Russian Collusion and the Death of Journalism
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We used to trust the mainstream media. They reported the facts and let us make our own decisions about the issues of the day. But that’s no longer the case. What changed and why? Investigative Journalist Ashley Rindsberg has the disturbing answers.
If credibility is the lifeblood of journalism, the mainstream media is dead.
It wasn’t killed by competition from the Internet.
It committed suicide.
We know the approximate date of its demise.
We know the cause.
The abandonment of objectivity.
We even know the method of the suicide: the full participation in a conspiracy to destroy a political candidate and then, ultimately, his presidency.
This is not only my judgment, it’s the judgment of the most prestigious publication in the field of journalism, the Columbia Journalism Review.
In January of 2023, the Review published a twenty-six-thousand-word, four-part investigation into the conspiracy commonly known as Russiagate. It was written by Jeff Gerth, a highly regarded, former New York Times reporter with decades of experience.
Gerth concluded that virtually every major claim in the Russiagate narrative was false.
Let’s step back and consider what this means.
For some five years, the mainstream media—the New York Times, Washington Post, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN—fed a grotesque lie to the public: that Donald Trump colluded with Russia to subvert an American election.
We’re talking about dozens of news organizations and hundreds of reporters working in concert to spread fictitious claims in thousands upon thousands of news articles, TV segments, podcasts, and opinion pieces.
Given Gerth’s reputation and that of the Columbia Journalism Review, the article should have been front-page news and led every TV news program.
It didn’t.
Given Gerth’s conclusions, you would expect the media would engage in serious soul-searching.
It didn’t.
The media that acted as the stenographer of the conspiracy simply ignored Gerth’s report.
In short, they lied and then covered up their lies with silence.
Even Gerth, a veteran newsman, was shocked.
Only about a dozen out of the sixty journalists he reached out to spoke to him. As Gerth describes it, “…not a single major news organization made available a newsroom leader to talk about their coverage.”
One can only wonder what these “newsroom leaders” would have told him.
The picture that emerges from Gerth’s investigation is a morass of malfeasance, greased by naked ambition and ideological bias.
This list of offenses is so voluminous, and so far outside the lanes of accepted journalistic practice, that they’re hard to keep track of.
Here are just a few.
The so-called “Steele Dossier” with its lurid accusations that Donald Trump had close ties to Vladimir Putin and Russian intelligence was a collection of unsourced fabrications, cut and pasted together by a Trump-hating former British spy working for and paid by the Hillary Clinton campaign. It was complete fiction.
The story that the Trump Organization was secretly connected to computers at a Russian financial institution called Alfa-Bank: another complete fiction, this one concocted by Clinton campaign lawyers.
The accusation that Carter Page and George Papadopoulos, early and peripheral foreign policy advisors to the Trump campaign, were Russian agents. Complete fiction.
Maybe even worse was how these fictions were often peddled to the public.
Working with the FBI (or some other government entity), the media would publish an accusation of Trump-Russia collusion. The FBI would then look into the story; the media would report the FBI’s curiosity and suggest that if the FBI was interested there must be something to it.
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#Trump #news

Bc there are not enough prpagandists already?? The whole russia gate thing was absolutely NOT false news. Just bc ppl refuse to read boring govt docs & reports doesnt make it true. There was a report released in 5 different parts, all during the Trump admin., all under a republican chaired committee called The Senate Select Intelligence Committee Report on Russian Interference into the 2016 election. I suggest ppl read it. Unfortunately the report was seemingly written in such a way that although it does cover the basics of the truth regarding RU, they did so using language that made it so ppl could read it & never come across any alarming language, I assume intentionally. What that means for us is that each time we come across a name, or company name its necessary to stop reading the report and start reading information about the person or company. Its important to read enough until you have at least a general understanding before going back to the report to continue reading. Its a time consuming process but the truth is there for anyone that cares about truth. Propaganda is not needed in schools. Young ppl would get a much better edu by teaching the truth. Our country is a great nation, but we are not without mistakes just like the rest. When kids can learn the truth .. by the time they graduate they will have a more nuanced understanding of our history. This does not equate to anti-American sentiment as I have heard some folks say.
Right on target
Oh, and Jeff Gerth was so masterful with his Whitewater coverage. Why do people follow this Prager garbage? The only thing I agree with them on is that nuclear power is a necessary evil, because it's safer than coal and oil.
Your journalists were so preoccupied with fake news, they didnt stop to consider true news
As a Russian myself i do know that my country would be extremely happy to affect US elections. And it did, in some ways. Just not through the direct collub w/Trump.
The jewysh Marxist bolsheviks have a blood revenge path on Russia forcstslin purging them. Using usa to do their dirty work just like end hoax
This is like the class nerd who annoyed everybody by repeatedly talking about how his barbarian/elf/ranger defeated a lizardman with a piece of string which he found in his pocket. Stop. Just stop
Even liberals know there was no Russian collusion. Drop it.
