What’s Holding the Arab World Back? | 5 Minute Video
What’s holding the Arab world back? Why, by nearly every measure, are Muslim nations so far behind the West economically, culturally and scientifically? Bret Stephens, Global View columnist for the Wall Street Journal, explains.
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In the judo competition of the 2016 Olympics in Brazil, an Israeli heavyweight judo fighter named Or Sasson defeated his Egyptian opponent, Islam El Shehaby, in a first-round match. The Egyptian then refused to shake the Israeli’s extended hand, earning boos from the crowd.
If you want the short answer for why the Arab world is sliding into the abyss, look no further than this little incident. It illustrates how hatred of Israel and Jews corrupts every element of Arab society.
You won’t find this explanation for the Arab world’s decline among journalists and academics. They reflexively blame the usual suspects: the legacy of colonialism, unemployed youth, the Sunni-Shia sectarian divide, and every other politically correct excuse they can think of. For them, hatred of Israel is treated like sand in Arabia — just part of the landscape.
Yet the fact remains that over the past 70 years the Arab world expelled virtually all of its Jews, some 900,000 people, while holding on to its hatred of them. Over time the result proved fatal: a combination of lost human capital, expensive wars against Israel, and an intellectual life perverted by conspiracy theories and a perpetual search for scapegoats. The Arab world’s problems are a problem of the Arab mindset, and the name of that problem is anti-Semitism.
As a historical phenomenon, this is not unique. Historian Paul Johnson has noted that wherever anti-Semitism took hold, social and political decline almost inevitably followed. Just a few examples:
Spain expelled its Jews in 1492. The effect, Johnson noted, “was to deprive Spain (and its colonies) of a class already notable for the astute handling of finance.”
In czarist Russia, the adoption of numerous anti-Semitic laws ultimately weakened and corrupted the entire Russian government. These laws also led to mass Jewish emigration, resulting in a breathtaking loss of intellectual and human capital.
Germany might well have won the race for an atomic bomb if Hitler hadn’t sent Jewish scientists like Albert Einstein and Edward Teller into exile in the U.S.
These patterns were replicated in the Arab world. Contrary to myth, the cause was not the creation of the state of Israel in 1948. There were bloody anti-Jewish pogroms in Palestine in 1929, Iraq in 1941, and Libya in 1945.
Nor is it accurate to blame Israel for fueling anti-Semitism by refusing to trade land for peace. Among Egyptians, hatred of Israel barely abated after Prime Minister Menachem Begin returned the entire Sinai Peninsula to Egypt. And among Palestinians, anti-Semitism became markedly worse during the years of the Oslo peace process.
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/whats-holding-arab-world-back

Isn't it a pity that the Arab world is spending its time money intelligence and manpower to destroy Israel and the Jews rather than finding ways to strengthen their economy, promote harmony and peace and educating their people. Sadly, Islam condemns Western education, hates all subjects (History, Geography, Geology, basically all sciences except Math), turn their back on anything. To them their world revolves only on two things – ISLAM and ANTI-SEMITISM.
Ask Afghan women.. in 2024
Oh u cant because the Taliban wont let them speak in public anymore
Hate ultimately hurts the hater more than the hated.
Still current in 2024
Thank you Brett. At last, the truth will out!
Envy is a potent poison, it started with Cain and Abel.
❤️Prager U
Totally not because they are only muslim in world but kafir im action
In 1961 I was fortunate enough to be cruising the Med on one of Her Majesty’s warships. We made a visit to Israel. Many sailors head to the nearest bars but not all. Some of us booked a coach tour to see more of the land. Driving along, I do not remember where exactly I noticed the green and verdient land on my left, full of fruit trees and fields full of produce. On the right side it was dry, baren, lifeless land. I asked the tour guide the reason for this. He told us that the land in question was Arab land and they argue that if Allah wants flowers in the desert, then Allah will put flowers in the desert.. …. I have no religion so I thought “ Hmmn, they will go far then with that philosophy.”
