What Happened on 9/11
9/11 shocked America and changed the course of modern history. Everyone knows what happened on that day…right? The truth is, many young people don’t, but they need to. CJ Pearson explains why.
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Everybody knows what happened on 9/11, right?
The truth is most of my peers—I was born after 2001—don’t. They almost certainly don’t know why it happened. Most probably don’t even know who did it. Such things aren’t taught in schools now. So here’s what took place on that fateful Tuesday, what the United States of America did about it, and why it’s one of the most important days in American history.
September 11, 2001 began as a beautiful morning on the East Coast. America was at peace—not embroiled in any foreign war. Passengers boarded their early flights, headed to business meetings or to visit relatives across the country.
Tragically, they were not the only ones who boarded planes that morning. Nineteen Islamic terrorists, organized by the terrorist group that calls itself al-Qaeda, directed by its leader, Osama bin Laden, and drawn from four Arab countries, also boarded planes that morning.
All of the planes—the terrorists were split among 4 of them—were cross-country flights, so their tanks were filled to capacity with jet fuel. Within an hour after takeoff, these 19 terrorists would hijack the planes, brutally murder defenseless stewardesses and pilots, and kill 3,000 innocent people.
At 8:46 a.m., a hijacked American Airlines flight leaving Boston crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center, the international symbol of America’s economic power. Seventeen minutes later, a second hijacked plane, also departing from Boston, crashed into the World Trade Center’s South Tower. The two planes, spewing their jet fuel, ignited fires that burned hot enough to compromise the buildings’ structural integrity.
Hundreds of New York firefighters and police officers raced up the towers to rescue the victims. Quite suddenly, the buildings collapsed, killing 343 firefighters, 60 police officers, and thousands of trapped office workers.
A third hijacked plane, leaving Washington’s Dulles Airport, crashed into the Pentagon, the headquarters of the U.S. military; 125 Pentagon workers were killed.
The passengers of a fourth hijacked plane—this one leaving Newark International Airport shortly after the others—had just enough time to learn, via their cell phones, of the other attacks.
Those onboard decided that the nightmare would stop with them. Unarmed, with no hope of survival, they fought the terrorists, crashing the plane in an empty field in Pennsylvania. They gave their lives so that more Americans would not die. We learned later that this plane, United Airlines flight 93, had been heading for either the White House or U.S. Capitol.
The Islamic terrorists who launched these attacks made a number of claims about their motivations. But here is the truth: They did not murder thousands of Americans because they disagreed with America’s Middle East policy. And they certainly didn’t do it because they were poor and hopeless; they were all either from wealthy or middle-class Arab families. They attacked America because they despised its values—most especially its freedom and tolerance.
The United States, as the guardian of freedom in the West, had to be brought down. This attack would start that process. It would show the world that America was weak—that America lacked the will to safeguard its liberties and people. Bin Laden called America a “paper tiger.”
In the days immediately after the attacks, the terrorist leader and his many supporters in the Muslim Middle East believed he had proved his point. Mothers across the Muslim world named their babies “Osama;” bin Laden’s face adorned posters in homes; and kids in Pakistan wore bin Laden t-shirts.
For the complete script visit https://www.prageru.com/video/what-happened-on-9-11

George Bush was involved setting 9/11 up in order pass the Patriot act.
To think of these bloodthirsty Tiktokers who were blatantly SUPPORTING what Bin Laden did 2 decades back!! It is heinous and nauseating!😡😣
Prager U has failed explaining any legitimate issues about this day! Lost all respect!
Nope…you got it wrong Prager u…..no way jet fuel which is essentially kerosene can burn steel. You guys disappoint me…but then again your leader Dennis is a Racist Jewish cry baby
Why is Prager U parroting globalist, Deep State (horsesh-t) narratives? This narrative is so over-the-top ridiculous on virtually every point (aside from proving the interesting facts of "pyrotechnics work" and "most people will be fooled by the silliest magic tricks") – it's really hard to believe that people can't disconnect emotionally long enough to see the absurdity in front of their faces. Yes, we get it…. we all saw it on TV. Yes, we acknowledge many real people died horrifically. But… No, 18 compromised floors cannot pile-drive through 91 floors of undamaged steel columned building (Tower 1). That is, on it's face, one of the most absurd things on record… and yes, at free-fall speed… please engage your brains for half a minute… in the real world, if the building did give way (unlikely), it would drop… oh… two or three floors…. max… before crumbling in a tangled mess… maybe some additional fires would start at the top… and would then burn themselves out. There is such a thing as critical mass (in this case, on the "91 floors of undamaged building" side) and "loss of momentum" due to impact… and how far is it dropping? 10 to 20 feet, max? The video basically looks like it dropped into thin air… the whole thing moves down together…. unrestricted…. let's repeat… 10% of the building sliced through 90% of the undamaged building? Am I getting that right? Can anyone duplicate this feat using, say, a Jenga tower, Lincoln Logs, blocks, or any other material? Show me any structure where you can burn the top 10% and then have that slice through the rest of the building at free-fall speed. To say nothing of the absurdities of planes flying at 500 knots at sea level (impossible), hitting dime-sized targets with ease (Pentagon), and the ever-mysterious and clearly-a-planned-and-clean-demolition in Tower 7. Please Prager U…. please…. stop….
How about a better narrative: The same forces that are trying to take over the world through Plan-demics, fake news, fake medicine, fake narratives and politics, the same people that are stealing elections, and the same people who fight hard insisting that men can be women – and the breakdown of society that follows these types of concerted efforts – were the same forces involved in murdering, without conscience, thousands of people on a clear late summer morning in 2001. They care nothing for life, have no national loyalties, and will kill, steal, and deceive to get their way.
