Responding to Deconversion Stories | Stand to Reason Podcast with Jon Noyes and Tim Barnett
Jon Noyes and Tim Barnett talk about different aspects of the recent public deconversion stories and discuss how we can respond when people close to us leave Christianity.
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Tim Barnett's voice sounds a bit like Greg Koul's.
On deconstructionism and Deconversion1 John 2:19 "They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us. But they went out, that it might become plain that they all are not of us."
I just watched a commentary of this video on Paulogia’s channel. Jon Steingrad was with him, who was one of the more notable celebrity “ Deconstruction “ stories from the last few years. Pretty interesting, I may do a video analyzing it. Jon is a lot more honest IMHO then Rhett and Link, who I found really fake. Paulogia I have actually interviewed at length about his “ Deconversion” on my YouTube channel.
You should watch their video and do a follow-up.
Objective morality doesn't exist.
17:22 "have they actually tried true christianity" Nice true scotsman straw man.
I'm curious how you guys would talk to an apatheist like myself. I don't say that god does or doesn't exist, I just don't have the ability to care if he does or doesn't exist.
Would someone please address 1 John 2:19 "They went out from us, but they were not really of us; for if they had been of us, they would have remained with us; but they went out, so that it would be evident that they all are not of us." Isn't it clear that if they "deconstruct", they were never TRULY believers???
I think one of the thing is that leads to deconstruction is they have people they care about that who are sold out for the world. They don’t want to accept that the world leads to death and don’t want to feel alienated for being considered hateful and bigoted so they compromise the gospel.
So great! Such great content! So helpful, thank you fellas for sharing and shedding light on this much needed subject! Thank You Jesus!
Great topic to address. I have been noticing another avenue that people have deconverting & its from extreme view of preterism that states Christianity cant be true because scripture reads that Christ was coming back in 1st century but never did & the Apostles were just an apocalyptic cult, as well as there were never any future time statements that Christ would return in future. It shows how an extreme full preterism view w/ cherry picked literalism can lead to a shipwrecked faith. We were told nobody knows the hour of the second coming, the ressurection & judgement, as well in 2Tim 2, 2 men have upset some saying the resurrection has already happened etc. Our faith needs to be stronger & in the gospel of grace of Christ, the hope of our soul. I hold to an partial preterism view which seems obvious as scripture is not written to us but for us, & that Jesus Christ will return to put all things to right. Peace & grace to the body of Christ
Yo Tim , if you were to leave your wife tomorrow , it’s been proven , over and over , tomorrow never comes . per-sa’
Is it possible that many of these people are leaving because they are choosing an immoral lifestyle that is not affirmed by scripture. Josh Harris divorced his wife, attends pride parades, etc. Jesus just doesn't fit the lifestyle he has chosen. ???? What do you think?
A very astute introduction to a multivariate topic, thanks for initiating the dialogue.
I have a question for STR: If you were writing a systematic apologetics, where would you start?
"I used to be a Christian."
Ask this person why he or she thought they were a Christian. Compare their response to Scripture.