Social Justice Isn’t Justice
You’ll see a lot of references to justice in the Bible, but you’ll never see the word “social” precede it. Why? Is it simply because social justice is a new cause that post dates the Bible? Or is it because social justice, by its very nature, is directly at odds with justice as the Bible defines it? Allie Beth Stuckey, host of Relatable on BlazeTV, takes a fresh look at this important issue.
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The Lord is a God of social justice.
That’s the message in many—maybe most—churches and synagogues in America and the West today.
But here’s the problem: The Bible doesn’t actually say that. It says (in Isaiah), “The Lord is a God of justice.” You’ll find a lot of references to justice in the Bible. But you’ll never find it preceded by the word “social.”
But you’re probably thinking, “What’s the difference? Isn’t God the God of justice and social justice?” Well, not if He’s consistent. You see, God cannot be the God of justice and social justice because social justice is not just.
Justice is getting what you deserve without favor. Social justice is getting what you don’t deserve because you are favored.
Justice is blind. Social justice is not.
Let’s say a man robs a store. Justice demands but one thing: that he be tried in a court of justice, and, if he is found guilty, punished.
That is not how social justice works. Social justice doesn’t only ask if the person is guilty. It asks about his economic condition: Is he poor or wealthy? About his upbringing: What kind of childhood did he have? About his race or ethnicity: Is he a member of a group that has been historically oppressed?
Justice demands that everyone be equal under the law. Social justice demands that everyone be equal. Period. Economically, socially, and in every other possible way.
Justice asks, “Who did it?” Social justice asks, “Why did he do it?”
Lost in all these social justice considerations is the individual’s own responsibility for what he did. That’s why social justice advocates have abandoned the term “justice.” They deem justice alone as unfair. And sometimes it is. A man who was beaten by his father and abandoned by his mother is more likely to commit a violent crime than a man raised in a loving home. But those facts cannot and should not determine his innocence or guilt.
Why? Because justice is, first and foremost, about truth: Is the person guilty or innocent of the crime? None of us is omniscient. We don’t know why people do what they do. After all, the vast majority of people raised in abusive homes do not commit violent crimes. Nor do the vast majority of people who are members of an historically oppressed group.
Being a victim, however that is defined, is no excuse for hurting other people. And what about those who are hurt—the victims of those crimes? Shouldn’t they, and other law-abiding citizens, be society’s first consideration?
Social justice advocates say no. They say we need social justice to even things out. And that means favoring the have-nots over the haves—the poor over the rich, the female over the male, and the brown or black over the white.
The Bible does not see the world this way. In fact, it speaks against it in very explicit terms.
Here’s a law in the Book of Exodus: “Do not pervert justice by siding with the crowd, and do not show favoritism to a poor person in a lawsuit.”
Here’s one in Leviticus: “Do not pervert justice; do not show partiality to the poor or favoritism to the great but judge your neighbor justly.”
Moses, the greatest lawgiver in history, declares in Deuteronomy: “Follow justice and justice alone.”
And the New Testament declares in the Book of Romans: “God shows no partiality.”
None of this means that there is no place for compassion in a system of justice. Of course, there is. The Bible is preoccupied with the protection of the widow, the orphan, and unfortunate. But compassion follows justice. It doesn’t precede it.
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/video/social-justice-isnt-justice

You lost me when you started quoting single sentences out of context from the bible and using that as your basis for morality.
I prefer to say . . . "Ok lets play this out . . . What are the expected consequences if everyone played by these rules and is that a world we want to live in."
Go and actually read the Bible. How dare you claim that what you are doing and promoting is according to what God says? If you actually understood the teachings of Jesus, you would see that he called you to help the poor, the vulnerable, and to show them mercy. You are just filled with hate and manipulate the Bible to support your disgusting politics.
Though I'm not the biggest fan of Allie Beth Stuckey and I think she can be radical at times, I agree with this video. Mrs. Stuckey was straight on and correct to disprove social justice.
This lady sickens me to the core!
