Was Jesus a Social Justice Warrior?
Why did Jesus come to earth? Was it to help the poor and promote social justice? Greg Koukl of Stand to Reason explains that though Jesus cared about those issues, his main purpose was much weightier than resolving temporal problems.
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I noticed a couple of things here. 1. You use John as the reason why Jesus wasnt promoting Social Justice, but then use the other Gospels for backing your point. But ignore what Jesus said in the other Gospels. 2. You are focused on what Jesus' purpose was. His purpose is not our purpose. WE can not save the lost. Only HE can. We have a different purpose and it is explicitly spelled out numerous times and requires unconditional love of others. That unconditional love of others includes social justice and leads others to Jesus, which then leads to salvation.
Keep worshipping your strawman messiah. Worship it all the way to hell.
He was all about feeding loving caring for the poor. Among other things.
"I am the very model of a social justice warrior."
Correction: John DID make mention of the practice of Jesus & His disciples giving alms to the poor. According to John 13:29 (in the Gospel of John), Jesus used His money not only for His & His disciple's needs, but also for the needs of the poor. Caring for the poor (i.e. feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, caring for "the least of these") is a staple of the "good works" that proceed from genuine Christianity. But it IS NOT the Gospel. The Gospel is about Sin, Repentance from Sin, and Trusting & Following the Resurrected God-Man, Jesus of Nazareth. PERIOD. A Christian faith without Repentance from sin & obedience to Christ is not
Biblical Christianity. A Christian faith without (good) works is dead (James 2)!
Disciple of Jesus Christ since 1989
Student of Greg Koukl since 1994 (KBRT). God bless STR.
Social Justice Warrior — woke SJW’s and Liberation Theology (Socialist/Marxist/Communist)
Its unbelievable how SJW matters entered the church
aaaand we killed the website….
What is sad is that people will listen to their favorite bible commentators and ignore what Scripture actually says. 💔
Matthew 25:31-46 Jesus literally sent people to Hell for not doing what we term "social justice", Luke 4:18-19 (Jesus literally did all these things that he announced in His mission statement, even recorded in the book of John). Also Jubilee meant literal liberation Leviticus 25.
I get the aversion of many to the term "social justice" seeing that many notable Christians like Koukl have been denouncing it as of late. But we cannot ignore what Scripture actually says. Scripture doesn't offer a platonic message of escapism. It likewise doesn't offer a gnostic message of this world being corrupted beyond redemption. Scripture tells the story of the Redemption of all of Creation through God's people on earth Romans 8:18-22 reaching it's culmination in the second coming of Christ, New Heaven's and New Earth Revelation 21. In the meantime Christianity offers a message of hope for "this present age" as well as the age to come Mark 10:28-30. It accomplishes this by God's people living and advocating for righteousness as our mission from God.
I know a soundbite is not often compelling. Scripture is vast and thus a soundbite surely will never do it justice. But if we read it closely what we will see is God electing people to be His priestly representatives on earth, Adamic line, Noadic line, Abrahamic line. This priestly line is effectively evangelizing everyone else (the lost) through righteousness and justice with the goal of peace (Shalom or think New Creation).
Jesus came to earth for Jews.
The spiritually poor also happened to be mostly the material poor in the NT. Nearly without exception. Why did Jesus go after the outcasts and material poor folks? Because Jesus warned that it is easier to squeeze a camel through an eye of a sewing needle than it is for a rich man to get to heaven. Doesn't matter if he loves money or not. Jesus did not seek out the material rich to minister to because He knew most of them were the walking dead. Same is still true today.
This should shut up those who say Jesus was a socialist. Honestly…..
Excellent point as always. I truly appreciate the ministry of STR. I have learned so much. One tiny correction. The gospel of John only has twenty one chapters. Lol
Jesus came to seek that which was lost. That would be us.