOUR responsibility. Don't let the gov take your responsibility out of YOUR hand, that also mean gov take away YOUR right, YOUR choice and YOUR power out of YOUR HAND.
You want Gov FOOD SAFETY? Just look at the gov case against the amish farmer in PA. Gov declare it's illegal for him to feed his own family with the food he grow. Illegal for him to feed his own animals with the food he grow. Illegal for him to eat the food he grow. They also trying to make illegal for others that want and NEED to buy his food from him.
Yes, I do want the choice of eating food dye. Yes, I do want the choice of buying and eating poison. Yes, I do want the choice of buying weapon that could kill me. IT IS NOT THE GOV JOB TO MAKE THINGS "SAFE."
You need to look at coffee creamer and carrageen too. Nearly every creamer is made of palm and soy bean oil and carrageenan. But they don't advertise it as dairy free. It says lactose and gluten free in small writing somewhere on it. But you know that's not why they make it that way. There's like two brands on the shelf that say real milk, cream and sugar on the ingredients. And that's all.
Carrageenan will kill your intestines. But of course they say, "Well it's only dangerous in large amounts." Just like they do with everything else. With coffee creamer it is very easy to use too much. I had read like 10 years ago that it caused necrosis in baby's intestines. Carrageenan is in everything too.
Wonder why would Kamala allow Department of Defense directive 5240.01 section 3.3 section A (C) to be mandated by the military on September 24th (page 13) for our military to kill American citizens with lethal force resulting in death at the approval of the President when requested against groups or individuals when federal, state or LOCAL law enforcement request lethal force to be used? Bye bye constitution?!?!Look it up! DODD 5240.01 page 13 section 3.3 sub section 3 (C). And look for yourself.