Why Don’t Feminists Fight for Muslim Women? | 5 Minute Video
Are women oppressed in Muslim countries? What about in Islamic enclaves in the West? Are these places violating or fulfilling the Quran and Islamic law? Ayaan Hirsi Ali, an author and activist who was raised a devout Muslim, describes the human rights crisis of our time, asks why feminists in the West don’t seem to care, and explains why immigration to the West from the Middle East means this issue matters more than ever.
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Culture matters. It ‘s the primary source of social progress or regression. Nowhere do we see this more clearly than in the status of women. The Judeo-Christian culture —and perhaps a more apt word is civilization—has produced over time the law codes, language and material prosperity that have greatly elevated women’s status.
But this progress is not shared everywhere.
There are still hundreds of millions of people that live in a culture—the Islamic, for instance—that takes female inferiority for granted. Until recently, these cultures—the Western and the Islamic—were, for the most part, separated. But that is changing. Dramatically so.
Large numbers of immigrant men from the Middle East, South Asia and various parts of Africa have brought a different set of values to the West, specifically Europe. More than a million arrived in 2015 alone. More are on the way.
As a result, crimes against girls and women—groping, harassments, assaults and rape—have risen sharply. These crimes illustrate the stark difference between the Western culture of the victims and that of the perpetrators.
Let me be clear: not all immigrant men, or even most, indulge in sex attacks or approve of such attacks, but it’s a grave mistake to deny that the value system of the attackers is radically different from the value system of the West. In the West women are emancipated and sexually autonomous. Religiosity and sexual behavior or sexual restraint is determined by women’s individual wishes. The other value system is one in which women are viewed as either commodities (that is, their worth depends on their virginity), or on the level of a prostitute if they are guilty of public “immodesty” (wearing a short skirt for example).
I do not believe these value systems can coexist. The question is which value system will prevail. Unfortunately, this remains an open question.
The current situation in Europe is deeply troubling: not only are Muslim women within Europe subject to considerable oppression in many ways, such norms now risk spreading to non-Muslim women who face harassment from Muslim men.
One would think that Western feminists in the United States and Europe would be very disturbed by this obvious misogyny. But sadly, with few exceptions, this does not appear to be the case.
Common among many Western feminists is a type of moral confusion, in which women are said to be oppressed everywhere and that this oppression, in feminist Eve Ensler’s words, is “exactly the same” around the world; in the West just as in Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Iran.
To me, this suggests too much moral relativism and an inadequate understanding of Sharia law. It is true that the situation for women in the West is not perfect, but can anyone truly deny that women enjoy greater freedom and opportunities in the United States, France and Finland than they do in Iran, Pakistan or Saudi Arabia?
Other feminists have also argued that non-Western women do not need “saving” and that any suggestion that they “need” help from Western feminists is insulting and condescending to non-Western women.
For the compete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/why-dont-feminists-fight-muslim-women

In Muslim countries men in these countries face conscription, are punished more often and often harsher, trafficked, enslaved, kidnapped to become child soldiers along being victims of sexual and physical abuse. So the men don't have it any better.
Men in Western countries also lack rights (if we're applying the same feminist criteria on women's rights.)
But nobody seems to be overly bothered about these facts. Take it as you will.
Edit: grammar.
I dont give a damn about muslim woman i am not one of them
If that idiot mayor of Cologne is a feminist, then I’m a proud anti-feminist
I am a muslim and I really hate how muslims want me to control like their doll. It's sad, but I cannot say a word about that.
Feminist are too much into pushing diversity that they will not challenge the treatment of women. Likewise they now silence women who feels threatened labelling them racist or transphobic if they dare to say they feel threatened and unsafe.
The answer: Due to common root. Feminism is a mutation of marxism. Karl Marx was a satanist. Islam is a cult of hate, so it is at least satanically inspired.
Not a western problem
Uk not interested go jome
What a bunch of lies in one video. First Judeo-Christian wasn't and is not today together in tradition, Christians were and still are against the Jews and actually Christians killed more Jews in 4 years of WWII then Muslims did in entire history. Also you know nothing about Muslim women and it is condescending towards our religion which has just and normal rules, your ignorance and hatred is appalling.
