Universal Mail-In Ballots Threaten the Integrity of Our Elections: Hans von Spakovsky
Hans von Spakovsky joined Breitbart News Tonight to weigh-in on how Michigan’s push to move to a mail-in ballot system threatens the integrity of our elections.
Find Heritage’s voter fraud database, here: https://www.heritage.org/voterfraud
Hans von Spakovsky is an authority on a wide range of issues – including civil rights, civil justice, the First Amendment, immigration, the rule of law and government reform — as a senior legal fellow in The Heritage Foundation’s Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies. As manager of the think tank’s Election Law Reform Initiative, von Spakovsky also studies and writes about campaign finance restrictions, voter fraud and voter ID, enforcement of federal voting rights laws, administration of elections and voting equipment standards.
Check out his work here: https://www.heritage.org/staff/hans-v…
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France banned mail-in voting in 1975. You also have to have goverment ID AND VOTE ON PAPER.
It's not that hard to over turn the election since all the things that is been done by the Democratic side we know and God knows
What Bill allows mass mail out mailing without being requested, and vote harvesting?
These people do not know what they are talking about. There are safeguards for duplicate ballots coming in. You can not record two ballots for the same individual. It will be caught. Plus it is illegal to vote twice. This is more misinformation be spewed out by Trump supporters. It's sickening and evil. The founding farmers of the constitution are rolling over in their graves because Trump and his followers are undermining this republic / democracy. May God help us all. Plus Trump is in the process of bringing the three major religions together. This is the first step to a one world government.
Security number
Instead of having an "election day" have an "election week" or "election month" so that everyone has a chance to go and vote and doesn't need to stand in line. Provide a confirmation text or email that says their vote was counted.
That being said, this is a bias argument, because most mail-in ballots are democrat. Obviously the Heritage Foundation is a conservative organization, so it would be in their favor if there were no mail in ballots.
Boy….this aged quite well
Vote in person, its the safest way.
I just received an official election ballot so far OK. I opened it up and it has a security ballot envelope with no printing on it follow me for second next next it has the mail in ballot still OK this is where it gets shady on it there's no way to keep track who sends it in. My name is not on it or is any computer stamp – so when I handed it in I feel that I have voted, in fact with no name on it. It doesn't count
So I go on with my life feeling happy that I voted and in fact my vote doesn't count.
Please get this out as fast as you can.
I don't get it, I thought the US was a modern technological country?? How difficult can it be?
Ellen Weintraub, commissioner of the Federal Election Commission, (FEC) has said: "There's simply no basis for the conspiracy theory that voting by mail causes fraud."
The experts and officials are all saying the above. Yet the president keeps peddling this lie he’s using to attempt to delegitimise the election results.
If The Democrats Want Mailing Voting . Its Because There The Ones Committing Voter Fraud.
. I’m seriously asking this question.
. If you care about our elections, please respond!
For what good purpose should who you vote for be held in secrecy? In order to maintain legitimacy in our elections voters should be given a receipt of their vote with a unique identifier and if the total results are posted publicly and electronically providing the voters identifier and who they voted for is the only way we can know for certain that our elections are not compromised. Those ballots not counted should also be public information and held for accountability.
Are you for or against this?
Do you think this is possible?
If this can be done for the Nov. 3, 2020 election would you support it even if imposing this could cause a delay in the election? Providing your reasoning could be very helpful. thank you
Only way to avoid fraud in voting by mail is to give up anonymity. What happens when they start targeting voters because they don't like your choice.? And how will this effect us going paperless?
For the last 20+ years Republican officials have been blocking eligible, registered voters from voting on the basis of speculative, unrealistic hypotheses as a pretext for voter suppression actions targeted toward demographic groups that lean favorably toward Democrats. It has disenfranchised hundreds of thousands of legitimate voters seeking to vote nationwide in each election cycle. That is the REAL VOTER FRAUD scheme going on in America.
Republicans know that high voter turnout favors Democrats historically and that the portion of Democratic voters exercising precautions during the pandemic impacting their turnout for in-person voting will be far higher than the portion of Republicans, who more often model their pandemic behavior after Trump's flaunting of precautions. Thus, they have been making accelerating phony attacks on in-person voting since early in the pandemic.
This video is another example of fear-mongering, aimed this time at HYPOTHETICAL mail-in voter fraud while ignoring that hypothetical individual voter fraud in-person is even easier to pull off. The envelope submitting a mail-in ballot in Michigan must be placed in a mandatory inner "secrecy sleeve" numerically registered to each individual mail-in voter.* The risk to an individual of getting prosecuted for a felony of voting by casting multiple ballots, in-person or by mail, or of voting under another voter's identity, in-person or by mail, is what prevents people from doing it in more than a microscopically tiny proportion of the total number of ballots cast. Doing it by mail compounds that risk for the would-be fraudulent voter, who submits separate distinct and identifiable tangible evidence with each mail-in ballot that does not exist for in-person voting.
* Other states have their own versions of this safeguard.
In Michigan, the only person that can deliver your absentee ballot to the clerk's office other than the voter themselves is the USPS, via a Dropbox, or by a person that lives in the same residence as the voter.
