Biblical Worldview Breaking Down Walls: A Christian and an Atheist in Conversation Sean McDowellJune 18, 2021 Can Christians and atheists find common ground on the importance of having civil discussions today? That’s what Drew (YouTuber... 2013100
Different Religions Atheist YouTubers Critique My Atheist Role Play, I Respond Sean McDowellJune 14, 2021 Two popular atheist YouTubers recently did a response video to my “atheist encounter,” in which I role-played an atheist... 3917200
Different Religions Are Mormons Christian? An Evangelical and Mormon In Conversation Sean McDowellDecember 30, 2020 Do Mormons and evangelicals share core beliefs about the faith? Do Mormons believe that men can become God? Is salvation by faith al... 3116500
Biblical Worldview Is Adam Historical? A Conversation with Two Leading Scientists. Sean McDowellApril 26, 2020 The question of the historical Adam is one of the most widely discussed and debated issues today within theology, science, and philo... 386400