Should Christians PRAY for Atheists?
The video is completely mistaken. God has invited us to pray for unbelievers. And when we do, it’s not arrogance; it’s kindness.
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We cannot say that God doesn’t interfere in the wills of men. It seems to me that that is an untenable statement. In fact, our prayer belies our belief that God does intervene. We ask him to intervene not only in circumstances, but with the wills of men. Read more from Greg Koukl at https://rsn.pub/49kpyzb.
What is her YT channel? Has anyone replied to her or sent her the link to this video?
….now that's a thinker. First off, what is the goal of the hypothetical prayer? Are they a good person regardless of their religious beliefs (or lack there of)? Do we pray for them to "see the light" or whatever just because we disagree with their nonbeliefs? Or are they injured, have trouble in their personal life or other misfortunes and we pray for their future wellbeing?
Honey, He didnt create you as an atheist. He created you and you chose not to believe in Him. I think there's a scripture that nature bears witness of His existence so that no man is blameless.
Logical fallacy from the beginning. She is discarding all of the influences in her life to assume, incorrectly, that God created her as an atheist. The opposite is true. All humans have a longing for something bigger than themselves. They have a innate desire to worship something, whether it's a rock star, politician, or an automobile. There were literally no atheists in the ancient world and even today, atheists make up a tiny percentage of the population. For an atheist, that desire to worship is willed away and derided as primative or it is redirected to the worship of a nondeity as if it were God. Science often becomes the religion and god of the atheist.
Apparently praying for her would be a waste of time due to the attitude she currently holds as far as she is concerned, but others would be compelled to pray for her because of the feelings she has, hoping the Holy Spirit would work on the spirit within her.
This is excellent. Oh, and it cracked me up when you said about wooing your wife “ I had hair back then”. 😂
My husband wooed me into marrying him almost two decades after he lost his hair 😍
I'd say don't worry about praying for me. I'm confident I'll be alright without it and I'm pretty confident prayer doesn't actually do anything anyway. Go look up research done by Mayo Clinic on the effectiveness of prayer on positive clinical outcomes. Spoiler, it's no better than random chance. It's as if there isn't anyone answering prayer.
Free will is a flawed concept. Everything was broken in the fall including the so-called free will of man. The unregenerate heart will never seek after God. it requires a miracle of his grace to enable a broken human will to believe (Ephesians chapter 2). God is sovereign over all including the "free" will of man. Thankfully in His grace, He reaches us in our sin and rescues us with the gift of faith. Perhaps He will miraculously overrule this woman's rebellion and open her eyes. It is definitely something we should pray for!
Assuming we waste God’s time, well we wouldn’t be here if he considered us pointless
God did not create you as an atheist. You developed that way by the way you wanted to think. It was YOUR FREE WILL that made you an atheist — you wanted that!!
Lol are these real?
"For God hath concluded them all in unbelief, that he might have mercy upon all." Romans 11:32 (KJV)
"For God has imprisoned everyone in disobedience so he could have mercy on everyone." (NLT)
But the will or the desire of God is for all to be saved. How all do have their role in faith in Christ? How God really wants creation to work out with His Holy Spirit.
I really wish that none of us had that default of not loving and choosing against the real loving God almighty and that love of God does change or wooh all because of what is because he is love and knows does everything right. And not in a manipulative "evil" way or being like a robot. That all should be truely healed mentally spiritually physically healed and not on "repeating" the sins/evil that caused it. But keep choosing Christ and what he also created to use to help and heal everything and everyone with the power of the Holy Spirit over the evil that wants to completely destroy God's real love and image of love and life. How we were or could or be made stronger in Christ and "immune" to it all? But yet we are still humans that always fall short until the time we are fully "changed" by God and the need of Christ to truely cover all of us.
I’m reminded that one of my pet peeves in life are people who are just so unbelievably smug. Her smugness makes me cringe.
“A smug atheist is an atheist with a chip on their shoulder.” – Me
Atheists tend to be such an angry group. And I find that Most of them aren't truly atheists, rather ppl who take on that mantle b/c they're angry at religious ppl they know for some specific reason and often know very little at all about the religion, just that they equate it with that or those specific ppl
I caught all of that. 1. Straw man, 2. Wrong understanding, 3. Wrong logic of using “God made me this way” and free will as a contradiction.
She's assuming all kids are born atheists. That is dumb.
I’ll pray for some but to an extent and then I won’t cast my pearl to swine. Helpful video this one is.
It's like praying: "God, open their eyes to see the Truth." That may be against their will – but it's not against God's will. There is a light, that coming into the world, enlightens every man. We're just praying that "God's word does not return unto Him void." You always, unfortunately, have your free will. But there's nothing wrong with hearing the Gospel. That's all we're praying for. Hear the Gospel. May good things happen to you. May God Bless You. This woman, who is at least considering all these things, is actually closer than most.
She was projecting her arrogance onto others. She already thinks that she knows the answer to her question.
God hates violating free will so much, he refuses to violate the free will of: murderers, rapists and molesters.
This is what happens when you introduce challenges with more confidence than theological knowledge of the very system you're trying to dismantle.
– You weren't made an atheist
– You DON'T have "free will". God can do what he wants, including violate it. The notion that free will is somehow sacred is a very modern view.
– God ordains the MEANS of his will as well as the ends. This includes the prayer of his saints.
Reformed theology solves all of these problems.
Well done sir! Praise God!
I'm so bored with all the simple questions posed as if they're going to "destroy those ignorant Christians". Good response though.
The one thing I'd add is that prayer doesn't change God or others. It opens us to change. Prayer is asking God to have a role in what is important to us.
It’s like saying that any woman who doesn’t want to marry upu, you can keep stalking them. But she is just suppressing “the truth”..? Free will and respect for that is her point.
So painful