Wow this is amazing!
op is trolling
"The problem is that black people are getting off too easy in the justice system" actually it's the opposite
You arent talking about justice my dear you are talking about punishment.
This perspective is void and it's creators don't have the ability to remain impartial.
How did you possibly jump to the assumption that poor people or minorities are favored in this country’s judicial system? Considering the overwhelming amount of data that points to the exact opposite, I would expect a lot of explanation/background evidence on your end before making such a serious claim completely unbacked.
"Hey maybe we should rethink how we do justice. For instance, me getting a $500 speeding ticket is taking a whole weeks of pay. But that rich guy over there probably makes that in a day. Should we maybe have a sliding scale or something?'
PragerU: "ThE LeFTisTs HaTe RiCH PeoPLe aNd Don'T WaNt tO PuniSh AnYOne!"
PragerU is literally "Arguing in bad faith against a strawman: the channel"
social justice isn't taking away responsibility, it's deciding the best punishment or reaction. say an abused child commits murder. just punishing them wouldn't help. giving them therapy and kind and helpful friends would be a much better option in that case. social justice would allow someone's punishment and rehabilitation to be personalized and thus much more effective.
Social justice is getting something you don't deserve? I don't understand how anyone likes this video. God is deffinetly both. In a judicial system both poor and rich, if they commited a crime should get the same sentencing that is just and fair. But social justice is the action of doing what God said, feeding the poor, defending the innocent, treat others equally. I find this video is too black and white, God also has mercy on guilty people. Sorry maybe I'm just not fond of the way you explain social justice in a biblical context.
There is a HUGE mistake in this video which contributes with to the problem.
Critical social justice is not equal "leftist values" any more than Neo Nazis represent the right. In fact, moderates in the left would adhere to liberal social justice, which springs from Judeo-Christian values. Labelling the rants of the extreme lefts does not only increase polarization, but actually impedes the right and moderate left to work together to stop the extreme left from taking over.
I look at it as an outsider (German) and see critical social justice rising in the US as a cancer to Western civilization. However polarizing it in US politics only makes fighting it the more difficult.
Then we're agreed. The criminal justice system also subverts justice. Those damned adjectives!
What f***ing reality does this lady live in? Cuz it sure as hell ain’t this one.
Here’s a great response video that rips this one to shreds and hands it its own ass:
"Social justice" is all about destroying the white man.
Almost had a stroke watching this garbage
In the age of post truth, where you have to question and investigate the veracity of every bit of info, that it makes sense in the big picture, as 95% of what is offered as political comment for example, has no nexus in reality whatsoever; the mindboggling smug condescending stupidity to believe a fairy tale written over 2000 years ago, when the earth was still flat and the centre of the solar system, while the scientific method was explantion through myth and allegory………is more than my puny brain can reconcile
But then motive is an element of crime. Many criminal defence lawyer base their defence on why he did the crime?? What was his childhood was ?? These are mitigating factors.
Also grave and sudden provocation is a defence for crime.
Many crime has motive as essential element. That is what social justice wants. Motive.
Talk to a criminal lawyer before making this kind of video.
I'm infuriated with LOADS of people who claim LOADS of b.s. that they "THINK!" is in the BIBLE, when nearly 100% of whateverthefuck they defecate from their 'mouths' is rather what they obviously WANT it to say, how to comprehend it AND somehow how white people are 'inherently-racist'! WOW, so, DID I kill someone in my shelter or something!? BECAUSE, guess where and WHO many: drug addicts, mentally-ruined people ARE and how stupidly do they just multiply like rabbits!? NOPE, it's NOT some race- its f@@king LIBERALS. Liberals are the f@@king problem AND, I've NEVER killed anyone anyways! I'm f-ing sick of 'THE VIEW', social media, CNN and MSBNC running the nation! TRY claiming they DON'T- GUESS what, HOW THE F ELSE did Biden The Zombie get elected then!?