I got to listen to some talk shoe host I forgot his name who would "apdate " the audience on what has been "uncovered" concerning Trump it became so stupid that I stop watching the show and that was even before I was made aware that these were co ordinated lies.
Clown world
I would argue that journalism died in 2007. At that time a few journalists created a private chat room and only invited other journalists they knew they could trust to be left-wing. 400 of them chatted about how they could get Obama elected. Their main weapon to use against anyone who might publish negative stories about Obama was to accuse them of being racist. That tactic was fairly new back then and proved highly successful in silencing any critics of Obama. After the election they deleted the chat site and scrub the info off the Internet, so we have no proof of this. Just a couple of journalists who later came forward about it. Funny thing is I feel Obama would have won even if these journalists hadn't colluded to silence the Obama critics.
The worst part about this is a good percentage of Americans still think Trump colluded with Russian. My personal belief is that the media committed treason.
I'm learning English and I don't understand everything, can someone explain the video? I will be grateful for the answer
So according to the media in 2020 without Russian interference Trump god of the million more votes than in 2016?
myself and alot of people came to the YouTube to get away from the BS on TV and then they came and set up shop here too
What’s crazy is that these people just believe what the media tells them without even questioning. It’s sad how easily they are deceived.
One of the problems was that use of the word "collusion. " Did they mean "conspiracy" or "collaboration" or something like that.
Also…this was always the leading news story front and center…beyond lies
🙏🏻💯R.I.P.☠️ I AM the 📰🗞️🚨#News⚡️ You LIE, you #Die… Good RIDDANCE❣️🙋🏻♂️👼🏻
This is great news.
And they're still trying to spread the crap – Good riddance. Let the mainstream media die.
Trump called it: Fake News
We witnessed it live ourselves!
Thousands of conservatives had this public love affair with Russia starting with the Obama administration. No telling how long before that, Trump most definately during the 80's!
34 indictments came from the Mueller investigation and SIX convictions. Just because Trump pardoned them all doesn't mean they aren't,t convicted criminals Blow it out your shofar, you tool.
All we can do is try to educate those Americans who still believe they did the right thing by believing the lies and voting accordingly.
How many Democrats were elected because of the implication that Trump and those that supported him were traitors to our country?
Just imagine if journalists printed the truth about Trump during his administration. We would be enjoying the end of Trump’s second term because his policies were working for ALL Americans! And the Republican Party would be the party in charge for years to come!
What makes me so angry is that they are still working to sideline Trump while their president and his family has allegedly taken millions of dollars from our enemies!
I've worked in the media for more than 35 years. It's changed. Local reporters still have trust, but the national media is simply propaganda.
A very helpful summary. It's staggering how little truth there was to any of this, and staggering even more that there have been no apologies or redactions.
the left lies – shocking
When people sell their souls to Satan, don’t we expect them to use their native language (lies)? Proverbs 28 speaks to many of these issues.
Absolutely amazing that this still hasn't been retracted. Journalism is truly dead (at least in the mainstream.)
I'm amazed this wasn't censored by YT.
Absolutely. Totally communist, people do not understand the path we are on, because they don't know any recent history. Communist Russia, Bolshevik revolution, cultural revolution (CCP), just keep going back to French revolution…
I totally agree that the media of today are bunch of influencers instead of newscasters. But I do not see anything mentioned here on the “stolen election song” that was fed to the American public by the right media to the tune that Fox lost almost $1 billion in a defamation lawsuit, on top of having to fire their cash cow Tucker.
The DOJ, America Media and many large internet companies operate exactly like old-school mafia, organized crime. They lie, they steal the truth from you, and if you dare question them, they either threaten you, take away your income, or destroy you and your family. This analogy of organized crime by the DOJ and mainstream media has thousands of references and hundreds of people whose lives have been wrongfully destroyed and families ruined by the the actions of these criminals.
Media was very disappointing, in their handling of almost all the issues. But the real disappointment for me was how so many of the people I know, were so easily sucked in a by all the lies.
Very well done. It is now up to you and I who've watched this to share it. The mainstream media continues to ignore it. Let's give this video enough stir so that it can't be ignored.
They're still hinting that there was collusion to be honest!
But… I have seen this from the American media since the Reagan Administration… i.e. about the point where I started to care about politics. I started to pick up on a noticeable favoritism toward the left, and a definite dislike of the right. At first, this made since to me because I'd been indoctrinated since the Nixon administration to. believe that anyone calling themselves conservative, right-wing, or Republican was a racist and just plain evil.
Convince enough people of the lie, the lie becomes truth
Trump destroyed his own presidency by being a rude a”’hole and a narcissistic man child, by pandering towards white supremacists and Christian nationalists, and by attempting a coup because he’s a coward who can never admit that he lost. All the media did was report on his wrongdoings.
I did not vote for Donald Trump for his personality or mannerisms, I voted cause he knows how to run this country!