The Unexpected Way to Effectively Make Your Point
Greg Koukl of Stand to Reason shares the third step in the game plan for sharing your Christian convictions with others.
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Have a question or comment? Call Greg Koukl of Stand to Reason live Tuesdays 4-6pm Pacific Time – (855) 243-9975. If you’d like to submit your question ahead of time, fill out the online form here: https://www.str.org/broadcast.
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This is great. I think i need to listen to this many times before i will be able to try to do this myself
What about the people that ask you about the people who have never heard about Jesus? Are they going to hell? What questions can you ask them ?
So good,! Thanks Greg!
I wish there were no music. I find it distracting.
I use the tactics in my professional life; not specifically for the gospel, but for business discussions, sales, strategy development…it's a very productive and honoring way of working and everyone involved is benefited.