What’s a Quarter-Life Crisis? | 5 Minute Video
You’ve heard of the midlife crisis. But have you heard of the quarter-life crisis? It hits millions of young professionals like a brick. Former White House Press Secretary and Fox News host Dana Perino knows exactly what it feels like. She also has some great advice for how to get through it.
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Graduates: Even though it’s a long way off, you’ve probably heard about something called “the mid-life crisis” – men buy Italian sports cars; women go on yoga retreats to Bali.
But I’ll bet you’ve never heard of a crisis you may be facing in a few short years. I call it “the quarter life crisis.”
I know a little something about it, because I went through it. Oh, boy – did I go through it!
When I was 24, a lot was going my way – at least, on the surface. I had great friends. I had a great job on Capitol Hill. I even had a great apartment. So, why didn’t I feel great about my life? I was working as a press secretary for a congressman. I should have been happy about that. But instead, I just felt…trapped – anxious and uncertain about my future. Where was I going? What was my next move?
On the personal side, things weren’t much better. I hadn’t had a boyfriend in years, and there were no prospects on the horizon. Marriage seemed like an impossible dream. I loved my friends, but I still felt lonely.
Right before my twenty-fifth birthday, I took a personal inventory (I love lists). It felt like
I was falling short… almost everywhere. I missed my college days, which seemed, in retrospect, so carefree. The future just looked boring and hard.
That is what you call a quarter-life crisis. And I’d like to help you avoid it.
To that end, I bring you three pieces of advice.
One: Get out of town.
Feeling trapped? One of the best ways to set yourself free is to move – literally. After years of structure – high school, college, right into a career – I longed to be free. I wanted to be able to leave town at a moment’s notice. So I stopped accumulating stuff. I only had one cup, one glass, one plate, one bowl, and one set of silverware. It was one of the best things I did for myself. It allowed me to be nimble in my life and my career. Assuming for a moment you’re not married (if you are, congratulations!), you’re pretty much accountable to no one. That will change. Take advantage of your mobility while you have it. Go where the opportunities are. But more than that, just go! That might mean going somewhere for a better job, or it might mean traveling whenever you get the chance. It’s a big country and a big world. There’s no reason to be stuck in one place, especially if that one place isn’t working for you.
Two: You’re not going to become a ballerina at 25.
You’re still young, but you’re not as young as you used to be. You don’t have unlimited potential anymore. The last time you had unlimited potential, you were nine. At this point, you’re pretty well formed – what you’re good at, what you’re really bad at, what you like and don’t like. I’m not saying you can’t change, that you can’t grow. Of course you can – and must; but you are who you are, and you need to figure out who that is. To put it another way, what is it that you want out of your life? You need to make a realistic assessment of your strengths and weaknesses. Again, lists. This will help you take the next step in the process: setting a goal. Okay, ballerina – not practical. What is? Be honest. Figure it out. Write it down. Then, as one of my mentors told me before my first White House press conference, “Put your big girl panties on, and deal with it.”
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/whats-quarter-life-crisis

Dont give these kids any more excuses than they already have
Unfortunately for a lot of these things to happen you have to have money to invest in yourself and if you cant get a job to raise money to do it…. what do you do then?
I'm 23. I saw this video when I was 17. I thought I was prepared for it. I thought I was ready. Well, I wasn't. Here I am 7 months into this crisis with no end in sight. I may have to try to reinvent myself elsewhere to see what works out. Wish me luck.
If you're going through this as well – good luck. You're not alone. If youre reading this way into the future, feel free to ask me how I got out of it. But right now, I don't have any answers.
It’s possible to become a ballerina at 25😂😂 don’t ever stop learning
What's a quarter-life crisis
i am currently 20 and working low wage job after high school and i wanna escape this hell
What if I'm a professional wrestler and I'm not yet ready to leave. I need to get my transportation fixed. That's whats holding me back there. I really wanna leave. I did everything I need to do here since I came back but get through wrestling school at an upper intermediate level.
I feel like I have been going through this quarter life crisis for 4 years now. I'm 26 and work as a graduate assistant at our national university. I have got married at 21 to someone I didn't love and struggle to do so. I stayed in our country for his sake when I could travel abroad to pursue a better career and a postgraduate degree. I have enrolled in an MA program in our country that wasn't what I want but the closest thing in my country and it didn't fulfill me or make me feel better. I had to at the fourth semester because I got hired by our national university and they decided to award me a scholarship for another MA program and should start immediately (still not the program I wanted). When I finally mustered enough courage to divorce my husband and decide to go abroad and give up my current life here, I found out I'm pregnant. so, I'm 26, pregnant from a man that I wanted to divorce for years, but I actually stayed in my home country and abandoned my dreams for his sake. I'm going to my second MA classes sad, unmotivated, depressed. I got engaged, married, and knew I was pregnant with nothing but anxiety and sadness. I have seen my best days pass me by, and I couldn't enjoy them. I l feel that I have lost my faith and spirituality. I can't create. I can't go on adventures.. I can't dream of a future. I would rather be spending my years traveling the world and creating art – but here I am. a sad wife and a sad soon-to-be mom.
yall parents let u move out???
yall graduated before 25???
seriously? no real dating prospects. try feeling that at 31/32.