First of, social justice and justice can exist at the same time, we arent acting like we want to abolish justice, infact we want to deliver it. The thing is though justice is more than using billy clubs to beat up people and locking them up in prisons. Its making sure people are EQUAL. No white man is above a black man and vise versa. We fight for this because NEWS FLASH: All the racists didnt die of heart attack when MLK gave his I have a dream speech and likewise all the wife beaters suddenly started treating their wifes like people and not objects when women got the right to vote and own property. All they did was have a change in tactics. If you dont believe theres still systemic racism in the US heres some numbers for yah:
80% of metropolises are still segregated
Black men are nearly 3 times more arrested for drugs than white men.
Black people make up the majority of people in poverty ( 20% ).
Also this weird thing about how people view the bible differently is natural. Jesus didnt make the bible, people made the bible using their thoughts, ideas, traditions and morals. Religions dont affect people, people do. For example the bible does not approve of same sex relations yet christians accept gay people. Does it mean they are faithless sinners? No of course not! The Religion has changed over the thousands of years it has been existing. If you had a time machine and asked an ancient hebrew priest and a medival pope to give you their thoughts on the bible, they would be quite different.
In total this video wants to ignore justice for the sake of justice.
"True social justice is earning your fair share and keeping what you earned." Thomas Sowell & Walter Williams
she bad asf
So god is a white supremacist?
The title is an example of doublespeak. Very similar to "Freedom is slavery".
0:33 Good thing he's not consistent.
Let me say this: social justice is a very broad definition. It has a lot of meanings. There is a social welfare interpretation- all within society are indebted to certain social and physical rights (food, water, housing, healthcare), and that is to bed at the expense of the rest of society. There's an egalitarian interpretation: we need collective intervention to be on the same playing field. There's a conflict theory approach: basically, redistribute power via revolution. There are external and internal interpretations: social justice is restricted to the individual or to society. There's setting: how one pursues social justice in the legal, healthcare, and religious settings will differ. With so many inconsistencies in the definition AND the sense it is constructing an artificial utopia, that is why I am not an advocate of social justice.
social justice is a perversion of justice, its very tempting but thise who advocate it will turn out to be more intolerant
PragerU rlly is garbage cmon now
Social justice = mob rule
Real supporters of social justice would've celebrated the Dobbs ruling and applauded the not guilty verdict in the Rittenhouse case. The left's version of social justice is nothing but mob rule.
You're right. God has to exist to be the lord of anything.
This must be the dumbest thing I have seen period.
God this, God that, some of us think that he isn't even real, so quit pushing his agendas onto us!
damn this bitch don't know shit
Soooo just gonna throw it out there that the concept of justice is not well defined as Allie would have you believe. It varies widely by culture, individual, and context. This video also implies that "social justice" pertains only to the criminal justice system in the US. It's been ny observation that the phrase is seldom used in the context of supplanting the criminal justice system.
Fix Yourself (Personal Responsibility):
-Make sure you do not sleep too late.
-Get up early.
-Clean and organize your house.
-Do exercise to stay fit and healthy.
-Stop interrupting random people.
-Stop forcing random people to love you.
-Stop comparing yourself to others.
-Stop being a spoiled narcissist.
-Have delayed gratification.
-Have gratitude.
-Have self-discipline.
-Make peace with your family and your friends.
-Take every opportunity that is given to you.
-Get to school on time.
-Get to college on time.
-Get to work on time.
-Stay educated.
-Save up money without wasting it.
-Pay your house bills on time.
-Drive responsibly.
-Do not drink alcohol.
-Do not do drugs.
-Do not gamble.
-Do not smoke.
-Do not have too much sugar.
-Do not have too much sex.
-Do not have kids out of wedlock.
-Do not join any radical groups.
-Do not commit crimes.
I have a message for confused human beings around the world of every generation especially the younger generation coming from a young man myself born in 1998. I believe the younger generation needs to fix themselves rather than trying to fix other people in this world because in my honest opinion you cannot fix people it is up to people to fix themselves period.