Feminists don’t fight anything. They just want pity.
i dint see anywhere who doesnt speak formuslim women. add to it u cant save someone who doesnt want to be saved.
Feminist is a very stupid idea, stop this because you don't even know what you are fighting for. Let the culture be preserved as it is and do not confuse culture/religion with that demonic agenda. Instead of wasting time on feminist agenda direct your energy to something that's matter like peace.
Western feminists need not fight for women in other countries. But if that same Islamic oppression happens in the West, then they should. I don't know about Europe but I don't think it is common in US as it doesn't make news here in the US in either liberal or conservative media. The one thing that American feminists need to do is stop supporting hijab, which is a symbol of oppression.
A lot of truth in what she says.
Western feminists drool over dominant masculine and patriarchal Muslim men. 😊
It is not 'Judeo-Christian' culture that promoted Women's progress. It is the rational thinking culture slowly progressed in Europe because of many historical reasons. Only a portion of Judeo-Christian culture contribute to today's Western culture.
All these comments about western feminists not caring… ok, what about about western women? Do they care? What about western men? I see men mentioning muslim oppressed women only to whine about western feminists doing nothing. If you care, why don't YOU do something, non-feminist men and women? You don't need the label of "feminist" to care and be active on the matter!
I am a Western woman and I idenify as a feminist too. I try to use the internet as an education platform to express feminist opinions that are seen by eastern men and women. I also donate money to "women on wives" organization which is a WESTERN ngo trying to support women in muslim and S. American countries. The feminists in the West have founded a few NGO, the feminists in the West donatr money to them, so what are YOU doing?
What are we supposed to do? Move there? That would need literally millions to move and it would have to be males too, you know.
I see so many men pretending to care about muslim women's oppression, but only under videos such as these. Now, that you whined about western feminism, go back to fb and upload a meme with a sandwich that supposedly is women's private areas, and comment under an article about a young woman having multiple partners with "her father must be proud". Then, maybe a muslim man can join you and you can laugh together.
If women in west are oppressed the same level,the other countries need the same state pressure the same way
Age gape is more interesting topic for feminism
"Women supporting islam are like chickens defending KFC".
They do but it’s not when it’s done by Muslim men usually. It’s usually about White men against Muslim women.
Still current in 2024
Western feminism is easy in the West. Too much effort and trouble elsewhere. So much for the sisterhood!
I have observed that the telling characteristic of a Leftist is that he/she hates his/her own society.For a Western feminist to criticize Islam would reflect well on the West, something that goes against a Leftist's grain.
Because they prefer to demonstrate against Israel
Ayaan is someone that speaks the truth! Why can't a Western European feminists say the same? Because in the West, for "liberals" minorities can't be criticized! In colleges and universities we minorities have been give card blanche. I am a liberal and a minority and see this Woke philosophy as devastating for ALL of US! Just as devastating to our societies as the far right!
They are accepting willingly slavery. Female slavery is part of their great religion
Where is the option? Woman will give big lecture that islam is the only religion with full freedom for women. 1400 years practice
Feminists also don't defend women in face of transgender
Umm but do you also fight for muslim women when you hate them so much because they are muslims 😏??
Beside christian men do the same to women !
Muslim Men who kill their wives /daughters ,who sinned, is out of customs and dogmas and that also happens in many non muslim countries like india because the main drive here is customs/dogmas not religion and also killing is haram in islam and god is forgiving (thats his name among many other names ) and he wants those who sinned to return to him again and stay away from the devil (sins) path not to get killed !!
Beating wife /daughters/women or any one in general is haram because hurting others in islam is haram those who who do that are blinded by customs and traditions and that also happen in christian communities and non islamic countries !!
God is merciful and compassionate but those who are prideful narcissists/sociopaths who follow their own desires (dogmas/customs/male pride/ toxic masculinity ) cant be a proper muslim who obey god and has mercy and compassion like him !!
Western feminists believe in women emancipation until it applies to cultures with "self determination rights"
Feminists are spoiled brat in relation to this woman