The Burden-Free Step in Discussing Christian Beliefs
Greg Koukl of Stand to Reason explains the importance of listening and encourages Christians to remember that the one who makes the claim bears the burden.
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Nice theory, but how it works in practice? Vast majority of atheists will tell you "We dont have the burden! Religion has the burden because religion make claims about God!" And if you ask them to make claims against God, they will just say that it is not their job to make claims.
How do you start the conversation in a non confrontational way??
Indeed all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted. 2 Tomthy 3:12…… This scripture points out that even the desire to living godly will bring persecution, opposition, strife; much less actually doing so. Truth will always make more than one person angry. Even angry enough to murder! Just ask Christ on the cross. The Gospel truth is offensive to those with intent towards S-elf, I-sh, N-ess and the world. Then Christ commanded us to be His ( witnesses ) ( Greek word Martus- meaning martyr- one prepared to die for the witness. ) Acts 1:8
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