The Fallen Soldier
Others have made the ultimate sacrifice so that you could be free. Remember them—today, and always. A moving tribute, written and narrated by former Navy SEAL and author Jocko Willink.
I am the fallen soldier, sailor, airman, and Marine.
Remember me.
I am the one that held the line. Sometimes I volunteered. Sometimes I went because I was told to go.
But when the nation called—I answered.
In order to serve, I left behind the family, friends, and freedom that so many take for granted.
Over time, I used different weapons: a sword, a musket, a bayonet, a rifle, a machine gun.
Often, I marched into battle on foot. Other times, I rode to battle on horseback or in wagons; sometimes on trains; later in tanks or Jeeps or Humvees.
In early wars, my ships were made of wood and powered by the wind. Later they were made of steel and powered by diesel fuel or the atom. I even took to the air and mastered the sky in planes, helicopters, and jets. The machines of war evolved and changed with the times.
But remember that it was always me—the warrior—that had to fight our nation’s enemies.
I fought at Lexington and Concord as our nation was born.
I crossed the Delaware on Christmas Day in 1776.
In the Civil War, I fought with my brothers—and against my brothers—at Gettysburg and Shiloh and Bull Run. I learned that we must never again divide.
For the full script, visit: https://l.prageru.com/3WBEjIq

"We get dirty, and the world stays clean. That's the mission." – Captain Price
Sadly it is now hard to see American soldiers as the 'good guys.' The USA is invading nations and trying to spread its wicked values to foreign nations. The USA had no business in Vietnam, Iraq, or Afghanistan. I was in the army and take no pride in my service. In Iraq, I was just one of many peons sent there to get Cheney and his buddies money. It is sad how many young men and women are being misled into risking their lives to help evil men who often support tyranny get wealthier. Ron Paul recognized this and was strongly against unnecessary foreign invasions. Thumbs up for the video though-it is inspiring and in a good nation, soldiers would never be asked to fight unless necessary.
I am a veteran. I also just watched a PragerU video telling minorities not to fight against social injustice, but to start a business. How can these two conflicting videos make sense to anyone actually seeing both wars? It doesn’t. I ask you, what started the war- yes, the same thing that has started the revolution on the streets.
Good message. Silly presentation.
Those Big Ears make him look Irish, am I right???
It breaks my heart to know that their sacrifice is betrayed by those in our government.
This is one of the most absurd patriotic jerk-fests I’ve ever seen. I don’t care what your politics are; this type of unabashed military grandstanding is plainly ridiculous.
Remember the millions of fallen Bolshevik soldiers who died for freedom and Liberty in the Russian Civil War
Goosebumps…. Thanks!
Sounds like what Colonel Jessup would've said.
Someone needs to upgrade the animations into like video game cut scenes this might be the greatest movie ever made then.
Welll i feel like a pos now! Thank you for your service all vets, i love you guys and girls, thank you so much
These men died for for a evil government and nation
As a Korean American, Thank U America for send troops to Korea during Korean war fight against communist and return for nothing. Never forget!!
We OWE them. At least a "Thank You"……..at least!!
2:18 nothing but respect for the brave freedom fighters of the PAVN and NLF who repelled the American invaders
Even though this video is reposted every Memorial Day, it still hits home every time.
A timely reminder. Thank you Jacko!
How to make a grown man cry. God bless our troops, God rest our fallen soldiers, and God bless the United States!
"The true Soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.”
I often think of my Uncle, who died at Guadalcanal. And how his death shattered my fathers family. I think of the hundreds of thousands of families who lost someone for the ideals of this country. I'm sickened to see what we've done with the country they sacrificed for.
I do not call the US, or any other part of the Americas home but:
They shall not grow old,
As we that are left grow old.
Age shall not weary them,
Nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We shall remember them!
From "For the Fallen" by Laurence Binyon (1914)
Very good.
Why do people forget what people done so we do the things we do every day and what the soldiers of the USA did for us remember