Please stop regurgitating nonsense…. the channel is too good for this tripe. Those same people that lie about viruses lied about buildings dropping within a hour of being hit randomly by planes… quite a stupid story… amazingly oversimplified… but "great show"… bolstered by all of that real-time death that we all got to witness from our fellow-citizens… that was part of it also… they knew we'd be taken in…. attached emotionally… unable to reason through extreme emotion… clever.
Loss of civil liberties, fat government contracts, endless wars (with big money and power grabs in the offing), and inserting ourselves into the third-world to exploit – all were the result of this fake disaster that unfortunately was all-too-real to those that were murdered by these puppet-masters
I was in DC. The "war on terror" achieved almost nothing, other than the death of Bin Laden. Under President Obama, not President Bush. Iraq, which had nothing to do with 9/11, is now a wasteland of warlords without a functional government. The terrorists were almost all from Saudi Arabia. We didn't exactly drop bombs on Saudi Arabia. We partner with them. And sell them weapons. Some of which were used in Yemen, including a missile which took out a schoolbus full of children. The invasion of Afghanistan resulted in a 20 year occupation which left the people there thinking we had their back. Sadly, they now wait for an America to help them, an America which has moved on. 9/11 was a tragedy. Going to war with no purpose was and equal crime against humanity and to our brave and hard-working military. Get your propaganda right.
Prager needs to address freemasonry to have any accountability. Denounce freemasonry. Or be accountable to freemasonry.
The buildings were brought down by our own freemason controlled government. Satan is the God of this world. He is the father of lies. George freemason bush is burning in hell today.
Learn your history! They didn't attack us because they "hate our freedom" and neoconservatives like George Bush wanted an excuse to invade Iraq before 9/11 ever happened.
Our "middle east policy" of installing dictators (Iran, for example) was not just a talking point. The "war on terror" killed millions of innocent people, displaced even more and caused the middle east to hate us even more.
This is the warmongering neoconservative version of what happened , not the truth.
(Coming from a Libertarian-Conservative) Terrorist Attacked because Of American involvement in places they had no right in being in. END OF STORY.
You said near 3,000 dead on 9/11 and later in the video said 3,000 dead, which is it? Can't be both!
9/11 was an inside job
“9/11 didn’t happen because the victims of American imperialism were angered by American imperialism, it’s because they hate freedom” 😂😂😂 yeah, sure buddy
The Israelis started dancing
Correction: the Rockwell page is the one dated 9/11/2022. Sorry, my typo.
That's a pretty accurate version of the "official narrative." Probe it, and it doesn't hold up at all well. For a scathing critique, go to Lew Rockwell's site and look for "9/11: A Conspiracy Theory" , dated today 9/22/2022. See how very improbable that narrative is.
In fairness, I've not seen an alternative theory that holds up well, either. No blame on Prager narrator Pearson, for he was born later; but those interested have to keep looking.
Which plane hit building #7 ? I'll wait.
Dancing [REDACTED]
I personally love that this ans most other videos completely overlook all the events that potentially led up to 9/11. I know it's hard to believe, but it's not a random attack out of the blue because they hated the United States. It took planning, reasoning, and motivation. If you look back at events before 9/11, you may find that the hands of the United States are not so clean. The hands of the United States are also tainted with blood. War breeds war. Violence breeds Violence. Bloodshed breeds Bloodshed. 9/11 was terrible, but it did happen for a reason deeper than just them hating the United States. Honestly, pinning the blame on that is just shallow. Nothing is ever that simple. The world is not black and white.
It’s insane to me how many people don’t know about this day or what it meant for the U.S.
some don’t even care, so I doubt teaching it in schools would make a difference.
I was two when this happened so I have zero memory of it. I have no respect for people who think this was an inside job.
osama t-shirts? what cia genius planted those there? you can't make this up!
I agree with the spirit of this video, but the evidence points very strongly to this being an inside job, by the cabal/banksters/Deep State (there are numerous labels) but not some ragtag bunch taking over 4 planes with box cutters and such that the official narrative would have us believe. That story seems utterly ridiculous after digging deeper into the details.
The us government did it
I have to this day my friends footage of the buildings exploding with no planes hitting them at all
THANK YOU FOR SHARING THE OFFICIAL NARRATIVE. NOW PLEASE POST THE TRUTH. I am glad most of the people in the comments are awake. WHO IS TIM OSMAN ? What happened to building 7 ? Where is the plane that hit the Pentagon ? Where is the plane that landed in PA?
3:29 is definitely a baseless claim
It enabled George W Bush and his cronies to become legalized war criminals.
He said it at the beginning "not embroiled in any foreign war"…
Jet fuel can’t melt steel beam
Then tell me why we invaded Iraq
If you want to know more details about 9/11, I just released a more in-depth video.
Well done Narrator you did a great job! No need to comment on these evil scum, and the traitors of the left who don’t tell this story !
9/11 made me join the army. I am not even American.
I remember watching it happen as a child and thinking, if they can do this to America, what could they do to us.
Spent 1.7 years in Afghanistan.
Now after this blundered capitulation by Biden… I am left wondering, was it all worth it?
yeah, that's exactly what they told us happened. spot on.
Fun fact: a lot of arabs dont actually know abt 9/11, saw a video recently of a guy who went around asking native arabs in thier country about 9/11 and showing them pictures of what happened. Very few know. America remembers Osama better than his own people. He accomplished nothing but uniting us and making us stronger. Hard to send a message about us being weak when literally his people dont know even about it and we got stronger in the long run.