The Iran Nuclear Deal | 5 Minute Video
Is the nuclear agreement between the United States and Iran a good or bad deal? Would it be harder or easier for Iran to develop nuclear weapons? Would it make Iran and its terror proxies stronger or weaker? Should the U.S. Congress support or defeat the deal? Dennis Prager answers these questions and more.
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We say that evil is dark. But this metaphor is imprecise. Evil is actually intensely bright. So painfully bright that people look away from it. Many even deny its existence.
Why? Because once people acknowledge evil’s existence, they know that they have to confront it. And most people prefer not to confront evil.
That is what led to World War II and the death of 55 million people. Many in the West denied the darkness of Nazism. They looked the other way when that evil could have been stopped, and then appeased it as it became stronger.
We are reliving 1938, the year that democratic Western nations assured a police state, the Nazi regime, that they would do nothing to prevent its expansion. That year, the British Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain, went to Munich to negotiate with Adolf Hitler. He left believing Hitler’s promises of peace in exchange for Germany being allowed to annex large parts of Czechoslovakia. Upon returning to England, Chamberlain announced “Peace for our time.”
The 2015 agreement between America, Europe, Russia, China and Iran mirrors 1938.
The Nazi regime was a police state. The Islamic Republic of Iran is a police state. The Nazis’ greatest aim was to exterminate the Jews of Europe. Iran’s greatest aim is to exterminate the Jewish state. The West dismissed Hitler as the Jews’ problem. The West dismisses Iran as Israel’s problem. Nazi Germany hated the West and its freedoms. The Islamic Republic of Iran hates the West and its freedoms. Germany sought to dominate Europe. Iran seeks to dominate the Middle East and the Muslim world.
And just as Britain and France appeased Nazi Germany, the same two countries along with the United States have chosen to appease Iran.
In fact, there is considerably less defense for the Iran agreement — which awards Iran 150 billion dollars in currently frozen assets and the right to keep its nuclear program — than there was for the Munich agreement. Prior to 1938, Hitler had not publicly proclaimed his aim to annihilate Europe’s Jews. Yet, Iran has been proclaiming its intention to annihilate the Jewish state for decades. There were no massive “Death to America” demonstrations in Germany as there regularly are in Iran. In 1938, Germany had not been responsible for terror around the world as Iran is now. Nor was Germany responsible for the death of more than a thousand Americans as Iran has been — in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Lebanon.
The Neville Chamberlains of 2015 defend the agreement with Iran on two grounds — that the only alternative is war and that this agreement has the capacity to bring Iran into the “community of nations.”
The war argument is a falsehood. For three reasons.
First, the alternative to this agreement was continuing and tightening the sanctions that were weakening the Iranian regime and greatly diminishing its ability to fund terror groups around the world. Second, because the agreement so strengthens Iran, it makes war far more likely. When evil, expansionist regimes get richer, they don’t spend their wealth on building new hospitals. They expand. Third, Iran has been at war with America for decades.
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Germany's government exported its politics to Austria and Hungary, and it supported Franco in Spain, which led to the passing of many US citizens that fought there.
I only needed this one video to realize the dishonesty with which this channel operates.
As we know today, quitting the agreement was a big mistake.
Everry thing started with the domination of Iran by England, and mow is a hated country just because is defending from the Enemy,
What prigs you to Iraq and Syria
This is by far the most belligerent and War-hawkish video that I have ever seen in my life. You can only imagine how dizzy with excitement Dennis Prager gets every time he thinks about the prospect of US led regime change in Iran.
Whos is here because of this so called ceasefire with hamas
for Iranian live onther slamic repubilic l agree whit this vidou 100Ùª
And evil IS dark. Really dark. It only appears to be bright, to be a decoy for people who can't recognize it.
What a thunderingly stupid video.
"The Iran Nuclear Deal mirrors the Munich Conference"????
Ummm… no.
See if you can come up with something less moronic, PragerU.
#Freepalestine 🇵🇸🇮🇷
At 4:49 you for got about chinas attacks on taiwan. But still great vid.
3:08 usa is responsible of millions of deaths in iraq oh! my mistake thats america they cant do anything wrong
Breaking the nuclear deal with Iran was not such a bad idea after all, I hope the people rise up at once and kick out that bunch of bearded yokels in djellaba and turbans.
Nazi Germany and Islamic Republic of Iran are the same.
Thanks, Denis.
What a load of crap 🤣
"We say that evil is dark. But this metaphor is imprecise. Evil is actually light. A light so bright, that people look away from it. Many even deny its existence. Why? Because once people acknowledge Evil's existence, they know they have to confront it."
You are right. The God of Judaism and Christianity is the worst evil possible. It must be confronted and destroyed no matter the cost.
This stupid propaganda preach hate about Muslims, why don't you talk about the zoinist killing state and USA colonial regime
The left always tries to appease evil & bow down to it….speaks volumes about them.
3:04 Is it really all Iran’s fault, though? Perhaps the United States shouldn’t have intervened there in the first place!
The Jewish state is not the same as Judaism and jews
I think I need to cancel these Iran vacation plane tickets.
'Evil isn't dark it's intensely bright'. A few seconds later…. 'Many in the West denied the DARKNESS of Naziism.' Huh?
No, evil is intensely DARK! It's Christ and the Truth that are intensely BRIGHT, which exposes man's evil. – 'The Light has come into the world, but men loved the darkness rather than the Light because their deeds were evil.' – JOHN 3:19
Republican regime is composed of religious fanatics
So go and invade Iran then…that is the only thing left to do
based iran
War with Iran? What a JOKE! Do they even stand a snowballs chance in hell to win a war with the US and it’s allies? The answer is a straight faced NO. 👎👎👎👎👎
I love PragerU but I hate its pro-Juuish propaganda, then again Dennis Prager is a Juu and the loyalty and allegiance will always be with his fellow Juus and Israel, even if a Juu was borned and has always lived in a certain nation he'll be a Juu first and a citizen of his nation second and his loyalty and allegiance will always remain with Israhell.
Welp, now its getting 400 billion a year from China, way to go joey biden
This hit me in the heart like an arrow. Stand up people (who are not evil), wake up people (who are not woke)
Probably shouldn't be giving huge sums of money to one of the single largest sponsors of terrorism.. just saying.
that moron of BIDEN wants to rejoin this even though iran is the number one sponsor of terrorism in the middle east (hamas,hezbollah,boko haram,isis )…..everyone knows this except our dementia fool of a president ..
May I rectify one of the facts mentioned concerning the execution rate? If you consider "per capita" rate, then iran will surpass the China.
Left made US weak and vulnerable
Wtf has obama and Biden done
what prageru leaves out is israel also has nuclear weapons
Iran is cooperating with china now. Russia, iran, china become the axis of evil.