Different Religions What Does the Bible Mean by “One God”? Stand to ReasonDecember 19, 2021 Greg Koukl answers a listener’s question, “How can I respond to the Mormon explanation that when the Bible says there’s... 122300
Biblical Worldview Banished From His Mormon Mission Sean McDowellMay 20, 2021 What is like when you begin to realize that the words of the Mormon Prophets are not the truth? How does the Mormon leadership react... 1319700
Different Religions Finding Jesus on a Mormon Mission: The Story of Micah Wilder Sean McDowellMay 20, 2021 How could a zealous Mormon missionary discover Jesus? Don’t Mormons preach the same Jesus as the historic Christian faith? In... 3818900
Different Religions Are Mormons Christian? An Evangelical and Mormon In Conversation Sean McDowellDecember 30, 2020 Do Mormons and evangelicals share core beliefs about the faith? Do Mormons believe that men can become God? Is salvation by faith al... 3118100
Different Religions Why Do Other Religions Emphasize Works for Salvation? Stand to ReasonNovember 6, 2017 In Christianity, salvation is a gift rather than a reward for works. Alan Shlemon of Stand to Reason shares why Christianity is diff... 08600
Different Religions Is It Possible That Mormonism Is True? Stand to ReasonMarch 30, 2015 Brett Kunkle discusses whether or not Mormonism could be true. #StandtoReason #Apologetics #Christianity ————— CONNECT ————— Website... 305800
Different Religions Mormon Role Play Stand to ReasonJune 26, 2014 “Elder Kunkle” role plays a Mormon for a group of unsuspecting Christians. After the reveal, Brett Kunkle challenges the... 92300