Thomas Sowell destroys the argument about the constitution not abolishing slavery
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Thomas Sowell is an American economist and political commentator. He taught economics at Cornell University, the University of California, Los Angeles, and since 1980 at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, where he is currently a Senior Fellow.
This channel helps to promote his teachings and principles of economics and philosophy.
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Comment 1000! 🙂
Seriously, THANK YOU for pointing out the 3/5 concept.
I've explained this to people before (and got called racist) – amazing that people cannot do simple math.
The source?
Tom Sowell is the saddest black person I have ever seen. For a black man to keep making excuses 400 years of racism, slavery and moral degradation against black people is just plane sick. There has to be some kind of mental problem with this man. This is just one of many disgraceful videos of Sowell making a mockery out of the suffering of black people. This is demonic.
Just so I'm not misinformed. How long did America itself have black slaves?
Fredrick Douglass drew the same conclusion over 150 years ago. While abolitionists like William Loyld Garrison, regarded the Constitution as an evil document that protected the institution of slavery. Where as Douglass regarded it as "a glorious liberty document".
Thank you for this lesson.
I feel like this channel isn't actually affiliated or approved by Sowell, in any way. I suspect those on the other side of the Patreon link, aren't sharing any of the support with Sowell, himself. Fairly certain this Brit has just hijacked Sowell's name to enrich himself. Be careful, viewer.
As the 13th amendment stands today, only people convicted of a crime are legally eligible to be slaves.
…keeping in mind the use of Fasces symbolism all over the United States…
"The fasces frequently occurs as a charge in heraldry: it is present on the reverse of the U.S. Mercury dime coin and behind the podium in the United States House of Representatives; and it was the origin of the name of the National Fascist Party in Italy (from which the term fascism is derived)."
The 13th amendment allows slavery for convicted felons.
They did that because no white man was going to do a black man's job and the economy was crashing. they had to fill those jobs; so they used convicted felons, and, it's in the 13th Amendment.
Slavery has not been totally abolished.
That's why private prisons today get away with using slave labor in America.
Private prisons were developed through the idea's of the Democrats and many of those Democrats hold stocks in private prisons and the companies that contract out to them. they have no interest in abolishing that part of the Thirteenth Amendment because they are getting rich.
This is a fact…
What did this have to do with Thomas Sowell?
Do not use his name if it's just some third party narrator.
The constitution gives one exception to slavery,'…except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted,…' Congress can potentially pass anything as law and call it criminal. This also implies that state-sanctioned slavery would not be considered cruel and unusual punishment.
If there are any HS teachers out there someone should do a "Third Wave" type expermint and replicate this with the students..Tht awould be amazing. If anybody doesnt know what the third wave experiment is just google it.
Freed blacks existed before? In america? Elaborate
Slaves were not freed until the ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment in 1865, and not by the 1863 Emancipation Proclamation.
Hate the mechanicial voice!
Thomas Sowell is brilliant but I will say the constitution abolished involuntary slavery but after that we now have voluntary slavery and it's only voluntary because most don't realize we are all slaves, no matter the color or anything we are all slaves and we don't even realize it which makes it voluntary which in turn isn't against the constitution
If you, as a white person, say that you like Thomas Sowell and Donald Trump, then the reason you like Tomas Sowell is not for his intellect.