Instead of mail-in ballots, why not divide election day over two or three days. Have those with surnames starting A-H on day one, I-P on day two, etc. That would allow everyone to vote in person and be socially distant. What do you think? I suspect that relying too much on mail-in ballots will lead to voter fraud.
My Grandmother told me that during Roosevelt, they would come to the door with a 5 dollar bill to buy the vote and it worked.
Democrats already rigged an election
Vote only in person don't mail in your vote
Mail in Ballots makes it very possible for fraud to occur. How do we know that those who voted mail in ballot are the ones who actually voted? People can also vote twice. This us a MESS. America is a third works country. What a Shane. Non citizens can receive a mail in ballots.
Nonsense. If done carefully it's no different than poll voting.
Ballots get mailed October 5th!! See links below👇👇
You MAY take your Ballot to a voting Center or to a ballot drop box. You do NOT have to return via mail. You may also gather completed ballots from your friends and family that are unable to return ballots in person, and turn them in for them.
🇺🇸You may also surrender your "unmarked" mail in ballot at your polling location for a polling place ballot and VOTE IN PERSON ! If you decide to Vote in Person at a local Vote center- BRING YOUR MAIL BALLOT WITH YOU!
THE MAIN THING is to make sure ALL conservative votes get counted!
Here are important links
Your voter registration must be postmarked or submitted electronically no later than: October 19, 2020
Register to vote /Check your registration status: https://registertovote.ca.gov/
(If you have had any DMV transaction you SHOULD verify your voter registration- many were messed up be sure to VERIFY YOUR MAILING ADDRESS)
Become a POLL Worker: https://www.sos.ca.gov/elections/poll-worker-information/
Voter Information Guide: https://vig.cdn.sos.ca.gov/2020/general/pdf/complete-vig.pdf
Early Voting and Vote by Mail Drop off locations (Election information should be available here two to four weeks before election – check back here a little closer to election day) : https://caearlyvoting.sos.ca.gov/
Contact YOUR County Elections office for IN-Person Voting Centers & Ballot Drop off locations in your county: https://www.sos.ca.gov/elections/voting-resources/county-elections-offices/
Ballot Status
To find out if your vote-by-mail ballot was received by your county elections official or if your provisional ballot was counted, please click on the appropriate link below or call the phone number listed for the county elections office. For further information about the elections services provided in your county, visit our County Elections offices page.
Where's My Ballot?
Tracking your vote-by-mail ballot—when it is mailed, received, and counted—has never been easier. The California Secretary of State is now offering Where’s My Ballot?—a new way for voters to track and receive notifications on the status of their vote-by-mail ballot. Powered by BallotTrax, Where’s My Ballot? lets voters know where their ballot is, and its status, every step of the way.
Sign-up at WheresMyBallot.sos.ca.gov to receive automatic email, SMS (text), or voice call notifications about your ballot.
Yes and $1Billion in Stimulus Checks went out to Dead People. These things happen. The Mail-in Ballot System is way more secure than what they're saying. A lot of Ballots are Rejected. This is being blown out of proportion. Trump and his Administration uses Mail-in Ballots. They use Mail-in Ballots each Election.
There's no massive Mail-in Fraud going on. Republicans are the ones with a History of Mail-In Fraud. The few times there was an issue of Mail-In ballot fraud it was Republicans who were the ones that committed the Fraud, and were Prosecuted for it. So nice Try with your Trump Rhetoric and False accusation and exaggerations.
Vote by mail is fine–the ballots return with specific personal information and a signature, which is checked against the rolls. The real threat to democracy is Republican gerrymandering, Republican poll closures, Republican intimidation of voters, Republicans striking BIPOC from the rolls, Republicans sabotaging our high-speed mail processing machines, et cetera.
The anti-Trump vote will win because the majority of American voters now understand that Trump represents fascist White supremacy, the incompetent (where not deliberate) exacerbation of the COVID-19 pandemic, the abandonment of Americans to the horrors of unemployment and pauperizing wages. Some of you are thinking of intimidating voters, but I urge you to desist, because after all, you will be very unhappy sitting in a jail cell.
White male rule is over. Lying is't going to change that. We the People are voting, and you ARE going to get out of our way.
☑️ Democrats and their allies in the bias Fake News media say voter fraud doesn’t happen. Well, in Paterson, New Jersey, it shows that voter fraud can happen here; and what the 2020 election could look like if this mail-in voting scheme pushed by Democrats over “COVID aka Chinese coronavirus“ is fully enacted. Folks, we’re heading for a train wreck. The US Postal Service warned at least 40 states that not all of their ballots could be counted in time for the 2020 election in time to call the election.
Back in June, it was reported that nearly 20 percent of the ballots in the Paterson New Jersey elections were done via mail-in voting were invalidated over fraud. And yes, it’s so bad that even a hard-core Democratic state like New Jersey was forced to charge people for this crime. Last week, the election itself was tossed out by a judge over the rampant fraud that took place. Democrats seem to be the party trying to steal an election 🗳 by voter fraud.
Easy fix, make it illegal to use mail-in voting.
Polls or absentee only!!!
Hateful, demonc rats party wanted to scam the election. Please do not send your ballots via USPS mail… Carry it with you and personally bring it to the voting center and drop it.