The history of the Iroquois confederacy | Thomas Sowell
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Thomas Sowell is an American economist and political commentator. He taught economics at Cornell University, the University of California, Los Angeles, and since 1980 at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, where he is currently a Senior Fellow.
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The irroqious confederacy if you were that strong. You will gun down me on Thanksgiving
We are the Haudenosaunee Confederacy. Thank you Mr. Sowell for covering this subject because a lot of people who call themselves Constitutionalists don’t even know it’s our law that everyone follows we have always called it The Law of Great Peace but everyone calls it the Constitution. I have reached out to organizations like PragerU who doesn’t teach the true History of the Constitution but I have yet to ever hear a reply.
interesting- but European over view-
i would have enjoyed working with
this intellect 60+ years ago.
-to understand better – they're governance system,
(which the Europeans did not realize or truly understand-
was matriarchal)- i would recommend "the white roots of peace"
if you live in the U.S. your government the 'articles of confederation'
was based on their system.
He brushed over a lot of information regarding my people, but it was a short video😢
Didnt the Iroquois give the americans the idea of the constitution?
This proves genocide was committed.
Mainstream media only speaks of the
Natives they used to kill the other natives.
… but NO! they were all peace-loving people who were one with the land… their never practiced slavery, cannibalism, warfare and torture… They sat around, peacefully, waiting for the evil Europeans who then corrupted them…
When reports concerning "Indians" are written down, IT IS ALWAYS a deep concern to the Aboriginal people. They just write on their version of what they see at that moment and make generalization that it is what the Haudenausaunee really depict. These aboriginals, NOT INDIANS or IROQUOIS are special people in their own area. They had been there for millenniums. It is now the 21st century and the Aboriginals want to correct the history as presented by European writers. Interview the Haudenausaunee to learn the TRUTH.
Mr. Sowell has no jurisdiction to be representing the sovereignty of the Hadanasanee confederacy. He is a u.s citizens even latin mexico, central and south american govt. And churches cant speak for a tribal or a clan its a treason and a war crime. Its law look it up.
We the few Sovereign Tribal Clans left do not want any of these surrendered & rebel indians or centricts, feminist, authors & academics to represent or misappropriate us anymore (indios is the war crime term used & commited by new Spain, new Portugal & new England) 1. Communist indians 2. Christian indians 3. Federal indians & 4. Indigenous Latinx indians. There is no sovereign title rights by the law in non of these groups. Sovereign law, Custom law & international law are govern by the clan mothers which are the cession of jurisdiction. By legal terms we are defenders and guardians of about 2000 tribal territories in the western hemisphere. Note: blood quantum is a nonfactor in tribal custom. Thank you. Pass this along.
Well I hope Dr. Thomas Sowell has material on Tecumseh's confederacy
Also worth noting that the Tuscaroras were the latest addition, being admitted around the time of European colonization.
I read Conquest and Culture. It is truly amazing in its breadth and originality. It is fun to see Mr. Sowell become a YouTube star after all these years of being vilified by liberals.
The 2nd best American confederacy
“Comanches put the prisoner to work digging a hole, telling him they needed it for a religious ceremony. When the captive, using a knife and his hands, had completed digging a pit about five feet deep, they bound him with rope, placed him in it, filled the hole with dirt, packing it around his body and exposed head. They then scalped him and cut off his ears, nose, lips, and eyelids. Leaving him bleeding, they rode away, counting on the sun and insects to finish their work for them. Later, back at their encampment, they told the story as an excellent joke, one which gained them a certain celebrity throughout the tribe.” — Stanley Noyes, Los Comanches, The Horse People 1751-1845 (1993)
Mind blown every time, thank you Mr.Sowell and everyone else helping share his words
Interesting point about fertilizer at the 3:40 mark.
I have a theory about the great peacemaker, which is the legend of a traveler who united the 5, and shared their beliefs which became Haudenosaunee culture. My theory is that the peacemaker was a Tsimshian traveler. There is many similarities of the cultures.
Thank you for the fantastic video. Please go on Joe Rogan Thomas❣️ This world needs you now as it always has! God bless you and yours forever!
The amount of knowledge Dr. Sowell is able to enlighten you with over the course of a few pages is superior to all postcolonial university syllabi rolled into one.
Yeah.. I don’t think that most people know about my friend that makes $80k a year doing nothing because his tribe has a casino.
Couldn't find a single reference on Google that the name "Iroquois" derived from "killer people". Where's his reference?
I mean it’s just be a history book
Imagine if you could back in time say 1000 years and tell a people as large as the Iroquoi about draft animals and plows. The elk or the moose are not great substitutes for Cattle but with effort and patience you could tame them enough i suspect…unless you showed up with a herd of steers. They'd be one their way to becoming the dominant culture on the Continent.
Thank you for specifying French and English. Europe is a continent with many different countries, cultures, languages, dialects and shades of color. Also I do believe that the Iroquois came over from Asia via the Bering strait.
My french ancestor was captured and his French comrades were tortured and burned alive,his fingernails were torn off ,but just before he was burned alive,an Oneida woman declared she wanted to adopt him….he managed to escape after almost 2 years later near fort Orange(Albany New York,was still Dutch at the time)..he crossed the wilderness to Boston..took a ship to Québec and then to Montreal where he resumed his work at l'hôtel Dieu..
..but liberals told me Native Americans were peaceful and nice to each other before evil Whitey showed up..?? ..😳
Liberals have deified Native Americans as a scheme to demonize white settlers. Thus the “stolen land” propaganda. In fact they were like any other group of humans, capable of great accomplishments and great brutality. They made alliances because the incessant warfare was harmful to everyone. They destroyed the environment wholesale as they struggled to survive. These facts are ignored as politicians who seek to promote racism against white people today.