What Follows if You Don’t Believe Any Religion Is True?
Alan Shlemon of Stand to Reason discusses the implications of not subscribing to a particular religion and the most probable beliefs that follow.
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Whatever you believe in don't force them on other people. You just come off as annoying
No religion is true or truth. For religion is man's invention. Relationship with Christ and the Father brings us the only truth available to mankind. Jesus prayed: " This is eternal life, that they may know You the only True God and Jesus Christ whom You have sent. " John 17:3 – Notice the verse says " KNOW" not just know about. To know about is religion, to know is Relationship!
No religion is true or truth. For religion is man's invention. Relationship with Christ and the Father brings us the only truth available to mankind. Jesus prayed: " This is eternal life, that they may know You the only True God and Jesus Christ whom You have sent. " John 17:3 – Notice the verse says " KNOW" not just know about. To know about is religion, to know is Relationship!
No religion is true or truth. For religion is man's invention. Relationship with Christ and the Father brings us the only truth available to mankind. Jesus prayed: " This is eternal life, that they may know You the only True God and Jesus Christ whom You have sent. " John 17:3 – Notice the verse says " KNOW" not just know about. To know about is religion, to know is Relationship!