THE PLAN FOR GLOBAL CONTROL: How Socialists Will Use Coronavirus Pandemic to RESHAPE OUR WORLD
In the 1990s, the United Nations drafted “Agenda 21” — their plan for defeating climate change. In 2015, it was re-branded by socialists into “Agenda 30,” but neither had anything to do with global warming and everything to do with USING it to reshape our political world. Then, last year, the push for Agenda 30 wasn’t just about climate change, but about fighting future global pandemics as well. Then, in October 2019, some of the world’s most powerful business and political leaders met to discuss how to prepare for such a crisis. Well, we’re here. Coronavirus has reached every corner of the world, and now it’s becoming clearer everyday that socialists are going to use this pandemic to achieve their ultimate goal: global control.
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I love this true. A nurse of 18+ years.
Communist UN for the Great Reset
In full swing now God bless us
They didnt PREDICT IT.. they PLANNED IT..
The hydrychloroquin works just fine.. FDA approved for 65 yrs.. vs a vaccine thats never really be tested..
The hospitals all over the country were not overrun… just s TINY FEW AT MOST 20 -50 hospitals in the ENTIRE COUNTRY..
It was all set up man.. the vaccine causes infertility and now they want to give it to the blacks first.. see where this is going?
At sone point.. TRUMPERS & BLM will unite because we are just oawbs in a bigger game. They want CORPORATE GLOBAL AUTHORITARIANISM..
Soon they will be controlling everything.
“Like those who met us before, our time is one of great contests, high stakes, and clear choices. The essential divide that runs all around the world and throughout history is once again thrown into stark relief. It is the divide between those whose thirst for control deludes them into thinking they are destined to rule over others and those people and nations who want only to rule themselves.” Donald Trump. Sept 2019, UN General Assembly
Watch Trump’s UN speech in Sept 2019
This has to stop! Bill Gates again, plus the UN and the WHO! Does anyone find it a bit convenient that the "games" were held and the head of the US and Chinese CDC's attended, then jut 5 weeks later Covid 19 from China? Or is that a conspiracy theory too far – I think not!
YouTuber Amazing Polly has MANY VIDEOS on Agenda 201, 2020 and 2030 and she’s went in-depth and every one of these people are linked in so many ways it’s mind boggling. This needs to be seen by every Man, Woman, Child and other (I don’t know what they want to be called) in this country and government!
Thanks 🙏 I love your show
We better start mass producing tin foil hats for y'all
So, did someone do the homework? Please give me some references if you did
Need to read Daniel 7: 1-14. We are not incharge
Just saying, dont you think if they control everyone the would just take down your video "exposing them"
Glenn, we are seeing all that civil unrest right now. You was right Glenn. This is a scary world we live in.
They have been infiltrating the worlds governments, to be ready for years !
This is what they have just released.. The Great Reset AKA NWO !!
Mr. Beck it is all ready set up the UN is just waiting to take the Rains.where is are Military all over the world. I don't know how to make you see.
This is just the trial run, Glen. The whole plan is to get everyone indoctrinated with the "New Global Rules!" Then let it settle in for 10 years! It's so the takeover happens like the fable of the "Frog in the Pot of Water!" If you implement the rules too fast, the sheep will reject them, bring them in like this, and cripple the economy to ensure success! That's the real plan, in my opinion! I've been watching this mess unfold since Pierre Trudeau was in charge in my country! I'm not Nostradamus, but I've seen the writing on the wall for years! It's futile, and Alberta will only survive if "They" can get out from under Ottawa's rule! Canada as it was, is gone. We will be in worse shape than Venezuela next year, and the Moron in the stupid socks, just printed some more money and earmarked it for the corrupt Government over there! Like it's suppose to help their people?? It's absolute annihilation here! If you want to put in a good word with your Government? Maybe do a show on Alberta, and plead for our lives? That might help!? There are some of us here, trying to fight back, but it's a struggle! Love your show! God Bless
A prediction (Latin præ-, "before," and dicere, "to say"), or forecast, is a statement about a future event. They are often, but not always, based upon experience or knowledge. (wikipedia)
They didn't predict this outcome, they planned this outcome, to the letter. Its not a pandemic but a plandemic.
What I see though, is that the opposite to globalism was proven: borders mattered, global manufacturing of PPE failed, global reliance on medicines and lab tests was a detriment. Further to that: smart cities failed as they were too overpopulated to contain the virus and prevent contamination on subways/busses/streets. Also, sustainability suffered: single use plastics returned, more PPE used, which is made from petroleum products, more sanitizers and containers, people not car pooling because it was a risk of infection… I see this whole pandemic as proof positive there is no place for global governance. I hope nations will be so broke they have no choice but to stop all payments to the UN and affiliates…
Not on our watch hell NO!!!
It's Evil and the UN paperwork its called the Beast system. Ring a bell?
Amazing video on salvation https://youtu.be/wLBGxcCTsJk
I believe the perpetrators of our Corona Virus infected world includes the actors in Event 201, not as you proclaim in your introduction. Gates, WHO, and Soros are involved, although likely untraceable for prosecution.
Lol "predicted" why Glen won't just come out and say it.. I appreciate that a celebrity at least puts their name on event 201 thus bringing much needed attention to this PLANNED…….err I mean "predictions". Too bad more of them don't do the same.
It is very suspicious that the pandemic was released right after the 4th bring down Trump attempt failed. I believe that the President and his AG had better start arresting people for an attempted coup attempt. I also want to blame NC Senator Burr for allowing his Intelligence committee to promote the Deep State notion that Russian colluded with Trump. He could have sought the truth which is what Devin Nunes and others did. But no, he took the Deep State path. And what about Lindsey Graham? He said he was going to investigate the attempted coup. Has he called any witnesses? What a couple of phonies.
No one ever asked how did our American hospitals become lacking in PPE stocks?!?!
Globalization will NEVER work because our fundamental belief is much different than China. Period … Gates is No good for the entire humanity!!!
Why is Sweden the only country that has not isolated? Inquiring minds want to know…
You just admitted yourself that John's Hopkins University collaborated with Gates foundation to put on Event 201….so why have you been trusting JHU for WEEKS NOW rattling off their "covid numbers" every day????
Better get out your Bibles, keep the faith, stand firm and share the Gospel, it’s on like donkey kong! I never thought I would actually be living in the end times & watching prophecy pop off the pages!
And yet no one was told to get masks and gowns!!!
Fauci signed off on a donation of 3.7million dollars in 2014/15 to a whuhan laboratory researching bat to human virus transmission
In 2017 fauci said in a speech that the current administration (trump) will get a surprise…in reference to viruses
Mmmhhh .. investigate fauci and you will find out what this is all about
Y*Florence Nightingale **
Thanks To ALL Nurses ** DanielHall4Nightingale **
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* 1820 to today 2020 *
May 12, 1820 | 200 years.
| WS = We Solar
WS = We Spacefarers
we need to start saving money; let the UN sink or swim without our funding. on a national scale; ranchers know what the health experts have NO clue of. thus "great intelligence" and learning of the privileged population. the term the blind leading the blind