Tragedy in Maui: How Left-Wing Government FAILED Hawaiians | Glenn TV | Ep 299
The Maui wildfire tragedy is a microcosm of the failure of progressive government everywhere. This failure is tragically ironic because the core tenet of Democrats – at least according to how they market themselves – is that their government is always there for the people. Glenn reveals how the policy priorities of Democrats ensure that in an emergency like the one the town of Lahaina faced recently, the system fails people when they need it most. So far, 115 people have lost their lives, with perhaps as many as 1,000 still missing. This is the worst American fire disaster in over a century and the deadliest disaster in Hawaii since Pearl Harbor. There’s still a lot we don’t know about the Maui wildfires. But there’s one thing we do know — climate change did not cause this fire. Glenn gives you the FACTS of what actually happened on Maui and who’s REALLY to blame. Because the same progressives who want to convince YOU that it’s all about climate change are the ones who set Maui up for DISASTER. Plus, he speaks to Mercury One’s executive director, J.P. Decker, who was on the ground in Maui to get the TRUTH about what the survivors are saying.
If you want the government to do less, we need to do more. You can donate to help Maui residents here: https://mercuryone.org/
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What you need is a Senitar for Common Sense just like The UK has a Minister for Common Sense! Lol!
I know the crazy conspiracy theories like new tech⚡️weapons to China balloons, but somethings do not make sense with these fires hot enough to melt glass and aluminum on cars. Deadly incompetence is a gross understatement…😢
IMO, Their ‘clean-up’ solution is just as negligent….
Can you do an update on Lahaina
Climate change is the new 1980s hole in the Ozone layer caused from aerosol cans!
I watch congressional hearings and remind them about MAUI
What really happened during the tragedy in Hawaii?
🤫🤔..? The information is out there. And if closely looked at we will find out more. This smells more like an act of terrorist activity towards the United States.
It was a DEW that torched the island… nothing else
i heard the winds were at Max 40mph!! After all, the storm the winds allegedly came from was HUNDREDS of miles away! I believe it was about 600 miles away! I know a shit load more than that however only 10mins into vid just now, maybe it will come up?
I'm Gen X. I've been listening to this CLIMATE BULLSHIT my whole life. It's about MONEY and CONTROL!! PERIOD!!
Get Democrat's out.
We need to fight and everyone is being starved out and now place to live being kicked out of hotels and houses. They are still paying for mortgages and have no jobs. The government is trying to make them want to leave and not fight.
Climate change my freaking a… it’s being pushed under the rug no one is helping and the kids are still missing no help at all and media liking about death toll. Mr Beak this is totally being forgotten I live on Oahu and no one I mean no one talks about it at all it’s been monthe
I don't understand how FEMA enters into the questions of DEEDS … Land and Property, Ownership.. https://youtu.be/siBevC_WRM4?t=2166
It was the left "behind" wing government that burned them out…
Satalite photos are missing from aug 8 2023 showing the real cause of the maui fire
Let's go Brandon!!
Hold all involved in Law enforcement there and hold government officials.accountable and make sure they serve prison time, and all those dems involved accountable!!👿👿👿👿👿
The epitomy of incompetence
Thank you for making available so people can see this corruption
Whenever disaster occurs always always the hearts of men are the cause
Neo-Bolshevism ONLY benefits the jews on top who control the scam.
It's a shame we now live in the most corrupt country in the world
The f b I is fake news
That's impossible, the way that burned that was not. Real. That was not a wildfire
All Maui residents said the electric was turned off earlier in the morning and was off all day
This is all true. All of it.
Have you noticed that anything blue didn't burn? It showed up on your own video? DEW doesn't burning "blue" things.
Cops are generally stupid. They are high School graduates at best. These are not the people to have in charge in an emergency.
Glenn, Why don't they tell us that 75% of all Co.2, comes from the Oceans, Tell them to plug all underwater Vulcanos, and tell the whales and fishes to stop farting?
No Co.2. No Trees, No Trees, No OXYGEN!! No Oxygen, A very dead Planet Earth!!
Do people see or understand that man can not control the SUN? Nor can man control the earth's Orbits, but they do control the weather with their poisonous Chemtrails.
1976. The new Ice Age is coming?? Right, I'm freezing my az off, Than Al Gore, Global warming, Florida will be under water by 2005.?? Same High Tide as 50 years ago.?
Now, Climate Change isn't the Climate supposed to change?? About 4. X a year??.
Please, people, open your Eyes, and Brains, and understand how this DemonRatPack is working overtime to fool you, Lots of money in this SCHAM!!
Ask NoBummer what happened to the $.5.TRILLION Parise Climate Accord.?? Can $$$ Change the Temperature? Didn't think so!!
Not wildfires Glenn. Look further. I just listened to a report and saw pictures. Im scared to death of the possible kind of evil out there. Metal burning, but not trees, glass burning, but not vegetation, water burning? Im 90 and scared as heck to repeat what I just saw. Satelight directed microwaves? I guess theyve been working on this stuff for years. Im stopping right here, and you be very careful Glenn if you even approach it.
I wish they would stop calling it a wild fire it wasn’t !!
Personally I feel that every True American should display their flag up side down. Every stamp I use is up side down. I LOVE our country United States of America
Dont trust fema they're a part of the democrats secret plans
700 dollars isn't shit asfar as getting a roof over your familys heads gross neglegence
There hauling off the evidence they droped napom or something on it wich way was the wind blowing because Opras and Duane the rocks land is alright from what I hear examine it very closely everyone