No need, it's all 1/8th crises happening at age 14
Running away from your problems is not the way. Learn to suck it up and get stronger. People hate hearing that these days because everyone feels so sorry for themselves. The tried and tested meting of pulling yourself out of the dirt and moving forward is the best way.
i love your video
I mean… I wanted to do the things I used to be passionate about but considering where I live I don't know if it's even possible
Unfortunately, I went through my quarter-life crisis married with children at 27. There was no- just get out of town. It was survival mode until my kids were out of diapers.
I love the animation towards the end!
Idk, I’m 22, kinda getting a business started, working and making decent money, renting a nice room in a house with roommates. But idk I feel lonely and that I should just go somewhere new.
four years late to the video, five years early to have this crisis :/
having this ‘quarter life crisis’ five years earlier. didn’t even think a second that this was quarter life crisis that i’m going through. but anyways.
it almost feels like you’re one hundred percent sure what you don’t want to do but somehow you have no idea what you really wanna be doing nor now neither in the future.
and hell yeah i feel trapped. or like time lost its meaning and it’s more like a loop that we kinda cycle back to the same point over and over again.
not being in a relationship or not having anything romantic going on is a hard one too. because all your friends and family and stuff be like ‘but why?’ and even you don’t know the answer.
being broke but also having✨ideals✨is a bit complex too. but at the end of the day 💅🏻ideals💅🏻can’t make your tummy full. so it’s actually not complex.
anyways bye.
enjoy your crisis lovely, confused, anxious people 💚
More like a soft people problem . People that went through mandatory military service got it worse.
her voice made me not watch the video
I'm twenty and i'm already feeling the quarter-life crisis
thank you for this video
Its easy to say if you're from developed country but its so hard to do it if you're from developing country for instance, Indonesia 🤣 it's impossible to travel around or even move out the city when you're in your early career. Your payment is low, you need to support your family and moving out city is a bad idea since remote jobs are very very very rare but you still need to have a job to accomodate your living out from the city and support your family. You can travel but not much because you only have 12 days leave and again how are you gonna do your work if it cant be done remotely. And lets say you have the privilege to do it, since remote jobs arent available that means you will have 1 year of unemployment which in Indonesia it will be a bad mark in your resume and they'll doubt your skill and have this big question of why you're unemployed if its not because of emergency situation
This is an old as hell video, I don’t recommend to watch this at all. Your potentials are unlimited. If you’re 25 and want to get your GED go for it. If you’re 25 and want to become a doctor go for it.
This is why you do all the crazy shit first, and THEN go to college, get a job and "start your life". For christs sake, in your 20's you're still discovering who you are.
Different cultures perhaps, but I always found it weird how in the US most go from high school directly to college and university and then work. You should find yourself first.
Cubicles season 2 brings me here
god damn I'm 23 and i feel it so bad
I was born in 2000 and i´m having that crisis XD
I think I'm going through this right now, so scared of my fleeting youth, and the lack of purpose in my life
1:23 a future that's hard and boring i don't have a problem with hard as long as it's means something to me and boring is just a lack of stimulating experiences which is usually caused from not socializing enough with people who u can connect to in different ways 1st struggle is finding something that's Meaningful and this is easy what meaningful means is whatever experience you become aware of in the moment helps resolve any issue that has an effect on you which comes down to producing healthy mental experiences in a balanced manner but how u will produce those healthy mental experiences is the auctual question u need to be searching for explanations
a surprisingly good video
Privileged ass pompas conservative rich woman telling poor millennials to just 'move'. Okay. Let me just walk my ass to New York then.
What if you are not good at anything to start with.
M 17 and trust me havin worse than this.
Well I guess I'm going through an eighth life crisis lmao
I feel like this at 16.
I live in North Dakota. I just think it's funny that one of the opportunity dots was right where a sugar factory is located
I'm 19 and this is already happening
At 78 I guess I’m in my 3/4 life crisis. I still plan things although I may have to get help with implementation. There is much truth in not knowing the future. At this point, looking at my convoluted past, it is very clear I could not have predicted it.
For your Mid-Life Crisis, I suggest reevaluate yourself. You've changed along the way and you need to make adjustment. You couldn't just pack and go as in Quarter-Life Crisis but you need to leave behind the things that make you trapped like your wife always nagging, demanding and complaining. Your grown up kids still expect you to support them and give them allowances. So, I got divorced, gave up the house, split the assets in half, say my farewell and move to tiny studio apartment. I no long have to live to work to keep up with expenses. I work to live in no stress job as Walmart greeter. (last part is joke) I still have a professional job but no longer stress out since I'm ready to retire early.
I'm 24 and I'm depressed, I'm not depressed but you get what I mean🥺
if only this is applicable to me, ..living in a third world country, still living in my parent's home and repaying them for all their costs on raising me. :((
The best advice I can give anyone is to follow Jesus, after taking Him as your Savior. Its difficult, but in the end, extremely rewarding. Have a good day!
I will be 23 in two weeks and I feel extremely bad about it. I will try those you mentioned. I hope it will help me thank you!
I’m going through a 1/8 life crisis right now!