It might account for so few Nobel Peace Prizes. BUT what if there were an Nobel AGRESSOR Prize???? They would win hands down. I have a dozen or so fine Muslim friends who work hard and integrate with western society. So my real beef is with the Leaders of the hostile lands using Allah as an excuse for their aggression.
The root of many of the worlds problems , cultural marxism
Weak men will ruin us.
it's religion & culture & people
Their religion!
Not all of the Arab world is held back, the UAE and Qatar seem to be doing pretty good. But yes most of the Arab world is held back
What’s killing the Middle East is Mohammed
Im Iraqi and i can say this with a STRAIGHT face, It's this religion called Islam.
امريكا من صنعت داعش روسيا من دمرت سوريا بريطانيه من صنعت اسرائيل و الحكام الي وضعوهم علينا هم من يقتلونا و يمنعون تقدم المسلمين
What is hindering the Arabs is neither our hatred of Israel nor Islam. The obstacle is your Western governments, which know full well that if you had not interfered in our affairs, we would have become better human beings, stopped killing our scholars and assassinating students, and stopped installing unjust rulers subordinate to them..
Diagnosis: ☪️ancer
Bless you ❤
This is a Very misleading colonizer Zionist point of view… the simple answer is ( Arabs and Muslims does not hate Jews, Arabs and Muslims hate and will fight back whoever steal and invade and colonize their land ) period .. very simple
I like bagels and Saturdays off.
The Diabolical cult they worship called islam
I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”
— Genesis 12:3 —
Iran is not arab !!!
Islam is a cult 💣💥🤯
What a patronizing f*ck! I look forward to seeing what his smug face looks like when the nation he loves more than any other is exposed as a genocidal ethnic cleanser and is forced to collapse
Easy Islam
Judeo-Christian values are different.
Islam is the religion from the Devil this religion has 0 with peace
What's holding them are the traps made by the three cars in the lead , starting by lawrence of arabia
But in the Middle Ages, the Arab world was dominant in science, math, medicine. Great centers in Spain, Alexandria, Baghdad.
It's the devils most favorite and easy to use tool to spread hate and envy.
This hasn’t aged well. Total takeover of Europe by 2035
Change Arab to Islamists and Muslims
pardon my ignorance but where exactly is Palestine?
What's Holding the Arab World Back?
The Arab World.
Hate. Their own hatred.
Islam= hate, backwardness, poverty, war, death, isolation, famine, wars, etc etc.
Irans not Arab
Bro left out Dubai, a SUCCESSFUL, FIRST-WORLD, (relatively) secular ARAB nation
2024 you idiot had no idea why we hate them what is the normal reaction when some criminal tries to take over your land once we Egypt gets it's independence I bet there wouldn't be an existence for an Israeli in the Arab land
This feels like propaganda
Aint arabs semitic? Also Israel is a factor in the arab world falling behind, their spy operations and humuliation from them made us fall behind not to mention land grabs and refugee problems caused by them but its not their fault its our fault they are our enemies we shouldnt blame them for hurting us they are our enemies of course they would hurt us, hate us and want us to be weak so lets do the opposite lets resist by becoming stronger. Israel only has intrest in a America that hates us and invades Iraq and in a weak Arab world thats how they gurantee their existence they are forever our enemies our problems are ourselfs and our economy to them is justified we need to strengthen ourself to not fall behind then crush the enemy.
Uh huh, and why is Iran included with the arab world? Classic Americans, got an F in Geography. Also, it doesn't help Iraq that you invaded them 21 years ago and still haven't removed your military from there. Also, problems in Syria are minority socialist rule. Idiots can blame Islam but not know who actually rule Syria and how many muslims they killed, you Americans and your silly conclusions non of you know crap about us. I kindly ask you to shut up. Your statements dint affect my belief because of their absurdity lack of knowledge and obvious bias. I dealt with idiots before but thus is too much, your ideology democracy is not universal get over it also nazi Germany, imperial japan and Ussr were modernized yet they were the last thing from democracies. We need modernization in industry and sharua ruoe not western man becomes women type rule, 50 years ago you conservatives didnt tolerate gays why now? Your becoming liberalized losing your values I kept mine I know whats right god blessed me with knowledge.